Save the Goddess System

Chapter 292 chasing the Emperor

"Cheng Shao, do you say that Li Feng is waiting at the door?"

In front of the four seasons, Lu Chao, Cheng Fei Long squatted to swallow clouds in Ferrari La Faw.

"You should ask ... Which big is worth waiting for Li Shao at the door."

Cheng Fei Long worshiped Li Feng in front of the hotel, said.


Lu Super mouth, a pump: "Cheng Shao, you are betrayed, he and Wang Shao's revolutionary friendship!"

"The betrayal, Laozi is called the time!" Cheng Fei Long spit out a smoke ring, didn't think about it: "Do you think Wang Xiao can also comply with us? He is now breaking!"

"You look at Li Lee, the instrumentation hall, the heroic, a boxel, the sky is fell, and the big king is destroyed, this is the character of our followers!"

Speaking here, Cheng Fei Dragon face reveals a god color.

"You said it seems to be a bit ..." Lu Chao touched the chin, if we thought: "Then, the only Li Xiao Ma's head is looking for it. The middle and elders will not be ignorant."

What's more, Wang Lu has a marriage, and Li Feng also killed his aunt Lu Qianshi. He will definitely be poke ridges in this way!

"Shuttle, boast, you can't get it!"

Cheng Fei Long smiled and asked: "When we come to Li Shao, you haven't seen the eyes of our elders, and there is no anger."

Lu Chao recalled it, and found that it was really like Cheng Feilong: "So?"

"Those old foxes, Puba can not we with Li Shao." Cheng Fei Long laughed, : : " "

Lu Chao was bright, biting his teeth: "I understand, from now on, let's only want to share the horse!"

Just when the two were talking, the Lamborghini Aventador hanging from the Jiangbei license quickly raised from the distance, and a beautiful tail was stopped at the door.

"Hey, Jiangbei's car?"

Just as Cheng Fei Long and Lu Chao Daruting were sitting in the car, when the car was sitting on the bus, the door opened, and a beautiful leg wrapped in a flesh stockings stretched out.

"I am going, this is the best!"

The two couldn't help but exclaimed.

Then, a pink cheongsman wrapped in a pink cheongsam wrapped out from the car.

"Lying in the trough, no light leg is the best, this hip is also the best, I don't know how the face!"

Lu Chao Li Dragon is excited.

Perhaps he heard the sound of the two, the cheongsam woman turned to them.

A beautiful face appeared in the sight of the two, suddenly, Lu Chao revealed the color soul and the god: "Beautiful, beautiful bubbling, if you can talk to her ..."

Cheng Fei Long hurriedly grabbed the Lu Chao's mouth: "Hey, you don't want your special mother. This woman is obviously coming to Li Shao!"

"Ah?" Lu Chao is angry.

At this moment, Li Feng went to the cheongsam beauty before: ", all the way to rush, hard work."

Cheongsam beauty is Song Yujun!

Song Yujun smiled: "In order to see the little love of the day, it is worth it."

Li Feng is very touched, and I will take Song Yujun into the arms, and the soft saying: "Yi Jun, I miss you too, I really want to think."

"Li Feng ..." Song Yujun's eyes blurred, he would send red lips.

"Wait a minute." Li Feng blocked the red lips of Song Yujun with his finger, helpless: "There are two little guys to steal."

Song Yujun Zhang Zun is a Finger of Li Feng, then gently spit out, Chamei: "I am not afraid, what are you afraid?"

This teasing behavior allows Li Feng almost exploded!

In the distance, Lu Chao Title Dragon is a faceful worship!

"Lying in the trough, Li is too old!"

"Yes, Li Shao is picking up the girl, it is definitely the emperor of the emperor!"

First, Jiang Yun bamboo, then there is Song Yunjun, Li Feng has already appeared two best beauty, and then take the initiative to find Li Feng, Xiao Lingya ...

Li Feng is that the emperor of the girl did not ran!

"Do you want to mix with me?"

Li Feng is deep sucking, pressing the impulsiveness, turning the head to the ultimate, Cheng Fei Long shouted.

Although the two have just speaking, they are very far away. Can Li Feng now ear, or hear the words in the ear.


Lu Chao Li Dragon is a bit awkward, followed by a small road to Li Peak, nod his head, said: "Yes Li Lee, we want to mix with you."

"It can be, but you have to pay a name." Li Feng said with a laughter.

It is difficult to hit Jiangshan, and Jiangnan is the provincial capital of Jiangyuan, and various power plants are interlaced. Only by force shocks, they cannot fully control the underground world in Jiangnan.

If there is Lu Chao, Cheng Feilong two from the side, he can save a lot of strength.

Lu Chao Li Dragon said with a look, Qi Qi, said: "Li Lee, what do you want to know?"

Li Feng's eyes: "It is very simple, take me to find Tang Jianshu, I have to control the underground world of Jiangnan."

On the side, Song Yujun is slightly changed.

This only took the Jiangbei for a month, Li Feng wants to swallow the Jiangnan, and the steps are a little big.

Although I am worried, she is a woman of Li Feng, how to say Li Feng, how do she do it!

Lu Chao Li Dragon Dragon suddenly taught, two people worried that Li Feng wants them to kill, it is just a way, this is simple!

"When He Jun, He Yuan and Li Jigang arrived?"

Li Feng did not start immediately, but asked.

"They ..." Song Yujun was beautiful and red, the small channel: "I let them start at two hours ..."

When I listened to this, Li Feng understood, Song Yujun is going to rush to Jiangnan to hete to him ...

"Solve Tang Jianshu, I will compensate you at night."

Li Feng looked at Song Yujun palm and laughed.

Song Yujun only felt that the body was fever, his blush arrived in the ear.

Lu Chao Li Dragon quickly turned his head to the side, and his heart gave Li Feng with a thumbs up.

The voice is falling, Li Feng took Song Yujun to take the Lamborghini Aventador, followed by Lu Chao, Cheng Fei Long's super-run, to Jiangnan City West.

At this moment, in a single-family villa in Chengxi, Tang Jianshu is lying on the couch, and two beautiful people are massaging to him.

Opposite, a gray dress that looks foot and sixty-headed, drinking tea, and then there are two beautiful women behind him to knead her shoulders.

"Tang Sheng, the teacher, I am envious of you."

The gray elderly put down the tea cup and held two jade hands on the shoulders to gently, then, the two cheongsam beauty sat on his two thighs.

"Uncle Hong Shi, what do you envy me, the underground world is not mixed, you see that I am playing, almost half of the life."

The Tang Jian Tree's eyes flashed a lottery, and smiled.

"You all day off the jade food, there is a group of beautiful women waiting for, the teacher, I am away for more than ten years, every day, I am worried about the livelihood, oh."

Speaking here, the old man explored both hands into two women's clothes, kneading.

"Each is all bitter." Tang Jianshu shook his head and sighed, then there was no intention to ask: "How long does the teacher come back this time?"

"Don't leave, the wind has long passed, I have made a surgery in foreign countries, they can't find me."

The gray clothes smiled. The eyes looked at Tang Jianshu said: "It's better to help you kill the Li Feng, stay here to help you, how?"

Tang Jian Tree is a shock, and you will not be a sense of second!

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