Save the Goddess System

Chapter 215, please Li Luo Forgive!

"Lying in the trough, the big thing is rough, Zheng Shao called the phone."

"Chen Lao Da, shouldn't it be one of the four major kingmines under Wu Laochang?"

"Yes, Chen Jinsheng, Zheng Shaohe Chen Jinsheng's relationship is very good, encountering things are Chen Jinsheng helps."

"I can't find Chen Jinsheng? There is a good show!"

The so-called reading is not too big, some local customers have a good play to stage, and suddenly whisper.

Li Fengbei picks, the face is weird.

If he didn't guess the wrong, Chen Jinsheng, who said, was already killed, so the talented person just mentioned said Chen Jinsheng is not ...

"It seems that there is a good show."

Song Yujun went to Li Peak and said with ear.

"That is waiting for a good show?"

Li Fengbei picks up, like laughing.

"Listen to you."

Song Yujun discovered that since Li Feng took the body, she became more and more relied, and even a her mind was not ...

Women's IQ is still a certain reason for this sentence ...

Zheng Shaogang: "???"

No ... Why is he called someone, Li Feng is still a face with Song Yujun, is a face that he called people call people?

"Beauty, do you love your boyfriend very much?"

Zheng Shao just pressed the heart and angry, ready to change the idea of ​​picking a girl.

It can be seen that Song Yujun is very good with Li Feng. Since I can't let Li Feng leave Song Yujun, I use Li Feng's safety threaten to leave him!

"Hey, at least your eyes are not very blind."

After Song Yujun said, he smoothed himself, and suddenly lick his mouth.

Her laugh is not tight, I will make other customers in the restaurant straight in their eyes.

Heaven, why is it clear that it has entered the autumn, but the restaurant is like spring blossoms? !

Zheng Shaogang also revealed the soul and a grant expression, and I can't wait to enter Song Yujun into the arms.

"Since you love him very much, you shouldn't see that he is walking on the road."

I know that Song Yujun is ridicuing himself. Zheng Shaogang said that it is not angry, but it is in the heart of the pain.

There is such a sentence very well, "Ten sentences, a hundred words, good night, thousands of sentences, ten sentences, only for one day, can be in bed, hear your Shen Yi."

Some men usually make a low posture, just for that.

So don't look down on the dog, the woman he passed, maybe more ice cream!


Song Yujun felt more and more interesting in the development of things, and couldn't help but want to play Zheng Shaogang.

"As long as you promise to be my woman, I can let Li Feng."

"If you are really reluctant to leave him, I don't mind, just need you to have a certain degree of sacrifice."

Zheng Shao just said with a kind of "you know", the expression can't be said.

"Beauty, follow Zheng Shao to eat the fragrance, live the luxury goods, you can also buy luxury goods, such a life, how many women want, don't you want?"

"Your boyfriend is a workman, it is impossible to give you a good future, or have a happy speech with Zheng Shaoji."

The speech is Zheng Shaogang's two Mazi, and their slamming helpless is not as good as it, so I didn't insert my mouth.

Now I am flying, and I have arrived at the time of his exhibition!

Li Feng secretly smiled, Song Yujun played a man's skill, but she would not go to today.

These people think that they are abducting ignorant girls, but I don't know if they are playing with Song Yujun!

The two horse words made Zheng Shaogang very much.

This kind of saying that he said that the effect is not big, only others say it can play a temptation!

"But I can kill luxury homes now, and Li Feng looks too much better than your boss, I look at your boss, I can't eat."

"Don't ... you go to H. National allmear, come back to pursue me?"

Song Yujun said with a smile.

I Nima ...

Zheng Shao just thinks that a old blood is blocked!

Although he can't talk about handsome, he is absolutely not ugly, and it will not be ugly to make people eat this level.

So this woman is deliberately humiliating him?

It must be this!

"Toasting, don't eat a fine wine is it? Good, wait for me to see how you die!"

Zheng Shaogang burned in anger, since soft, then it is hard, he doesn't believe this woman can escape his hand!

Zheng Shaogang's voice has just landed, there is a group of hands holding a stick to rush into the smell.

"Who dares to rude to Zheng Shao, give me out!"

The leader of the leader marched, and it shouted with a high-spirited.

His is Qi Li, just by Li Feng to promote one of the four major kingdoms, it is a gauge.

It used to be Chen Jinsheng led him to go outside to give some rich second generation. Today is the first thing today. Naturally, you have to play!

Qi Li arrived, the store first is a quiet, then whispering.

"Hey, there will be a limit to it, now it is stupid B."

"This person, there is a clear understanding of your strength, otherwise I don't know how to die."

Some customers shook their heads and sighed, as if I saw Li Feng's head breaking the blood flow.

"Haha, it is him!" Zheng Shaoang seems to have been touched G point, pointing to Li Feng mad smiling: "My people are here, afraid? I am afraid that I will apologize, let your girlfriend will accompany me, I can Consider letting you! "

At this time, I stopped rolling, climbed up from the ground: "Hey, Li Feng, you are arrogant, you will be able to see the Laozi, you still dare to follow Zheng Shao, real ..."


Li Feng is also a slap in his face!

After the 360 ​​° rotation, it is forced!

No ... Zheng Shao called the aid soldiers arrived, how did Li Feng dare to play him? !

I know that there will be this consequence, I'm so how much I am going to die on the ground!

"Hey, Li Feng, you are too arrogant!"

Zheng Shaoang was out of angry, let him angry, and Qi Li and others have not moved in place with silly.

"You don't stand in that, hurry up and abolish him!"

Zheng Shaoang quickly rushed to Qi Li, his eyes were red.

"You said ... Let me waste Lee?"

When you talk, your lips are shaking, not excited, is scared!

The person Nima Zheng Yang just wanted to pack it actually to just destroy Wu Lao Da with the four major king's comet Li Feng?

I am Zheng Shaogang's ancestor 18th generation!

"What Li Shao, he is a wager, you quickly went to me, money is good!"

Zheng Shaoang didn't look at it, and he didn't think it was disdain.


Qi Li directly pumped on the face of Zheng Shaogang!

Zheng Shaoang is instantly!

Just this, I haven't finished it, I'm going to take my hand to Li Peak, and I shouted: "Boss, I don't know if this silly b is to deal with people, please borrow for forgiveness!"

Qili's younger brother also samples, Ji Li Feng shouted: "Please forgive the boss!"

The audience is shocked!

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