Save the Goddess System

Chapter 523 Zhongzhou Yejia

There are three "main business" in the wind and rain building, one is entertainment, the second is assassination, the third is the news.

As the boss of Xingfeng Entertainment, the peak is naturally the main person in charge of the entertainment business, and the goat honegie is Ji Fei, is the main person in charge of the assassination business.

As for the Tang Dynasty man who was eager to be a master, I called Bai Xiaosheng. Um ... this Bai Xiaosheng's name is he got to himself, as for what he is called, not a few people know.

Since it is called Bai Xiaosheng, then he is naturally the main person in charge of the news to explore business.

Every month, they have to come to the Tianfu City to report this month to Xiao Ling, and they must first touch each other, explore each other's mouth.

Three people are monkeys, these years have come into contact, and they have discovered the dissatisfaction with Xiao Ling, otherwise the peak, how can Ji Mei say that I just said?

It's just that the two did not expect that Bai Xiaosheng was more embarrassed than they, and he said that he had to take Xiao Ling, this is a big reverse!

After a long time, the peak spit out a turbidity and said: "I said ... a brother, are you joking with us?"

Ji Mei left and right, the face was denweulmed: "Bai brother, let's join the landlord's opponent, how to replace it? Do you not be embodied by the landlord, deliberately try to explore us?"

Bai Xiaosheng smiled, ridiculed: "Test? I still need to try you, how much big reversal before? I just need to record these words, give the landlord, don't you finish it?"

At this time, the peak is not talking to Ji Fei.

Bai Xiaosheng said that, two of them did say that Xiao Ling's bad words, just like Xiao Ling, who just spit Xiao Ling, which is a big counterfeit behavior in the wind and rain building of Xiao Ling.

But they dare to spit Xiao Ling, because they are spit over Xiao Ling, who dares to find Xiao Ling, isn't that even a pit?

"I said that Gao Xiong, Ji, you will not think about it by the woman in a lifetime? Hey, then you can be too bone."

Speaking of this, Bai Xiaosheng bruises, tangible tone and said: "Men's Hantian Tianli, only a heaven and earth parents, how can I get a woman?"

"If Xiao Ling is so good, but she is born with a flat face! Did you add this woman, are you really willing?"

Peak and Ji Fei paired the eye, then he was helping: "Who said that Xiao Ling's face is flat? My sister said long, we have a national color Tianxiang!"

Speaking of this, the peak face has exposed a bit of a part of the cold.

"Gao brother, no picture is no truth!" Bai Xiaosheng said.

Ji Shi also said: "Yes, who doesn't know that your sister is most loyal to Xiao Ling, she said that it is intentional to give us a soul?"

The peak brow is microstruck: "This ..."

Xiao Ling is very beautiful, there is a goodness to say that the mouth is said, and there is no matter how he asked, Gao Jie did not loose mouth.

This secret peak has been hidden in Higher, now listening to Baizheng, Ji Feiyi analysis, peak suddenly thinks that they are very reasonable!

Bai Xiaosheng smiled: "Don't this, what is it, even if Xiao Ling is really growing in the country, how can we have a good time?"

"Only turning over to be the master, we can do something for Xiao Ling, of course, the premise is that Xiao Ling is really a high-quality national color."

Peak, Ji Fei does not agree with nodes.


"Bai brother, you and I know that Xiao Ling is extraordinary, and let's three are only extraordinary, and it is not enough for her, talk about why do you want to be the master?" Peaks said in his heart.

Ji Shi also said: "I have seen Xiao Ling, and the power of Her strength, faintly giving people a feeling of the first person under the sainting."

Listening to this words, Bai Xiaosheng can't help but laugh: "Even if she is really in the first person, in front of the holy strong, she does not have any chances of resistance!"

Peak, Ji Fei Facial color change!

What is the meaning of Bai Xiaosheng, is he invited to the holy strongman to help? !

I haven't waited for two people, and a heil-free horror breath suddenly broke out from the door of the package, and then, a gray robbery pushed the door.

"I have seen the forever!" Bai Xiaosheng stood up and shouted.

Peak, Ji Fei didn't dare to ask, and I also said to say: "I have seen the foreigner!"

Ye Hai Feng withdrew its own breath, after the back of the back, nodded "Well", the high-person style show is undoubted.

After waiting for the wind, Bai Xiaosheng was strong and excited: "Gao Xiong, Ji, you must have heard the leavesture?"

Peak, Ji Fei first is a glimpse, then went Qi Qi: "You said ... Zhongzhou Yejia?"

Zhongzhou Yejia, Comprehensive Strength than Jiang Yunzhu is still in the large-scale ancient Wu Shi.

Jiang Jia only Jiang Haoyu, Jiang Haotian's two-in-one strong, but the leaves have three holy levels!

Ye's first generation of the old three leaf wind is a strong in the beginning of the sacred, and the bridge with the Dark Shadow of Dongpu is as if the bridge is as if the bridge of Dongpu Dark Shadow.

Not only that, Ye Jia also has a second-generation member named Yeline to marry a Xiao family in one of the four top ancient Wu Shi's home. She called Xiao Ruo Sheng's daughter ... Xiao Lingya!

Bai Xiaosheng nodded: "It is Zhongzhou Yejia!"

"Is this not said that the rumor is true ?!" Peak, Ji Fei is changing.

There is a rumor in the wind and rain, saying that Xiao Ling is Xiao Ran's private woman, because there is a relationship between Xiaoji, the wind and rain can develop into a large matter of the day.

The source of this rumored has been nowhere to be inspected, and the peak three people even doubt this rumor is that Xiao Ling is deliberately released. For the sideways of Xiao Jia's name, there is a person who is attempted in the wind and rain.

Now the sudden appearance of the Yeyan wind, let the peak, Ji Fei discovered that this rumor is likely to be true!

Bai Xiaosheng put his hand, laughed: "The true and false of the rumored is not mentioned, there is a good predecessor to help, the two brothers will be confident that the two brothers will be confident in the things of Xiao Ling, should you be confident? "

The two people opposed the eyes, then neitched Qi: "It's confident!"

With the Ye Rong Feng, this is a strong in the beginning of the sacred, and the suppression of Xiao Lingha is not a matter of hand? !

Bai Xiaosheng glanced, smiled: "Very good, let's discuss the plan ..."

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