Save the Goddess System

Chapter 294 is a good or honest.

I special ...

Hong Man Jiang only feels that a bloody blood is in the eyes!

Laozi is in charge, can you cope with it, so don't respect people?

Tang Jianzhu mouth smoked, I really want to ask why.

Please, you are the top of Jiangnan. Is it really good to take Li Feng?

Song Yunjun Xiuyi is picking, the face is surprised.

In her memory, Li Feng's strength is only the late post, in the face of a half-step super-level, why is these two younger brothers confident that Li Feng is so confident?

"Oh, huh, it is really happy."

Hong Manjiang deep sucking, hidden angry: "I don't know if you will be killed by me, can you still have this hard!"

"Killing? Does not exist." Lu Chao smiled and shook his head.

"Just rely on you? Lee Shao Yi can crush you, I still want to put it in front of us? Do your mother's spring and autumn dream, old hanging!" Cheng Fei Dragon is more spicy.

Li Feng can be a super-level, killing the king city, killing a chicken, Hong Manjiang, the old hanging hair is just a half step, what can be forced?

Li Feng finally understood why some big brothers like to take the younger brother, there is a brother in front of the fight, and I only need to do it, it is simple and thick!

"I kill you!"

Hong Man Jiang's anger broke out, and the two should be in the palm of the world.

"Wait." Li Feng suddenly stopped in front of Hong Man Jiang, mocked: "Don't you want to know why they say that you are idiot?"

"Why?" He only felt that he was really idiot, and asked another time, it would be better to kill them!

Li Feng lifted his eyes and ridiculed: "Because I am a super-level force."

"Well?" Hong Man Jiang first stunned first, then Yang Tiancheng: "Haha, hahaha, twenty super-level strong? You think I am white ..."


An overbearing breath out of Li Feng!

"...? ?!" Hong Man Jiang saw the color of ghosts, mad: "Impossible, how can you be super-intensive? Tang Wu, your special pit, I!"

In the mad, Hong Man Jiang will turn around to escape.

Nima, it's terrible, it's terrible, the 20th full-level strong, this Nima is going to fight against the sky!

"Explore the cloud!"

Li Feng one-handed, a cyan dragon claw fiercely explored, and turned Hongman Jiang.

"Ah, don't kill me, Tang Fif, let me deal with you, don't kill me!"

Hong Man Jiang scared the diaper and crying for mercy.

Li Feng couldn't help but laugh: "You shouldn't give you a heart, but you shouldn't be a mad, die!"

The voice is falling, Li Feng right hand is holding!


A group of blood fog violent, Hong Manjiang ...

Tang Jianshu has hit a snoring, and it is almost scared!

I am going to special, how can Li Feng be fierce this extent, this ... This battle has a fight with the original five ghosts!

At this moment, Tang Jianshu finally wanted to understand why Lu Yue, Cheng Fei Long wants to lick Li Feng soon, replace it is that he has to squat in front of such a strong, and the licking is super, Cheng Fei Long has to be too far!

Song Yujun's eyes were violently surprised.

In just a month, Li Feng grows so height, it is her man!


The four cheongsam women made a scream, and they had to flee.

"Stop to Laozi!"

Cheng Fei Long and Lu Chao have rushed out, one hand, one-hand, and then turned to ask: "How do I put them?"

"Do you think I will be afraid that they will chew the tongue root outside?

Li Feng waved, and the tone was very casual.

He is a member of the dragon soul, killing a people who are underground, no one can take him.

"Thank you, Li Shao, don't kill!"

The four cheongsam beauty gratifying Li Feng, seeing Li Feng did not have the meaning of difficulties, and they moved out the living room step by step.

"The helper you invited is unbearable."

Li Feng turned his head to Tang Jianshu and asked in tie.

"Li ... Li Shao, Hong Manjiang, this old harvester is my teacher, but he is really not me."

Tang Jianshu wants to cry without tears, and then I have said that Hong Man Jiang wants to blame the nest.

"Oh?" Li Peak is a colorful color: "Isn't that I don't intend to help you solve a big hidden danger?"

Tang Jian Tree nodded: "Yes, this is like this, so I want to thank Li Shao!"

He said that he would like to thank Li Feng, but he was afraid that Li Feng lion was opened.

Li Feng smiled: "No, you don't want to thank me, you are looking forward to me with Hong Manjiang, you are in the interests of the fish, right?"

Tang Jianshu is shocked, solarky: "Li Lee, what do you say, how do I dare to have this idea?"

"No, you have, if you want to prove that you don't have this idea, then let your position give you Jun, then get out of Jiangnan, do you agree?"

Li Feng said with a cold and said cold and cold.

Tang Jianshu is a shock, and the face has become difficult to look.

He slept in the bridge, he licked his blood on the knife, and the hard work took a few years, and Li Feng looked a sentence, let him give up?

Come beautiful!

Just he dare not refuse, in the face of Li Feng, refused to die!

"Take a step in the sky, first, then promise, then find a way to grab it back to me!"

Thinking of this, Tang Jianshu said to say: "I agree!"

"Good." Li Feng smiled and raised his hand to Tang Jian tree point: "Then you die."


A cyan gas shot from him, and penetrated the Tang Jian Tree, with a hopper.

Song Yujun: "???"

Cheng Filong: "???"

Lu Chao: "???"

No ... Tang Jian Tree agreed that Li Feng also kill him, this is too not to play card according to constant executive?


Tang Jianshu also didn't understand, even if the ideology disappeared quickly, he did the final strength asked.

Li Feng's mouth hook, mockery: "Because you are not willing, kill you can get a nephew, peace of mind!"

Under the reading of the heart, the inner activities of Tang Jianshu is at all, there is nowhere to hide, do not kill Tang Jianshu, must have endless suffering!


Tang Jianshu finally spit out a word, thoroughly thorough, and death!

"Do you want to be a good job, or you don't know how you die, do you say it?"

Li Feng turned to look at Lu Chao, Cheng Fei Long, and asked.


Lu Chao, Cheng Fei Long swallowed the mouthwater, squeezing a smile than crying, and nodded.

I am Nima ... Li is so brutal, and I still don't want to play my heart in front of him!

"Okay, you can go back, then ... I don't want the two sports cars. After all, when the big brother has no younger brother, right?"

Li Feng rushed two people waved.

Lu Chao Li Dragon did not dare to discontinue, and quickly went away.

After they left, Li Feng took the Song Yun's hand, softly smiled: "He Jun, from today, Jiangnan underground world is yours."

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