Save the Goddess System

Chapter 273 rushed out of the elevated!

On the urban road, Bugatti Wilong is before, Ferrari F12 is behind, and the two cars galloped forward with a speed of more than 120 kilometers per hour.

Bugadi Will is equipped with an 8.0T, W16 engine, with a body weight of 1888kg, and a hundred kilometers of acceleration take only 2.5 seconds.

The engine of Ferrari F12 is 6.3L, V12 engine, and the body weight is 363kg than Bugatti, but the speed of 100 kilometers is 3.1 seconds.

If it is accelerated than the straight line, the Ferrari F12 is never its opponent unless Bugadi Wanlong fails.

However, Wang Xiao and Li Feng are in the city road, and the car technology is the most important factor in deciding the results of the game.

"Wow, Wang Shao, you are so good, I have already opened him more than 100 meters."

Liu Yuanyuan observed some, excited.

"Hey, this is just beginning, soon I will make him even the taillights of Bugatiwei Dragon!"

Wang Xiao smiled, he was heavy to step on the foot of the foot. When you hit the front of the vehicle, I took the steering wheel, Bugatti Wilong quickly escaped it, and then Wang Xiao returned to the steering wheel, Bugati Wilong returned before Drive on the lane.

The movement of the overtaking is fast, accurate, stable, Wang Xiao is a racing master with a semi-professional driver!

In Ferrari F12, Jiang Yunzhu looked at Bugadi Wanlong in front of the front, and the mood was gradually impatient.

"Don't panic, the game has just begun, you only need to concentrate on it."

Li Feng left the head, the elbow was on the window, and the right hand held the steering wheel and looked easily.

In his 23 years of life, he only came to Jiangnan once, and it didn't understand the city's urban road in Jiangnan.

However, there is no relationship. He has a gampers. At this moment, Jiang Yun bamboo will look at the mobile phone navigation to him to recite "road book" ...

Jiang Yunzhu: "..."

Not ... Li Feng this is the sea to make himself as a vine? Do you want to drive so casually!

"When did you still put it ... force."

Jiang Yunzhu couldn't help but spit in my heart. She rarely said two words "to force", but Li Feng at the moment of this is only these two words can be described.

"The front is 200 meters to the right ... note that the road is congested by 2 kilometers in front, we can change a road."

The heart is not cool, Jiang Yunzhu continues to act as the role of the leader.

"Is there a bus lane or non-motor vehicle lane in the road section?"

Li Feng asked.

Jiang Yun bamboo magnificent mobile map, nodded: "Yes, what are you doing?"

"Why? Of course it is a violation." Li Feng turned a white eye.

Please, this is a car in the city road, don't illegally want to win the game? F1 can't come!

So what is traffic jam? Take a bus or non-motorized lane.

What is the red light? Confirm that the intersection is safe!

Of course, this does not encourage everyone to violate the rules. After all, Li Feng is a member of the special sector, even if it is illegal N times, there will be no penalty.

But if you change to ordinary people ... Oh, it's not enough to do it. It may be sentenced to the crime of harming public safety.

The voice falls, Li Feng finally seriously, two hands control steering wheel, stepping down, speed!

Ferrari F12 roaring into the bus, going to the eyes of the hateful eyes in a traffic jam.

"Wang Shao, he chased it."

Liu Yuanyuan saw Li Feng's F12 from the rear view, couldn't help but exclaim.

"Hey, he can't catch up."

Wang Xiao is expected to go to Li Feng to choose to take a bus.

But what is it? He is in a leading position, the right road traffic jam, only the bus road can go, Li Feng fly over the top of his head, otherwise he wants to exceed him to dream.

What's more ... He hasn't used it yet!

The voice falls, Wang Xiao fierce stepped on a throttle, and the speed table pointer quickly turned to 200's scale.

On the urban road at the speed limit 60, I dare to take the car to 200, I have to say that Wang Xiao is a big man.

Li Fengbei picks a pick, the same fierce stepped on the throttle, mentioned the speed of 200, two cars, one after another, speeding in the bus road.

After 15 minutes, the two cars came to a circle elevated section, and after this viaduct, the South opened 5 kilometers, which is the Jiangnan Hotel.

If Li Feng can't exceed Wang Meng here, he defeated this car.

"After all, it is a city road, can't play the car complete ... I am ready to prepare."

Li Feng also flashed, dropped the windows on the left.

On the track, he can take the lead in the way with the circumstances to overtake, can be on the city road, the road conditions are complex, and there is no good overtaking opportunity.

If he is forcing overtaking, it is afraid that it will cause a car accident, it is not the result of his desired.

"Li Feng, will you really lose to Wang Xiao?"

Jiang Yunzhu's face is more ugly. There is no loss of Li Feng, which is lost!

"Oh, I will never, you will be good."

While talking, Li Feng stared at the Bugatti Wanlong in front.

When the Bugatti Wilong turned into the disappeared from Li Feng, Li Feng lowered: "Explore the cloud!"


A dragon claw suddenly extended from his left palm and caught the road!

"This ... this is a true gas-shaped ?!"

Jiang Yunzhu was shocked!

She is very clear that the gas is meaningful, it is a super-intensive thing to do.

How can this? Two months ago, Li Feng was only in the early days of the martial artist. He used to cross a big realm in just two months.


Just when Jiang Yunzhu was shocked, Li Feng whispered: "System intervention, open!"

What he wants to do can be said to be sensible. If it is passed to the Internet, it will definitely cause an uproar, and the system must intervene.

Then, Li Feng took the left and pulled steering wheel. Under the support of the exploration cloud, Ferrari F12 jumped through the shoulder and rushed into the ground of the next ten meters.

"I will go, this brother is blown!"

"I saw anything, the super run is flying ?!"

"Is the speed of 10 come to Jiangnan to see a scene? This stunt is too burden!"

Other owners on the viaduct saw that this scene was not exclaimed, there were a few because of the gods, still chasing.

In the F12 compartment, Jiang Yunzhu is more shocking.

As a support point with the gas-treated dragon claw, the vehicle that reached 1.7 tons (including the weight of the two adults) flew up, and then safely fell to the ground below the lower ten meters?

How does this need to condense the true gas? What is the realm of Li Feng?

Just when Jiang Yun bamboo was shocked, the dragon claw was constantly lengthening, and the F12 quickly landed to a high position of the ground, and here, there is 100 meters away from the via the bridge export!

At this time, Wang Xiao's Bugatti Wilong passed to the exit!


Li Feng immediately recovered the block hand, the moment of exhausted, Ferrari F12 slammed into the ground.

During this process, Li Feng has been stepped on the throttle, and the tire keeps high-speed rotation.

At a moment of landing, friction is generated, and F12 is like the arrow of the strings, and goes to the dust!

In Bugatti, Wang Xiao is a face!

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