Save the Goddess System

Chapter 531 knows everything

I was squatting by Li Feng, enough to explain that the peak three people are now afraid of Li Feng.

I am going, I can't be afraid of them, Li Feng's performance is too fierce, and the leaflet is a strong force, the realm is the beginning of the beginning of the San.

Confused Li Feng, young, reputation is not obvious, just, they still doubt that Li Feng is not into the boy, the result ...

Both people opened for three seconds, Li Feng took the leaves in a punch to explode, from the beginning to the end of the wind, only have a trick!

A punch explosing a strong in the early days, even if you can't do this in the middle of the Sheng Sheng, Li Feng's battle is just ahead!

Heaven, the earth, who will give this enchanting!

The peak three people are mourning! Regret!

On the other hand, Xiao Lingzhen has also fallen into a long time.

She felt that all this is too untrue. It is still a dead person who is pressed by her a few months ago, suddenly turned into her savior, and saved her process is so fast, quickly arrived, she hasn't come yet. I feel scared. Just end ...

"Mr. Li ... is so strong!"

Leaning only half of the hi-hit on the ground, I sent this sentence, after the feelings, my head is finally late.

Xiao Ling is slightly changed, and it is busy looking forward to viewing the situation. After discovering that he is just seriously injured, Xiao Lingzi is much loose, then gives Gao Jie into a gas to protect her heart.

After finishing these, she got up and said to Li Feng: "Can these three people can handle it?"

Li Fengbei picks: "You won't let them?"

The task is asking him to kill or suppress the peak three people. If Xiao Ling is letting them, is the mission fail?

"Do you think I am stupid?" Xiao Lingzhen glanced at him, said hegemony side leakage: "Don't forget, I am the landlord of the wind and rain!"

What women are, this kind of thing will not happen in Xiao Ling!

Li Feng nodded: "Hey ... then you will handle it, if you don't have good, I will come again."

Xiao Ling is picking up, and the face suddenly became weird, this is clearly the internal affairs of the wind and rain, Li Feng is so good?

Is it difficult to say ... he is interested in this lady, so it is very uncomfortable and the three people are betrayed by her. I want to personally punish the three people?

"I will go ... I haven't shown beautiful faces yet. Li Feng is so falling? I can only say that Miss this is too charm ~"

Xiao Ling is not satisfactory.

If Li Feng knows Xiao Ling's thoughts, it will definitely blush into the eyes!

What is the young? Is it interesting to you? Xiaoye is just in order to complete the task!

Besides, Xiaoye is interested in you, it is also because of the face under the mask, instead of you now, this flat!

"I didn't expect things to develop to this level?"

Xiao Ling is standing in front of the peak, and the tone is cold.

The peak three people low, and they did not send a word.

Of course, it is not expected to be like this, otherwise what will they rebel? That is not the head being kicked!

"Hey, even if there is a beggar, it is very hard." Xiao Ling laughed, and some angries smiled.

As mentioned before Gao Jie, since she took over the wind and rain building, the peak three people had always been her left right arm. She is really unbelieving.

It can be said that in the inside of the wind and rain, the peak three people are about one person!

That is the three people, I have collected the foreign enemy to kill her, how can I not let her feel angry and heartache? !

Under the success of Xiao Ling, Bai Xiaosheng finally couldn't help but stop: "We just know that you are not useless, the sure is directly shut down."

Ji Shi also bite his teeth: "The adult is the defeat of the defeat, we lost, let the landlord disposal!"

The peak opened his mouth, and finally sighed his head and didn't say a word.

For so many years, they also understand Xiao Ling, Xiao Lingqi has always been distinguished, doing things independently, she decides, no one can change!

Even if you speak for mercy, Xiao Lingqi will not spare them, and even take the opportunity to humiliate them. In this case, why did they take care of them?

"It seems that you still understand me." Xiao Ling smiled, then put away smile, asked: "Then I ask you, how do you hook your ripping? In addition to leaf wind And there are other Yejia people to participate in this matter? "

The peak three-year-old is slightly changed, and the mouth is closed.

Xiao Lingzhen is obviously worried that there are other Yejia people to participate in this matter, as long as they stay silent, Xiao Ling will not kill them for a long time, they may find the opportunity to escape from birthday?

Xiao Ling, the brow, will continue to ask, who knows that Li Feng suddenly said: "It is Bai Xiaosheng to find the Ye Huaifeng, put forward to let the Ye Rong help to deal with you."

Bai Xiaosheng as a big daily showed the ghosts and showed: "How can you know ?!"

Peak, Ji Fei is also a face, this connection does not know, how did Li Feng know?

Xiao Lingzhen looked at Li Feng at a glance, asked: "Yeah, how can you know?"

Li Feng smiled and smiled: "I not only know this, I also know that Ye's only Ye Hai Feng is involved in this matter."

At the same time in Xiao Ling, Li Feng uses the heart of Bai Xiaosheng. He is the first to choose Bai Xiaosheng ... That is to touch the luck, I didn't expect him to gamble.

I heard that this is the horror of Bai Xiaosheng's face, and Li Feng said again!

Xiao Ling, the eyebrows, then laughed and shook his head: "Almost forgot that you are a member of the dragon soul, the meaning of information, the wind and rain building is can't catch up with your dragon soul."

She didn't think about reading, but thought it was a related information, who knew that Li Feng was a member of the Dragon Soul, and Xiao Ling will think that it is also true.

"How do you know that if the Ye Hairy will deal with me?" Xiao Ling deeply smoked, and he asked Bai Xiaosheng.

Bai Xiaosheng's face change several times, and finally bite his teeth: "Since Li Feng knows, then you will ask him."

At this moment, he still holds a bit of luck. As long as Xiao Ling, there is still something to ask him, then he will temporarily safe, so he must hide the secret!

As for Li Feng, will not know ... Dragon soul information is powerful, it is impossible to know what it is? He really doesn't believe it!

Xiao Ling, the eyebrows, turned to look to Li Feng: "Don't you do it?"

Li Feng's mouth smoked, not soon: "Don't ask a man can't do it, it is an insult to a man!"

Xiao Ling squatted to Li Feng, showing his mouth: "You think too much, I am not interested to know that you can't do it."

Li Feng: "..."

Get, the rape account for Xiao Ling, ...

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