Save the Goddess System

Chapter 290 regrets?

Under the doubts of everyone, the six official cars were stopped in front of Wang Jiamen, then, more than a dozen officials wearing various uniforms came to get off.

Wang Xian, Wang Xiu, two brothers, strongly played the spirit, greeted: "Director Chen, Director Feng, Zhang captain, welcome to welcome."

According to the reason, Wang Xian is a provincial householder, and the director of Chen should greeten. The three people should laugh and respond, but they are all tight faces, but they have no smile.

Seeing, everyone will know that the situation is not right.

"Wang Xian, some people report your greed, organize the decision to double A rules, and go back to the review."

The Director of the Provincial A Test W stopped, and the cold voice said.


Wang Yixiang is full of face!

Wang Jia people are also shouted!

However, this is just just beginning ...

"Wang Xiu, some people report you tax evasion, the case is huge, please cooperate with our investigation."

The Director Feng Director of the Provincial Tax Office will follow.

"Wang Xiu, some people report you bribe national public officials, invasive state-owned assets, which is a discovery document."

The captain of the Provincial Department took out a batch of arrival to show Wang Xiu, followed by a waving: "Come, give him me!"

The voice falls, two police officers went to Wang Xiu to hold his two hands.

Director Chen has a sentence each person, and every sentence is like a flatland, and it is shocked!

However, this is not over, and Zhang captain has taken a document: "According to the premium instructions, the Wangjia property is frozen. Before the case is clear, all Wang family must not leave Jiangnan."

This sentence is like the last rice, Wang Bo South, Cheng Ya Shu, who is close to the camel.

Wang Xiao and others are also frightened, and they are shaking!

This kind of fear is strong than Wangcheng died, because they know that once the crime of Director Chen said, the king is completely completed.

They will fall from the clouds, they can't enjoy Ronghua, Jinyi Yun!

This is more desperate than killing them!

A guest also guess the outcome of the Wang family, and it was shocked.

Just they don't understand, why do these three real rights will act together, with the people of the Wang family in the Jianghara, there should be such a thing!

"Wait, do you still remember that Li Feng said before?"

"You are ... these three real rights are all Li Feng, it will not be!"

"I think it is very likely, this is a striker, Li Feng is too embarrassing! I just don't understand, where is Li Feng so big?"

Not only do he think of understanding, not only the people outside Li Feng do not understand.

At this moment, Zhang captain saw Lu Qianli in the bloody, when the color of the scene changed: "How can there be a murder here?"

Everyone looked at each other, no one dared to open an answer.

"Is Li Feng, Li Feng killed me, but also killed my city, you quickly grabbed him!"

Wang Xiao hated Li Feng, and when the big fell, it was almost mad.

Li Fengbei picks up, you have to pick your own identity, who knows someone more faster than him!

"Yourself." Jiang Yunzhu took out the document to the captain.

Li Feng: "..."

Not ... you are grabbing me a big girl!

"I have a person with Li Feng is a dragon soul, and Li Feng murder is to implement a task, and the Qinqi of this matter can testify."

"You said yes, Qin Banner?"

Speaking here, Jiang Yun bamboo turned to Qin Kai.

Qin Ka sighed and took the initiative to say that Zhang captain said: "Zhang captain, this is our Dragon Soul internal affairs, please don't intervene it."

Although he is with Li Feng, Jiang Yunzhu is divided into different leaders, but they are all members of the dragon soul. At this time, they must be united, otherwise it will be honest.

Zhang captain did not know Jiang Yunzhu, but he met Qin Kai. After listening to this words, it didn't pursue this matter again.

Wang Xiaoqi has to blow, this kind of feeling that it is very uncomfortable, but it is uncomfortable!

Soon, Zhang captain and others took Wang Xian, Wang Xiu's two brothers took away the investigation, and the remaining Wang family was sitting in the ground, and there was no previous toe.

"Now you believe what I said?"

Li Feng slowly went to Wang Xiao and so on, and smiled and smiled.

Wang Xiao and others have a shock, but no one speaks.

What can they say, apologize for Li Feng? If you apologize, let them give Li Feng's head!

They all know that Li Feng can't forgive them, when they drive Li Yuan out of Jiangnan, their hatred between Li Feng has not been harmonious.

They now say more and can only be self-sufficient!

"Don't talk?" Li Feng hooked a smile of laughter, went to Wang Bo Nan to give him a heat, rescue it.

Wang Bo Nan opened his eyes and saw Li Feng, he was awkward: "Li Feng, you ... what do you want ?!"

"Don't do anything, I just want to ask you to regret it."

Li Feng maintains a half-spotting posture and asked.

Wang Bo Nan's face is red, and it is stunned.

"I got the evidence of Wang Xian, Wang Xiu's crime, sent people to their real name."

"Now Lu Qilan is dead, Wang Cheng is dead, you have no hope, Wang Xian, Wang Xixu is taken away, waiting for them will be the disaster of jail, and most of the property of the Wang family should be used to pay fine."

"If you didn't dismantle Wang Chuan and my mother, I am a Wang family, you can realize the dream of returning to Wang Sun, Wang Xiu will not be arrested."

"So I asked you ... Do you regret that I will drive my mother from Jiangnan?"

Li Feng's voice is very gentle, just like a smile between each other.

However, for Wang Boan, Li Feng's words are full of words!

At this moment, huge regrets swallowed Wang Boan, even Wang Xiao and others, and were also covered by remorse!

Yes, if they didn't drive away Li Yuan, Li Feng is the pride of Wang's Tianzhi, Li Feng's glory is the glory of the Wang family!

And the Wang family, there will be no such a disaster!

"Oh, just you regret it now, Wang Jia is finished, rest, you live in huge remorse pain!"

The voice falls, and Li Feng will go to F12.

Jiang Yun bamboo sued his tone and quickly followed it.

Just when Li Feng was about to sit in F12, he suddenly stopped: "Lu Chao, Cheng Fei, I will give you a time to send your super run to the door of the four seasons, late, the consequences!"

As for Wang Xiao's Bugati Wanlong ... has become a frozen property, Li Feng is too lazy.

In the population, Lu Chao, Cheng Fei Long hit a cold, then shouted with the strength of eating A milk: "Yes, Li Lee!"

As F12 leaves, the guests are also complex, and there is no one from the beginning to the end, there is no one to say hello to Wang Boan.

For a time, Wang Jiadong has become a door to Rock, Zhong Ming Ding, who has become a door, and the king of Zhong Ming Ding.

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