Save the Goddess System

Chapter 252, abnormal demon

"Take it."

Xiao Ling is extended from the jade hand and scattered the horror horror.

Lost the impact of this breath, Xu Man only felt that his body was light, he wanted to fall down.

Li Feng's eyes are fast, and the waist is hugged with her waist, then turned 360 ° in place, put her on the ground.

When the turn circle, the two came from four eyes, and they were deeply looked. If they were equipped with "a shelter" BGM, Yuan Hua and Qiu Ya!

"Hey!" Xiao Ling is very uncomfortable and snorted, interrupted the sweet opposition of the two.

Xu Man quickly returned, step, shy and bowed, did not dare to see Xiao Lingqi and Gao Jie.

Li Feng touched his nose and pulled out three bottles of children's Yan Yan from the arms: "This is three bottles of children's Yan, then you can write down my contact information, the monthly transaction is directly looking for me."

When Li Feng, Li Feng reported the mobile phone number again.

"Do you just say if there is only a bottle?" Xiao Lingyu is picking up, and the tone is cold.

"Lifting you." Li Feng shrugged, then said: "If I give you a bottle first, wait back to the pearl, give you the rest of the two bottles?"

Xiao Ling is full of fire, if it is not to reach a transaction with Li Feng, he will destroy Li Feng!

When Xiao Lingqi took three bottles of childhood water, Zhiling's sister's charming voice sounded.

"Hey, congratulate the host, the task is completed, the task reward is issued."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 300 experience value, 3000 system points."

Host: Li Feng

Level: A +

Experience: 62008000

System Points: 133000

Conquer point: 79

Skills: "Zhenwu", "no picture", " ", "rushing" ......

Waiting for the task: Eight-party wind and rain for me, destroy trial

"Ma, you have to 1800 points of experience to upgrade!"

Li Feng is anxious, the key he doesn't know how big the gap between himself and Xiao Ling, and the time limit for the eight squares for this task is a year!

If he still dried Xiao Ling, it will fail!

"Gao Sister, you give a phone call, let him announce the contract with Xu Man, and collect all fixed assets of Xu Man. From now on, Xu Man is free to fight with the wind and rain building."

Xiao Lingzhi closed Tong Yan and said.

The peak is the boss of Xu Man's brokerage company and a member of the wind and rain.

Since Xu Man is separated from the wind and rain building, the wind and rain will naturally not give Xuman to provide performance arts resources, but also to recover most of the assets of Xu Man.

It is not only unbearable, but there is a relaxation after the release.

Although I lost the performance of the performance and most of the assets, she got a more important freedom!

From now on, she can love, get married, born, thinking about it, thinking beautiful as normal people!

"It doesn't matter, how much it is to pick up the wind and rain, I will give you how much."

Li Feng held Xu Manyu hand, soft and comforted.

He is now 6.1 billion in cards, plus Osweil's income, has already been more than 10 billion yards, which can be called the wealth of wealth.

"Don't, I will fight for yourself."

Xu Man was fastened to refused, and it was already an accident with Li Pekuo. How can she want Li Feng again?

"No, because you lose these things, I have to give you."

Li Feng said with the tone of can't reject.

"That is not good, I ..."

Xu Man just said, Xiao Lingzhi snorted coldly.

Rely, she is still here, the two began to be unscrupulous, deliberately?

Xu Man's face was red, and he closed his mouth.

Li Feng did not care about Xiao Ling, "What Oh, I am a couple with Xu Man, saying, I can't help you, is it?"

"What do you say, there is a kind of saying?" Xiao Lingyu is inverting, and his heart is hot.

"I said you marry us." Li Feng smiled: "You are so big, it should be no boyfriend, the fire is too powerful."

"There is this effort to kill, it is better to spend some time to find a boyfriend, when you spend the first month, you will see you will not get fire."


The breath of Xiao Ling is once again exploding, and Li Feng is going to work.

Xu Man exclaimed, once again experienced a floating stimulus.

Li Feng quickly pulled her, turned to say: "Hey, we have just reached a transaction, do you want to eat, fat?"

Just now Li Feng used Xiao Ling to use the mind, I learned that she wants to be a child's pain to pay hard.

How much is your favor to buy a bottle of yourself or lover? However, Osweil sells only a bottle every week, and it is online auction on

People who participate in the auction must be real-name certified, some power, expensive, personal privacy, do not want to participate in the auction.

If Xiao Lingqi can get a bottle of childhood water every month, what return will be given?

Plus him is a member of the dragon soul, double-layer insurance, Xiao Lingqi will definitely not kill him.

"That is not you can ridicule my reason!" Xiao Lingzhi wishes, and the momentum is rising.

"It's good, I don't tease you in the future, but don't don't interfere with me with Xu Man, how?" Li Feng saw it, make a concession.


Xiao Lingzhen snorted, and finally took the momentum on his body.

She is to use Tong Yan to go to the right, so she can not only kill Li Feng, but also to ensure that Li Feng lives to give her a sufficient Tong Yan.

Of course, Xiao Ling will not say that she has to make a scene that may repent, only this can play Li Feng into the applause.

Xiao Ling, I don't know, just Li Feng used her experience to read the heart, put her thoughts ...

"Since you have a picture for me, then I can relieve the wave ..."

Li Feng said, secretly.

When Gao Jie came back, Li Feng has to send two people, who knows Xiao Ling, said: "I heard that there are a lot of food in the mountain city. In order to celebrate our trading, I also have to be free, you are, you have to ask us Don meal said it? "

Li Feng: "???"

No ... this chick didn't sick, Xiaoye Pak n't allow you to hurry, I still want the little master to ask you to eat?

And the mountain city is two or three hundred kilometers away, and the rice is running so far, there is a disease!

It has an abnormal demon, Xiao Ling is the owner of the wind, the landlord, and the acting action must have self-satisfied. When Li Feng is used to read the heart on Xiao Ling.

After half of it, Li Feng smiled: "Okay, let us start."

Xu Man listened to a foggy, and Musica also had a lot of food. Even if you want to celebrate to celebrate, don't you need to go to the mountain city?

Although the doubt, Xu Man did not ask, and the well-behaved followed the BMW X6 after Li Peak.

On the other hand, Xiao Ling is sitting with Gao Jie a Porsche Parina.

"Sen, the news is going out?" Xiao Ling was sitting in the back of the boss and asked.

"Reassure, Miss Yesterday, we will pass the news to He Jia. He Mingwei knows that Xu Man is going there to eat, will definitely arrive in time." Gao Jie sinks, then launch the car out.

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