Save the Goddess System

Chapter 520 is replaced

Dagang City, Osweil Administration, Brand Manager Office.

Xia Hong smoked smoke, playing "It's a brother to cut me", very comfortable.

at this time……


The office door is kicked from the outside!

Xia Hongjun hopped, waiting for him to see who came in and was suddenly anger: "Hong Captain, you are doing, don't you know, do you knock in?"

The people are the Hong Le Tao, one of the 13 Toors of the Song Dynasty, and a few of Hong Le Tao.

"Knocking on the door?" Hong Le Tao hooked a scratch and laughed, and then went to Xia Hong's in front of him: "What if you don't open the door?"

Xia Hong's heart is sinking, with a bad hunch.

Hong Le Tao is the captain of Osweil's security team. It usually saw who smiled. Whether it is the high-rise of Osville or with ordinary employees, the uncle is not too much.

Now that Hong Le Tao is like changing someone, the expression is cold, the emblem is hard ...

Isn't that thing known by the company?

When I thought this, Xia Hong had a cold sweat of a brain.

"Know your east window, you are not stupid? Also, where you will think about this earnings."

When it was said that Hong Le Tao's voice was more cold.

"What is the east window, what is fast, I don't understand what you are talking about." Xia Hong took his face and said: "I also want to find Su total report work, please let you open."

The voice is falling, and Xia Hong is going to open Hong Le Tao.

Xia Hongsheng's people are high, because it usually likes to go to the gym. His head is also a lot than Hong Le Tao, so he thinks that this allocation will open Hong Le Tao to one side.

But the goose ...

He is all in Hong Le Tao, but it is not moving!

"Well?" Xia Hong's brow wrinkled, and the hand did not help but add more effort!

But the goose ...

Hong Le Tao is still a silk!

"I am oh ?!" Xia Hong is angered, everyone is a man, and the power is weak, the opponent will inevitably make him feel shame.

Under the shame, Xia Hong used the strength to eat!

But the goose ...

Still is still a silk!

"Is it possible?" Hong Le Tao hooked a scratch and asked.

"Nothing ..." Xia Honggang, Hong Le Tao, took a step forward.

It is this step, the top Xia Hong almost fly out!

Hong Le Tao is now the B +-level power, the comprehensive force is far more than ordinary people, and Xia Hong is also large, the core power is general.

"Haha, this second goods, I also want to talk to Hong captain than the power, it is really ridiculous!"

"What is your big, the strength of Hong captain is simply a self-sufficiency!"

"Hong Captain, Mercure! Hong Captain Million!"

The security guard after Hong Le Tao sent a passage.

"Okay, don't shoot the mart, and take him, and send the police station."

Hong Le Tao loses the interest of personally doing, and Xia Hong is too weak, just like a weak chicken ...

"What do you want to do, I am a manager of the brand, I am the high-level high-level, you have to rebel, do you want to rebel?"

Xia Hong struggled to struggle.


Hong Le Tao raised his hand, it was a slap in Xia Hong face: "You eat something outside, and face it in this yesteray? To tell you, grab your command is the boss, do it, let's go to the prison!"

Hong Le Tao's slap in the palm of Xia Hong directly, but let him feel the phrase of Hong Le Tao.

"Really east window, don't, I still have a good future, I don't want to enter prison."

"Hong Captain, you let me see the summary of Su, I am admitted, let Su collectively give me a chance, I will give you money, 10,000 ... Oh, no, 100,000, I will give you 100,000 yuan!" "

Xia Hongzhen panicked.

He is a primary school class with Feng Kun, and Feng Kun suddenly found him a month ago, and the cooperation, the content of cooperation is to sell the water and red water.

Feng Kun is responsible for preparing fake goods, counter, and Xia Hong are responsible for "pre-sales consultation" with "after-sales service".

Xia Hong knows that this is illegal, but Feng Kun directly gave him a million to him, and each of them will give him 10% of the commission!

In the huge interest, Xia Hong agreed to Feng Kun's cooperation invitation.

Now the east window, Xia Hong is afraid!

"100,000 people want to buy me, you have a pit!" Hong Le Tao is a slap in Xia Hongb face.

On the surface, he is the captain of the security team. In fact, he is one of the thirteen too. The income is more than the high level of Osweiler. He will look at 100,000 blocks in the district?

Moreover ... The money has to have a lot of money, and the consequences of betrayal Li Shao's consequences are quite serious!

The next time, no matter how Xia Hong is screaming, pleading, Hong Le Tao is not moving, directly transferred to the police station.

Ten minutes, Tianfu City, Tianfu Shopping Mall.

When Li Feng hangs up the phone, Xiao Ling is surprised: "You don't intend to pack Xia Hong in private."

If you change to her, she will not give Xia Hong to the public security organ. She will make people punish the guy who eats the inside, then throw it to the river to feed the king!

People who eat outside are the most hateful!

Li Feng's eyes flashed, and he was very deeply said: "Huaxia is the rule of law society, and it is necessary to do anything within the permission of the rule of law."

Xiao Linghe: "... I believe you!"

Feng Kun also couldn't help but attach the head, please, Li Feng is extraordinary, and this strong person needs a scruple law?

"Love is not believed, in short ... I am a law-abiding citizen." Li Feng turned a white eye and was too lazy to explain with them.

Packed up a brand manager, still need him to do your hand? Collect good evidence, hand it over to the public security organ, and the economic crime is properly.

At that time, the fine is fine, the sentence is sentenced, so Xia Hong is punished.

When Xia Hong is full of prison, then it will come to the door to "greet" from time to time, in short, it can't make Xia Hong better.

Feng Kun is ecstatic, his favorite is the law-abiding citizen, at least he is dangerous!

At this moment, Li Feng suddenly laughed and said: "You just said that you are the Tianfu underground world big?"

Although Feng Kun does not understand Li Feng's meaning, I still have a little bit of consciousness.

Li Feng nodded and played: "Oh, since now, the Tianfu underground world is me, do you have any opinions?"

Xiao Lingha: "???"

Xu Man, Gao Jie: "???"

No ... What is the meaning of Li Feng? What is the meaning of Feng Kun?

Feng Kun is more impressive, just Li Feng also said that he is a law-abiding citizen, and now it is necessary to be a big man in the Tianfu underground world. Is this a contradiction? !

After a long time, Feng Kun spit out a turbidity: "You don't say you are a law-abiding citizen, how ..."

"What happened, I don't do illegal things." Li Feng shrugged, then took out a red pill from his arms: "Take it, I will spare you."

Feng Kun's heart is tight, asked tense: "What is this?"

Li Feng brugged: "June wear intestines!"

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