Save the Goddess System

Chapter 269 arrived in Jiangnan

Future Group Building, President Office.

Wei Shuiqing stood in front of the landing window, looking forward to the far, thoughts floating, flying to the night with Li Feng sleeping together.

I thought about the scene with Li Feng's ear, Wei Yishi couldn't help but blush.

"This guy, I haven't a phone call for so long, should he be unexpected?"

"Ah, the child's words, the big wind blows, Li Feng will not accidentally, he will be returned safely."

Just when Wei Shuangqing suffered from being lost, a knock on the door suddenly sounded.

The cold and president quickly converges his thoughts, turned back to the old board chair, and then said: "Enter."

"" sounds, the door opened, Li Feng occupies all the sights of the premium president.

"Li Feng ..." Wei Yige's beautiful lights, the surprise is to rush to Li Peak.

As at this time, a head is revealed from Li Peak: "She is Wei Siqing, and it is a big beauty, it is no wonder that Mr. will be so memorable."

On the way, Li Feng took the flowers in the flowers, you can call him the master under private, and others will call him Mr. Li, but also keep a certain distance.

However, the flowers of the flowers are used to the masters, and they have never responded, and they almost vulnerable.

"Li Feng, who is she?"

Wei Bingqing stopped and asked.

"Well ... My colleague, when I am not there, I will protect your security."

Li Feng went to Wei Shiqing, holding the hands of the Granzi President.

On the road, he used the flower to draw a fragrance, and a member of the dragon soul, Li Xiang, and responsible for protecting Wei Bingqing.

Li Feng also knows that there are many vulnerabilities in this identity, but the trust of Wei Yingqing should not be investigated, and then his starting point is to protect Wei Yingqing, even if it comes to reveal it.


Wei Yige could not help but be a sisteted, and this was finely lined up in the flower.

"It's good, it's a slight way, it's ordinary."

After seeing the face of the fragrance of the Qinghua, Wei Yingqing is more calm.

She is really afraid that Li Feng will bring back to the door, I am just a colleague, I am in the long phase of this woman ...

If people know that Wei Yingqing's idea, it will definitely ridicule.

Please, you have the first beauty title of the first beauty of Pearl, or do you have not confident?

"Hello, my name is Li Wei, Mr. Li's colleague, I am very glad to meet you."

Flowers in the flower, the incense is moving with Wei Yingqing.

"Hello, I am Wei Yishi."

After the two met, they had a cold, and Li Feng gave the flowers to the hotel to go back to the hotel, giving him a single space with Wei Shiqing.

In the flower, the fragrance has taken the door, and Li Feng hugs Wei Yingqing in his arms: "Ice, I miss you, do you miss me?"

"Sliced, who will miss you this flower." Wei Bingqing said that he didn't want to, but the body was very honest to tighten Li Feng.

Li Feng: "..."

So is women who are in this mouth?

In the evening, Li Feng accompanied Wei Yingqing after dinner outside, I returned to Xinghui Community 6 villa.

Like the previous night, Li Feng took a half-push of Wei Shuangqing after taking a shower and drilled into the cold-president's nest.

"Cough, now the opportunity is mature, what should I do?"

Two hands of Li Feng did not hit the crowds of the cold, and the bad laughed.

Wei Shiqing pushed Li Feng's salty pig hand, but it was soft and weak, and he could only close the red lips.

"Don't talk, it is the default."

Li Feng's heart is hot, reach this, then ...

"No ... this is ... aunt towel?"

Li Feng is a face!

As an old driver, you don't have to look at it, you can judge what you touched by Li Feng.

"Well, this morning."

Wei Yingqing is full of red, and she can't wait to cover the pretty face.

God, Li Feng this bad egg speed is too fast, and she has not waited for her to respond, and they arrived in the battlefield, ashamed!

"No ..."

Li Feng wants to cry without tears, he thought that the Grancing President will be taken tonight, but the result is a single child.


"Well, that's it, so you can't do bad things."

Wei Yingqing pushed Li Feng's salty pig hand, and said.

"If you are a little bit of me? If you want to dry, you can't just have the way ..."

Li Feng smiled, he would turn over the horse.

Wei Bingqing hopped, suddenly there is a bad premonition: "You ... what do you want?"

"You didn't hear the breasts ... What?" Li Feng blinked, the face was more concentrated.

"Chest ... What?"

Just when Wei Shuangqing was angry, Li Feng already had a move.

Suddenly, Wei Bingqing Xia Fei double ...

Five days later, Li Feng was talking to Meuman in the Villa No. 1, Jiangnan, and suddenly received the phone of Jiang Yunzhu.

"Hey, you have to accompany me to go to Jiangnan? ... Ok, I want to be willing tomorrow, where are we met ... OK, I don't see it."

After hanging up the phone, Li Feng fell into a contemplation.

Jiang Yunzhu actually went to Jiangnan with him, this is her idea, or is it?

"It should be Mo as you, it seems that the fight against the dragon soul is very fierce ..."

Li Feng touched the chin pensive.

"How, have a mission?"

Xu Mang, Li Feng, hanging up, and couldn't help but hugged him from behind.

"Well, I need to go out for a few days."

Li Feng turned into Xuandan into his arms and said softly.

"Is the task danger?"

Xu Man worriedly asked.

"Not dangerous, a small thing."

Li Feng looked to the cold light and said softly.

"That's good ..." Xu Mancong said, then said that the eyes were blurred: "Before I go, I want to give you a few times ..."

Li Feng touched the waist, feel the power of the waist, and the luxury is angry: "This is what you said, I will not ask for mercy."

"Don't ask for money, this time I want it to ..."

After that, Xu Man put Li Feng on the sofa, slowly faded the whole body clothing ...

Early the next morning, a red Ferrari F12 stopped from the front of the four seasons, very fast, wearing a professional dress, Jiang Yun bamboo in black stockings, back to the backpack, followed by the left and right.

Li Feng pressed the trumpet and dropped the window: "What is it here."

Jiang Yunzhu first stunned first, and then hurried over and said: "Hey, change the car?"

"That's not." Li Feng smiled and smiled, and then launched the car on the high speed after Jiang Yun bamboo.

Four hours later, when Ferrari F12 was as fast as the Jiangnan toll station, three superranges shot from the right side, whistling.

Ferrarrafa, Bugatiweiron, Koniis Agera, is a 3,40 million superrange!

Li Feng did not take serious events, but then the three superuns slowed down, just like waiting for him to catch up.

When Li Feng chased these three superranges, the three superrange suddenly accelerated him, and there was no shadow of a smoky.

Li Feng originally thought this, but when he drove out of the Jiangnan toll station, he found that the three matters stopped in front.

"It seems that I have trouble ..."

When the three matters surrounded the F12 of Li Feng, he knew the trouble.

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