Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1385 Self-active

"who are you?"

Li is in the same way, looking at Li Feng.

Everyone in the field also went to Li Feng to Li Feng.

Li Feng shrugged: "You just need to know that I am in Chinese people."

Li is in a cold: "What do you mean, I don't match your name?"

"This is what you said, I didn't say." Li Feng couldn't help but laugh.

This brother has a sense of self-knowledge, even what he wants to say, it is a bit.

"It's arrogant!" Li Yu was taught by Li Feng, and at this time, the Hetian Tiger Tailang on the stage suddenly shocked: "How do I think he is a bit familiar?"

Li was in a glance, staring at Li Feng for a while, and then went to the face: "You said that I also think he is somewhat familiar."

"I also feel familiar ... ah, I think it is, he is Li Feng! The frenzy of Li Feng!"

"My God, it is really Li Feng, I didn't see it!"

"Qiaoyi's teammate Li Feng? My God, Li Feng came to the scene ?!"

Other guests have also recognized Li Feng, and the speech is constantly speaking.

"Li Feng?" Li was in a slight change in the face, and it was a little bit.

This is in the country, Li Feng is in power in the NBA, fans countless, he wants to teach Li Feng, the next day, his Taekwondo will have to close the door, maybe he has to provoke a lawsuit.

Nima is wronged!

On the side, Ma Yinghui's face is changed, this is the hand: "It turned out that Li Zhong, this Li Zhong, why didn't I report it, I didn't have person to go out, I was really a rider!"

Li Fengbei picks, tastes: "Li Zhong is the department of the door?"

Ma Yinghui's eyebrows pick: "Yes, Li Zhong is the department of the door, how, Mr. Li know?"

"I can't talk about it, it is not very good to my attitude." Li Feng said with a smile.

"Is there such a thing?" Ma Yinghui has a slight change, then alarmed the road: "This Li Zhong, I haven't much growing up for me so many years!"

"Mr. Li please rest assured, wait for the opening, I must let Li Zhongli apologize from Mr. Li!"

"I don't have to apologize, he is also an audible, wrong is not in him." Li Feng said deeply.

Ma Yinghui has changed again: "I don't quite understand Mr. Li ..."

"No, you understand anyone, because I am talking about you." Li Feng smiled, mocked: "But I am very curious, we have never seen it before, why do you want to give me Ma Wei?"

In this way, the scene was quietly silent.

Not ... Li Feng is not standing up to help Ma Yinghui, but how do you look like Ma Yinghui?

Ma Yinghui has set off the sky!

He is just a few words in the door, why is Li Zhong, is Li Zhong, is it?

After half of the half, Ma Yinghui deeply took a deep breath and smiled: "Mr. Li, what did you misunderstand?"

"It turns out that you are blamed for the first time to come to you." Li Fengbei picks up, then shook his head and laugh: "President, you are really enough, you are really small."

Ma Yinghui once again set off the sky!

He is because of this reason to Li Peak, but this is just his careful, no second person knows how Li Feng knows?

At the guest: "???"

Hetian Tiger Tailang: "???"

Lee and: "???"

No ... Just because Li Feng didn't come to visit, he would give it a mighty?

Lying in the trough, Ma Yinghui is better than hegemony!

"Haha, the president, are you not playing? Li Mr. Li is the world celebrity, your small president also with Li Mr. Li?"

Li is tuned and I can't help but ridicule.

"Hey, the LSJ Chinese Chamber of Commerce, this?" Hetian Tiger Tailang also ridiculed.

Ma Yinghui's old face is red and is shame.

The guests also feel that it is very shameful, which is the Chinese people. In order to give some face, it will give people MV, which is a bit not going.

What's more, the state of society, people Li Feng have much a lot higher than you Ma Yinghui. What do people want to pay attention to you?

How much is this person's face can do this!

At this time, Li Feng suddenly smiled: "Our internal contradictions of our people, you have two outsiders, what are you talking, have you talking?"

"Well?" And Tianhu Tailang stunned with Li Zhonghe.

Lying in the trough, is this Li Feng talking so much? Good cow, I am afraid!

"Do you think you are a celebrity, you can ignore it in front of us?"

Honda Taro laughed.

"It is definitely like this, Chinese people, always likes to be self-respect, even a few pounds of a few two are unclear." Li is in a clear smile, and the discourse is lightweight to Li Feng.

Li Feng also laughed: "I said that you are not particularly like to add to yourself. I have a few pounds. You are not qualified."

"Then you are preparing to have a trick with us?" Honda Taro is in the face, and asked coldly.

"Come with you, I still don't need to take myself." Li Feng laughed, took out the mobile phone: "Do you dare not let me call people?"

Hetian Tiger Tailang: "???"

Lee and: "???"

other people:"???"

No ... I have to swite people, this is not a joke?

"It can be, but the premise is that you have to find the Chinese people, this is the war between Huaxia Wushu and Dongyu, Gaotai Tub said."

Hetian Taro said with a clear laugh.

"Yes, if you use yourself in the rice people, find a master of the rice country, it is absolutely no."

Li is also ridiculed.

Li Feng shrugged: "Reassure, I am looking for my bodyguard, not what rice people."

"Your bodyguard?" Hetian Taro first stunned, then laughed: "Who are you getting this, your bodyguard will be with you?"

"This excuse is indeed a little feet." Li and nodes were attached.

At the scene, guests also felt very embarrassed, you said that you want to find some reason to find the past, hehe!

"Hey, I don't want to, but the door department is not allowed to enter." Li Feng sighed, and obey Ma Yinghui.

The guests are also complicated to Ma Yinghui, what is self-satisfactory? It's like Ma Yinghui!

Ma Yinghui: "???"

Not ... feelings this pot or ask him?

Is this special too much too much?

Ma Yinghui now can't wait to find a ripple on the ground!

Hetian Tiger Taro looked at Li and face, and then two people couldn't help but laugh: "Interesting, it is too interesting, line, you call your bodyguard, as long as they are all Chinese people, then you will Can let them get to fight! "


Li Feng nodded and picked up the mobile phone and dialed Wei Bin: "Hey, come here, there is active."

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