Save the Goddess System

Chapter 213, huh, shut your fart!

One hour later, Lamborghini-Aventador entered the underground parking lot of a shopping mall in the city.

Li Feng, is certainly not bringing Song Yujun shopping mall, just because there is no place to stop nearby ....

Out of the mall, the two wandered for a while in the nearby pedestrian street, bought some of the specialty snack pads of Jiangbei, and Li Feng took the remember of the previous memory, and then Song Yujun came to the door of a restaurant.

The taste is a very well-known restaurant in Jiangbei. The main Zhejiang cuisine, the West Lake vinegar fish is more than one, and people who have eaten are all praise, so they will attract some customers who come.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, it is the peak time period of the guests. Li Feng did not make an appointment. You can only sit in the side with Song Yujun.

It is so hard to provide seats, snacks, don't have to wait for the taste.

"How have you been here?"

There is no such thing as the color on the face of Song Yujun, only curious.

Since I entered the taste, Li Feng became surprising, when I sat down, I was looking at the window. This is too abnormal!

"Well, my mother took me twice."

Li Feng faces the color of the recall.

Because of the little mother, Li Feng is very good to her mother. When I was young, he was the happiest thing to travel with my mother, and I greened.

He came to Jiangbei with his mother, and five years ago, when he was examined university, it was also a taste.

So after stepping into it, the scene of the time can't help but appear in Li Feng's brain ...

I think, I want to think, he wants time to go back, go back to my mother!

"Call, no matter how much I have to settle enough 10 million system points, no matter how!"

Li Feng collected thoughts and swear.

Song Yujun hit Li Feng's hand, soft and comforted: "Xiaofeng, no matter what, I will stay with you, don't leave."

Li Feng's heart is warm, and the softness of Song Yujun is also holding Song Yujun.

Love is more beautiful!

At the same time, many male customers around you have revealed the look of envious hate!

Like Song Yujun, the beauty of this level, I want to not compete, it is impossible, so in the moment she walks into the restaurant, it became a focus of a man.

Just let them very uncomfortable ... How do you have a boyfriend? Memory beast!

At this moment, a young man wearing a tidal brand was tall, and the Austrian congregation, and the glamorous woman walked into the restaurant.

After this man, there are still a few Mazi followed.

"Zheng Shao, welcome."

The lobby manager welcomed it, respectfully.

Zheng Shaoang took a nod: "Is there a packing room?"

Zheng Shaogang, Jiangbei Second Line Gongzi, home is a dry building materials business, with a asset of billion.

"I have packed up, Zheng Shao can go in to dine at any time."

The Lobby Manager nodded.

Zheng Shaoang faintly, he went to the second floor VIP package dining.

However, at this time, his eye angle was swept away from the Song Yujun, which was waiting, and suddenly he faced a stunning color.


After a long time, Zheng Shaogang sent a sigh, and the eyes were more beautiful.

"Zheng Shao, you said that people are angry."

In his arms, the glamorous woman said.

"You are angry with a fart, it is not to be held in bed in bed!"

Zheng Shaoang took a slap in her ass, laughing.

This woman is the net red, who just bubble, is called Xu Juan. She has been smashed several times later last night.

"Oh, Zheng Shao You are so bad, so many people look at it."

Xu Juan saw his own delicate, immediately gave up the intend to prevent Zheng Shaoang's new prey.

She is only money, as long as Zheng Shaoang gives the money enough, she can open the legs!

The opposite lobby manager secretly directed the thumbs up to Zheng Shaogang, and the heart was not sigh. "You can really want to be".

"That is ... Li Feng?"

At this moment, a horse behind Zheng Shaojun couldn't help but exclaimed.

Zheng Shao Gang's brow wrinkled, and asked back: "Who is Li Feng?"

"The man is the most beautiful woman." Yu Shun is confused: "No, he is my previous colleague, it is a poor hanging wire, how can you soak this best woman?"

"Well?" Zheng Shaogang's faces: "What do you say, he is your previous colleague?"

"Yes, it is my colleague when I work in a small advertising company, I should not recognize the wrong person ..." The doubts on the face is more concentrated.

He was originally a company with Li Feng, and later resigned back to Jiangbei since the personal reason, and entered Zheng Jia's building materials company to sell.

Later, because of the performance of the performance, I met Zheng Shaogang at the company's party, relying on my deep slaughter, in the middle of the way, became Zheng Shaogang's heart.

"Yes I don't know if I say it?"

Zheng Shaogang faced excitement.

At first, he worried that Li Feng is a family of his family, so I dare to rush to find Song Yujun, now I know that Li Feng may just be a job, my heart suddenly became hot!

"Okay, I will go!"

It will not see the intention of Zheng Shaogang, knowing this is a chance to further please Zheng Shaogang, and step down to Li Feng to Li Feng.

"You are ... Li Feng?"

Before going to Li Peak, pretend to find Li Feng as like, excited.

"Well?" Li Feng is looking at the Song Yujun, and it is a bit unpleasant after being interrupted.

When he saw it clear that the person who said clearly, his face suddenly became weird: "Yu Shun? How can you here?"

When I went to work, I was very close to Zhang Yuan, and the two did not count Li Feng together, so Li Feng is not good for the impression of the way.

"It's really you, Li Feng, I thought I got the wrong person."

It's time to succumb, he is really afraid that he will recognize the wrong person. If he is not to lose face in front of Zheng Shaogang?

Then, in the pleasant look of hot, Song Yujun said: "Li Feng, you can mix now, I have found such a beautiful girlfriend."

"Oh." Li Feng smiled and then cooled and spit out four words: "Guan you fart."

Yu Shun: "???"

No ... When we go to work, although the feelings are not good, you can also have a colleague. Do you use this to say me?

Just on the time, Zheng Shaoang took people.

"What are the buddies, waiting for the seat? Since you are the top colleague, that is, I Zheng Shaogang's friend."

"I have a good time, I have dollared this night."

Although Zheng Shaogang said to Li Feng, but the eye angle is not stopped to play Song Yujun.

This charm of the face, this enchanting figure, the best, is really the best!

Since Li Feng is just a poor hanging wire, then this woman is going to be set!

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