Save the Goddess System

Chapter 535 I have to pay with you

I don't know how long it took, Li Feng recovered clearly.

He first was painful, and he had the strength of the surrounding environment.

When Li Feng saw Xiao Ling, who was lying next to him, the expression on his face suddenly became very exciting: "I rub ... Xiaoye actually rarely and Xiao Ling, this is not true, this is definitely not true ! "

At this time, the system prompt sound suddenly sounded.

"Hey, congratulate the host, save the goddess Xiao Ling Hao (2) The task is completed, the task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 5000 experience value, 500,000 system points, 20 conquers some rewards."

"Hey, congratulate the host, win the goddess Xiao Ling, get 30 conquest point rewards."

Unlike previously, this system did not prompt Li Feng to gain all the love of Xiao Ling, and did not prompt the progress of the conquest.

Li Feng can guess the head of the toe, because he has no feelings with Xiao Lingzi.

Of course, this is not important, and it is important that the system's three reminders!

"Wipe, Xiaoye actually really followed Xiao Ling ... Xiete, why is this ?!"

Li Feng wants to cry without tears.

Don't say that he has no feelings with Xiao Ling, even if there is, it can't happen without Xiao Ling.

It's okay now, things have happened, he is going to be a beast as Xiao Ling.

"It's been a beast as a beast, no matter what my original intention, this thing is really what I have."

Li Feng sinks a slight, and he will determine this.

With a decision, Li Feng also relaxed.

Host: Li Feng

Level: SS-level

Experience value: 15500100000

System Points: 6092000

Conquer point: 369

Skills: "Kunyuan Gong", "Qiankun 1", "Square", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", "Rage", "Exploration Hand" ...

Waiting to completed the task: Eight-party wind and rain for me

"Call, this' eight-party wind and rain for me, I don't know when it can be completed ..."

Li Feng originally planned that if he cured Xiao Ling, Xiao Lingqi didn't know gratitude, he used to use "slavery" to Xiao Ling, and directly collect him.

But now ...

The two have been like this, he wants to use "slavery" to Xiao Ling, "Sprint" is it too much? Li Feng can't go ...

In this way, the eight-party wind and rain have to drag it for a while.

"It is really not to give up this task, but it is a deduction point system points."

Li Feng has made a decision.

At this time, a low ignorance, Xiao Ling opened his eyes.

"I ... Where is this?"

Xiao Ling, only felt a chaos in his mind, and I couldn't think of what happened before.

Soon, Xiao Lingzhen recalled the just now, followed by her to detect the strangeness of the body, a scream!


This high score screams of the eardeen, if ordinary people can be shocked, even Li Feng feels some uncomfortable.

"You bastard, dare to take the opportunity to bully me, I want to kill you!"

Xiao Ling is worthy of the wind and rain building, the female Zhonghao, just shocked the gods, and immediately broke out the sky and killing, vowed Li Feng down.

Just, she just had a move, I feel that the top of the six internal organs, and the palm of her is also reduced by six or seven points.

Although she still strongly supported this palm in Li Feng, she had not healed her injury, the danger of the strength of the battle is quite big, and the force is reduced to six or seven points. This palm is scratched in Li Feng. It is average, there is no killer!

"You ... do you dare to stop?" Xiao Ling was in an urgency, she knew that he couldn't hurt Li Feng in the peak state, but she was angry!

Li Feng bullied her in her coma, dared to block her this palm, simply bullying too much!

"I don't deliberately, it is true and automatic." "

When I said that Li Feng closed my mouth and explained these useful? Xiao Ling is on your head, and he said more more.

"Then don't you take the initiative to stop the arrogance?"

Intercontinence, Xiao Ling, raised his right hand again, and took it to Li Feng.

This palm is strong. If Li Feng withdrews the body of the body, it is afraid to be slightly injured, is it so stupid?


Li Feng raised his hand to pinch Xiao Ling's wrist, said: "I am to save you!"

"Save me?" Xiao Lingzhen is like a laughing joke, smiling: "In order to save me,, bully me? You are a three-year-old child, can you deceive me? "

Li Feng laughed: "I really gave you the treatment of injuries, but I don't know how to practice is actually aque."

It is very depressed here, and it is reasonable that the practice of women's cultivation is biased toward the mound attribute. The manager of the man's cultivation is biased toward the yang attribute. It can Xiao Lingzhi and the way, cultivation is the function of the yang. law.

It is good, and the martial arts that cultivates the prostitutes will produce the gas that is enough to get into the holy strong force, the gas is still nothing!

Under the coincidence, Li Feng has this kind of thing with Xiao Ling.

Xiao Ling can't help but laugh: "What is the relationship between the yang attributes I cultivated, what is the relationship with you?"

She is going to see how Li Feng gives himself white!

"I may not believe in it ..."

When Li Feng, Li Feng said that the victory is coming again.

After listening to Li Feng's story, Xiao Ling is speechless for a long time.

Although Li Feng said very much, I confirmed that Xiao Lingha, Li Feng did not lie to her, because Li Feng did not lie her reason.

Li Feng's realm is above her, even if there is a way to her with strong she? Is Li Feng as a reason to make such a dramatic?

After a long time, Xiao Ling was acknowledging: "I want to thank you in accordance with what you mean."

"Thank you not, I just want you to understand, in fact, I am also a victim." Li Feng said not to jump.

What happened between men, there is a woman who happened between women? Men and women are equal!

Xiao Lingha: "???"

Why do I understand? You are also victims a dog egg! Miss this lady has been clearer in 31 years, it is taken by your big tail wolf. Who is this lady who said? !

"Surrrum, this lady is going to be with you!"

Xiao Ling's roar, once again, I went to Li Feng again.

Li Feng started to make a hit by Xiao Ling, can slowly Li Feng's heart is angry, and the sure is hit by her.

Although Li Feng did not use full, his realm was crushed Xiao Ling, and he quickly gave Xiao Ling to uniform.

"Do you still dare to hit me?" Li Feng said.

Xiao Ling's breath and Li Feng pair, slowly, Xiao Ling's face has changed, after ten seconds, Xiao Ling suddenly cried, "Hey, you bully I!"

Li Feng: "???"

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