Save the Goddess System

Chapter 271 is gambled with him! (Fourth more)

The car outside the car, Wang Xiao suddenly felt a bit cold, I couldn't help but shrink the neck.

But immediately, this action is a bit lost. When you look at your chest, you will be able to make a side of Yuxin.

I don't know if he is in the eyes of Jiang Yun bamboo.

Li Feng has gone to him, he is still deliberately looking up, this is to send his head to Li Feng's knife!

"Li Feng, don't impulsive."

Jiang Yun bamboo patted Li Feng's shoulder and shook his head.

Li Feng turned his head and looked at Jiang Yunzhu. This eye let Jiang Yun bamboo heart beaten, and the sweat is inserted!

What kind of eyes are this, cold, ruthless, as if the eyes of the death of the nine peace!


Just when Jiang Yun bamboo was scared to jump out of the car, the blood color in Li Feng's eyes rested as a tide.


Jiang Yunzhu spit out a turbidity, and then discovered that his back has already been a cold sweat. He is afraid of thinking: "Qinglong makes the adults let me follow, there is okay ..."

Mo asked the day, I was afraid that Li Feng saw the king of the Wang family and couldn't help but kill the ring. This allowed Jiang Yun bamboo to follow.

Jiang Yunzhu has a reason to believe that if she is not a promulgation, Wang Xiao must be their own!

"You are wrong, I am not his girlfriend."

After afraid, Jiang Yunzhu said to Wang Xiao.

Wang Xiao three people are stunned!

Not Li Feng girlfriend, Jiang Yunzhu should I ?? This woman is interesting!

"Since you are not his girlfriend, it will make it better, come to the beautiful woman, take my car, I will take you to find a place."

Wang Xiao smiled, he likes a woman who is attached to the situation, there is no pressure to play!

This social rhythm is so fast, so there are so many things, he didn't care about the feelings!

"Wang Shao, what should I do?"

Wang Xiao's female companion said.

"Of course, you are sitting on his car, hey, accompanying this buddy for me, after the incident, you can't have your benefit."

Wang Xiao took the girl's ass, three words gave her to Li Feng.

In their circles, there is a routine operation, not uncomfortable, and even more evil XA salons have participated.

If you have money, you don't play some stimulation, you can sorry such a good time!

Although Wang Xiao's female companion is not happy, it does not dare to violate the will of Wang Xiao.

Li Feng browned slightly wrinkled Jiang Yunzhu, it is difficult to see Wang Xiao?

"Wait a minute, although I am not his girlfriend, I don't think about you."

Jiang Yunzhu is soaked.

Wang Xiao stunned: "What do you mean?"

"It means," Mr. Li has not conquered me such a good man, what is the rich second generation of you? "

"I didn't have a lot of time, you better quickly disappeared from my eyes, or the fruit is at your own risk!"

Jiang Yun bamboo is also a big girl, the core member of the Dragon Soul, a rich second generation of Jiangnan Wang family, is not placed in the eyes!

Li Feng smiled, Jiang Yunzhu is worthy of Jiang Mengyao, this violent girl, this temper is inherited!

But then say it back ... Xiaoye is quite good in Jiang Yunzhu's heart, and it has gave the young master "such an excellent" evaluation.

Wang Xiao is angry directly!

Hey, this little girl dares to say that he is a place? The code, X itching is owed!

"Wang Shao, this can't bear it!"

"Yes, Wang Shao, this girl deliberately humiliate you, you must have to do her!"

Lu Chao, Cheng Filong is also angry, they have three ages of imitation, and they are relatives, which can be said to be a loss.

Jiang Yun bamboo is in humiliating Wang Xiao, which is also equivalent to shame!

"Beauty, let's meet the first time, why do you say that I am?"

"To tell you, I am gone, but I have real materials, I don't say anything else, I said that this surname is definitely not my opponent."

Wang Xianiang is proud of it.

There is a saying, not afraid of the poor, I am afraid that the rich is hobby, and the rich people are very terrible.

Just like Wang Xiao, he has two great hobbies, one is to pick up, two is the car.

If you have no money, you can't play, but the car can't play, don't say that you need to change the value of thousands of rider equipment for regular replacement, and don't mention training fees, venue fees, say car damage fees, for ordinary people It is not to bear the weight.

Wang Xiao has more than a dozen cars from Xiaoyao, and the car technology is also very strong. It can be called a semi-professional racer.

"Don't say so full, levy the wind and shocking the tongue." Li Feng shook his head smiled and tao.

"Hey, don't believe it? Then do you dare to compare with me? We don't have to go to the professional track, but you will arrive at the Jiangnan Hotel, how?"

Wang Xiaoyu, this bastard dare to smash his racing technology? court death!

"Comparison, who is afraid? But it is a bit colorful than the fight, otherwise I can accompany you without there."

Li Feng said, it is like laughing.

"Want to have a color head? Yes." Wang Xiao was a little sneak, then his eyes said: "If you win, I will lose this Bugati Wanlong to you. If you lose, this woman is mine, how is it?"

"Is your ear? She is not my girlfriend. Even if she is my girlfriend, I can't take her as a color."

Li Feng browned micro-wrinkles, just pressed the killing of the way and had signs of boiling.

"Promised him."

At this time, Jiang Yunzhu said.

Li Feng: "???"

No ... What does Jiang Yun bamboo mean, but really agreed to take himself as a colorful head, is her brain into the water?

"I believe you."

Jiang Yunzhu directly see Li Feng's eyes, and the eyes said.

Li Feng has some speechless: "I don't think about it, I didn't practice the car."

"Then I also believe in you, you can't even win a child."

Jiang Yunzhu is really confidence in Li Feng.

Li Feng's eyes flashed, see Jiang Yunzhu, nodded after it is like a joke: "Well, you will trust you so much, this game, I will definitely win."

I don't want to win, but I will win, it is so confident!

"Haha, let's say it, you can't regret, the consequences of repentance will be very serious."

Wang Xiao's heart is ecstatic, this game will win, this woman will have to be played with his kua!

"Wait, you have to change it, if I won, the super run of your three people will lose to me, because Miss Jiang's value is more than your three superun, countless Multiplier. "

Li Feng's words like a bomb, in the ear of Jiang Yun bamboo.

"It turns out that I am so important in Li Feng ..."

In this way, Jiang Yunzhu's bamboo has revealed inexplicably.

Wang Xiao has hesitized.

At this time, Lu Chao Li Dragon said: "Rely, isn't a sports car, buddy doesn't matter."

"It's, our three feelings are not a sports car to measure, let alone you can't lose in your heart!"

I heard this words, Wang Xiao smiled and said: "Okay, I gamble with him!"

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