Save the Goddess System

Chapter 529 Murder

The leaves of the leaves are really surprised by Li Feng. I dare to put Ye's home in the eyes. He didn't know what the Ye Home exists!

At this time, Xiao Ling said is dissatisfied: "Hey, who is a little girl? I am 31 this year!"

Don't look at her surface is dissatisfied. In fact, I have been happy. Which woman does not want to look at it in the eyes of others?

"Are you 31? Will n't, you look at 17 or 8 years old."

Li Feng pretended to be surprised. He didn't know that Xiao Ling has been 31, but it can also conclude that Xiao Ling is not 178 years old.

The temperament on Xiao Ling is too familiar. It is not a seventeen-year-old young girl who can match it, but ... is it happy, this is a man showing Li Feng ~

Sure enough, Xiao Ling is pretty red, and the mouthful of white Li Feng said: "Hey, the mouth is so sweet, I am not aunt ~"

At the same time, Xiao Lingzhen took two hands to hook the neck of Li Feng.

Li Feng only felt that his body was tight, a heart was jumped.

What kind of meaning is Xiao Ling? Don't, Xiaoye is going to fight with people soon, can't distract!

Opposite, the leaves of the leaves are watching.

Dragon Day, the world is now! Light Tianhua Day, Lang Lang Qiang, this pair of dog men, if they don't exist, do they don't exist?

"Do you seem to be very nervous?" Xiao Lingwei looked at Li Feng's handsome face, and smiled and smiled: "Because I ... or because of Ye's fashion?"

Li Feng suddenly was not happy: "Who is nervous? I am not nervous, a bad old man, what is good to make me nervous."

"Let's go! Dare to insult the forever, I see you don't want to live!"

"It's arrogant! This is the predecessor of Yejia, Zhongzhou, into the sacred strong, your yellow mouth child wants to die ?!"

Ji Fei, Bai Xiaosheng caught the opportunity and gave loyalty to the Yeyong wind.

The peak didn't dare to neglect, and I was busy holding boxing: "Ye before, this arrogant child is Li Feng, is Osweil's boss, I just had conflict with him this morning."

The peak is well known, let the Ye Hai Feng have doubt that Xiao Lingqi is undoubtedly in the swing of the wolf, Xiao Ling, is destroyed, they can't turn over, still do the leaf of the river.

Since it is already coming, since they have come, they must show the meaning of the surrender, otherwise Xiao Lingye die, they have to finish!

After listening to the peak, the leaf wind has suddenly changed: "Are you Osweil's Li Feng?"

Seeing, the three people in the peak are gudged.

Not ... What is the expression of Ye Rong Feng, is Li Feng not doing any big people?

Thinking of this, the peak looks at Bai Xiaosheng with Ji Fei, Bai Xiaosheng, can be a professional intelligence, if Li Feng has no identity, Bai Xiaosheng should know.

Bai Xiaosheng shook his head, Li Feng is not the owner of Osweil, in addition to this other identity?

In fact, it is not weird, and it is too mysterious that Li Feng is too mysterious.

Since the child's painting, it has been in recent months, but there is no information related to Li Feng on the Internet, which is of course the credit of the system intervention.

Since there is no relevant information on Li Feng on the Internet, there is no special investigation of Li Feng. Bai Xiaosheng does not know that Li Feng is in the reason.

Bai Xiaosheng is awkward, the peak is more embarrassing with Ji Fei ...

At this time, Li Fengbei picks: "Yes, what?"

The peak three people were speechless.

No ... Can you speak, don't hang it, really owe you!

The leaflet pupil is shrinking, and the face is done: "If you are just Osweil's boss, then this identity is really not good, but unfortunately, you are not only the boss of Osville, or the Dragon Soul, It is always ready to return to the genius of Wang Sun, ""

When you come out, the peak three-year-old face!

Dragon soul member? Wang Sun family genius child?

These two identities, no matter which one, it is not that they can provoke, Li Feng actually has these two identities? Hey, this is a top of the titanium, this time!

What will the leaf wind will do, recognize the retreat, leave three of them as cannon?

When I think this is possible, the peak three people are suffering.

"Hey?" Li Fengbei picks, the face is surprised: "You don't even know these, the news is very bright."

"Ling Yama got home, I mentioned you, then I was very admired to Mr. Li." The color of the Ye Renxia is revealed.

Li Feng is slightly changed. If he didn't guess the wrong, Ye Ya's lunar should be Xiao La, so, the leaf wind is with Xiao Lingya or relatives?

Although the heart is puzzled, Li Feng did not ask more, but the corner of his mouth tared a smile: "Since you know my identity, you will not apologize?"

At this point, the three people who only feel that a heart will mention the eyes.

Even Xiao Lingye is watching, and the color is facing.

The pressure of the Yehawan brings to her too much. If Li Feng can scare the leaves, it is better!

"Next? Apologize?" Ye Rong Feng first glance, then laughed, laughing straight roof, incomparably wild.

Li Feng brows smiles: "What are you laugh?"

This is a laughter, and the cold channel: "Of course, it is a member of the dragon soul, what is the king of the king family genius? As long as your realm is not as good as me, you are in my eyes. The ants that can be squeezed will be kneaded! "

Listening to this words, the peak three people are all showed the color of the ecstasy: "Ye Seni is mighty!"

"Ye Senior Domineering!"

"Ye Pre-generations ... !" The peak really can't think of other words, can only call a cow.

The peak three people are human fine. After listening to the words of the Ye Rongwu, I know that he wants to kill Li Feng, then they are safe!

Xiao Ling has become difficult to look hard: "The surname is Ye, do you know what consequences? Dragon Soul will not let you, Wang Sun is not letting you, not only you, the whole Ye family must Harded! You ... "

The leaf wind raised her hand to interrupted her and smiled. "As long as you are all dead, no one knows, isn't there?"

At this moment, he is already a arrow to have to send, can you be scared by Li Feng?

When he kills people in the scene, then a fire will be here, people don't know that the ghosts, the dragon soul, Wang Sun family can find his head?

The voice falls, the peak three people have changed their faces. At this time they found not only Li Feng, Xiao Lingzhen wants to die, they also want to die!

For a time, three people intended to sneak back and left here.

Just Ye Huaqing has always paid attention to their move, in the moment of the three people retreat, Ye Xiangxiang smiled: "Three don't worry, wait for me to solve them, let's find a place to drink a cup. Celebrate."

The three peaks stopped, and smiled bitter.

Opposite, Xiao Ling is a few times, and finally bite his teeth: "Li Feng, you will go, don't take me."

Since things have no rooms, let her stay here, there is no need to drag Li Feng and see the king.

"Walk?" Li Feng's mouth evoked the arc of playful taste, laughed: "Xiaoye hugged you, never thought about it. You are so good to see how you destroy the old dog. ! "

The voice falls, Li Feng put Xiao Ling on the ground, then released itself!

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