Save the Goddess System

Chapter 239 Take Money

"Ice Qing, Grandpa is tired, I want to return to the house, you will go to the police station for me, I will pick it home."

After transferring the shares to Wei Shuangqing, Wei Fu's face revealed that it was a teenager.

The pain of the white-haired man is difficult to experience, let alone Wei Fu is lost two children in two children?

This kind of psychological blow is almost killed!

"Well, I sent my grandfather."

Wei Shiqing did not dare to cry, she was afraid that she was crying, Wei Fu will be more uncomfortable.

"No, I will go up."

Wei Fu stood up and stood up and took a footsteps to step on the stairs. I used it for two or three minutes to return to the bedroom.

"Li Feng, I am so uncomfortable."

Seeing the moment on the bedroom door, Wei Yishi finally couldn't help but feel the heart, and the Li Fenghuai cried.

She has no many affection between Wei Changye and others, and she can hear their experience. Wei Yishi is still very sad.

"You still have me, as long as I am around you, I will lead you desperately."

Li Feng taps Wei Yingqing back, soft comfort, and in his heart: "Sorry for ice, it is my selfishness to let you lose so many relatives ..."

Although the heart is embarrassed, Li Feng does not regret it.

Wei Changye and others are named Wei Yingqing's loved ones. In fact, we have always taken Wei Bingqing as an enemy.

Wei Yingqing can't deal with them, you must be a bad person by his outsiders!

Waiting for Wei Yingqing's crying, this asked: "What did Grandpa said with you?"

"Your grandfather doubts that I am deliberately seeing." Li Feng smiled, honestly with the identity of his Dragon Soul, and repeated him with Wei Fu.

After listening to Li Feng's story, Wei Bingqing didn't speak for a long time.

In fact, she also has the same suspicion, but she dare not want to think, and I don't want to think.

After savvy for so many years, let her make a silly woman ...

The news of Wei Changye and others collectively violently like a wind, swept the entire pearls.

Contact the operation of Wei and Feng two marriage, everyone thought that Wei Jia was anechey.

For a time, many people coveted in the future group of the big fat.

However, in the evening, there is another news. It turned out to be Feng Rui years, Feng Jun hired the murder of Wei Changye and others, Wei Fu's reasoning promised their premises, but also caused by them.

What is even more can't be, Feng Rui years with Feng Jun resists law enforcement, killing on the spot!

This news is naturally Jiang Yunzhu, and Wei Jiazi will die at the same time, and it will definitely cause panic in society. If you don't give a response in time, there will be a variety of rumors.

Only by giving a reasonable explanation can we smash the rumors, so that the death of Feng Rui, Sun, is used by waste ...

This news is like a 100,000-ton equivalent bomb, causing a huge sensation in the top of the pearl!

Within one day, the biggest two giants of Pearl have nine people!

Different, Wei Jia only left Wei Fu with Wei Yingqing, and they have a high year, a weak woman, and it is possible to swallow at any time.

And Feng Jia is different, Feng Jun's parents often travel abroad because they are unintentional business, escaping this disaster.

When they returned to the pearl, Feng family did not have a problem even if they were inadequate.

For a time, many rich will hit the future group. Now it is Wei Jia's wind and rain, and you can tear a large piece of fat!

Wei Jia Old House, Wei Bingqing took back the body of Wei Changye and others, and contacted the professional funeral company.

In order to share the pressure on the Skilo Qing, Li Feng is guilty of the six people in the Thirteen Taibao to help.

I have been busy at 8 o'clock in the evening, and Wei Yishi finally can't support it, and I will take a break in Li Feng.

"Obviously tell the flowers, the fragrance, the room, sent the room number, half a day, how did you send me a message, is it difficult to invalid?"

I have not received the information of the flowers in the flowers, and Li Feng did not help but happen.

"You are helping, I have anything to do with anything to do it, I can't have your benefit afterwards!"

After Li Feng, Li Feng had left the Weijia Old House, and went to the Four Seasons Hotel.

At this moment, the four seasons are outside the dress of the dress, and the fragrance is pitifully sitting in the distance.

During the flowers, the fragrance always feels a lot of memories, in addition to knowing their name, with Li Feng's relationship, other memories are very blurred.

Just like a strong wall, it is averaged that it is a memory that belongs to her memory.

Just like now, in accordance with Li Feng's requirements, she opened a house in the four seasons, but she found himself without a text, there is no document, and there is no mobile phone. How is this opening?

What makes the flowers in the flowers, I can't even think of these things without these things!

So she was sitting at the hotel, trying to recall, now in the past half of the day, she is still nothing ...

Beauty can always cause the attention of the passers-by, let alone the room to draw in this very beautiful woman.

After she came to the hotel door, the crowded people have always existed, the more you get more.

"The girl sits for a long time, who is she waiting?"

"I also use it, it is definitely waiting for my boyfriend, I don't know where her boyfriend is sacred."

"This is also said? Can you soaked to a woman who is so best, or if you have money or the right, let's take a look."

Huaxia's public security is really good, even if the flowers in the flowers are in the area, one person is sitting in the hotel, the door is not encountered.

Coupled with the surrounding eating melon people, the boyfriends who think that the flowers in the flowers are hanging, and no one wants to go to the front of the rest.

At this moment, Feng Jun's good brothers Huang Bin came from the distance. After him, the two black bodyguards were tight.

"Hey? This girl is enough, especially this is very taste."

Huang Bin saw the fragrance of the flowers in the flowers, and suddenly the eyes were light.

He wrapped a suitset in the four seasons, and the hostess is replaced in this suite.

Tonight, he came here, just in order to follow the new privacy, he suddenly changed his mind after seeing the flowers of the flowers.

"Beauty, do yourself?"

Huang Bin took the bodyguard to the flowers, and slammed.

During the flower, the fragrance looked up at him, then he went down, there is no meaning to take care of him.

"Hey, there is a personality, I like it!" Huang Bin smiled, then said: "My name is Huang Bin, it is a very rich rich second generation, rich to you, you dareken."

"If you are willing to tell me your name, I will give you a million, how?"

Huang Bin picks up the girl straight, it is to take money, one million will not be two million, will always take the woman to the bed.

During the flowers, there was no lifting this time, just cold and cold spit out: "Roll!"

In this way, not only Huang Bin is embarrassed, but the people who eat in the distance are also stunned!

I am going, this girl is very hot, this is a good show!

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