Save the Goddess System

Chapter 540, Murong Snow

"Murong Xue, this chick, I haven't given me a private message, is this important thing to find me?"

Thinking of this, Li Feng quickly opened the private letter and read it.

"Dear Mr. Beethoven, I have recently encountered a particularly distressed thing, can you tell you?"

After reading the content of the private letter, Li Feng has an instant.

Not ... Murong Snow This is the first to be a confidant, the first thing that is distressed is to think about him?

As for Li Feng, what is the first to say that the snow is the first to think of him, more or for intuition, and ... a small part of narcissism.

"Of course, you should talk about it."

Li Feng naturally does not refuse the opportunity to communicate with Murong Snow, not to mention his curiosity has been adjusted by Murong Snow.

After about five minutes, Li Feng received the reply from Murong Snow: "My singer's career may be over."

See this information, Li Feng suddenly wrinkled.

Why did Murong Xue say this, what happened to her, still another hidden?

Regardless, Li Feng does not want Murong Xue to end the singer, as one of the two major Taiwan pillars of Sheng Tang, Murong Snow, the damage to the entertainment of Shengtang will be very large.

"Do you have any trouble? If so, you can tell me, maybe I can help you solve it?"

Li Feng considers a little bit, and returns such a message to Murong Snow.

This time, Murong Snow reply is very fast: "Are you not fortunate, don't you have any trouble I encountered?"

Li Feng: "..."

No ... What is the young master not to move the stone? I know today, I will not install the god stick last time!

Just choose the way you choose, you have to finish, and since he has already embarked on this road, you have to continue.

"The fortune tells the shortage of leakage, and the number of leaks. I am going to be against the heavens. I have been against the people with the true life. I have been steet once - a week continuous diarrhea."

"This time, if I discharge the air, I don't want to pull a month? So you still tell me directly."

Li Feng faces a reply information that Li Feng does not jump.

This time, Murong Snow has been replied in recent five minutes: "I believe you have a evil! Forget it, don't tell you, I solve it myself."

After seeing this private letter, Li Feng is somewhat depressed.

There is a saying that is curious and dead, a person, if he heard someone talks, he will be anxious to scratch, and you can't wait for the person's mouth to let him say it.

Li Feng is now this kind of feeling, but Murong snow is not around him, he is not impossible to use the experience of Murong Snow, but do not to suppress Murong Snow.

"Rely, Murong Snow encountered what troubles!"

Li Feng has some crazy self-proliferation.

At this moment, the system prompt sound suddenly sounded: "Hey, congratulations, the second life task is completed, the task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 5000 experience, 500,000 system points reward."

Host: Li Feng

Level: SS-level

Experience value: 20500100000

System Points: 6472000

Conquer point: 369

Skills: "Kunyuan Gong", "Qiankun 1", "Square", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", "Rage", "Exploration Hand" ...

Waiting to completed the task: Eight-party wind and rain for me

After reading the personal properties, Li Feng quits the system.

At this time, a rush of a rushing ringtone.

Li Feng took out the mobile phone and found that it was Murong Xue to play, when I was stunful: "Murong Snow ended with Beethoven's communication, turned to me?"

Although it will cause a illusion from two identities, Li Feng is still reacting to Murong Snow is a call to "Li Feng", not Beethoven.

Because ... Murong Snow doesn't have Beethoven's mobile phone number ~

"Hey, I am Li Feng." Li Feng turned on the phone and said.

"Li, I ... I have something to say to you." In the phone, Murong Xue wants to say.

Li Feng is in his heart, does not change the color: "Let's talk, I listen."

The phone first was a silence, and Half Murong Snow said: "I ... I want to withdraw from the music scene while termination with the contract with Shengtang Entertainment."

Li Feng has a predecessor to this, so he is not surprised, but he is still pretending to ask: "Why?"

"I ..." Murong Xue wants to say.

Li Feng brows smashed: "If you have trouble, you can tell me, maybe I can help you?"

It was a silence in the phone. After listening to Murong Snow: "Thank you, Li Li, you can belong to my family, so ... Please take me to withdraw from Tang El, I will compensate to the company according to the contract A breach of contract. "

At this moment, the system prompt sound suddenly sounded: "Hey, host, do you have a new task, do you see it right away?"

"This time is the task, is it related to Murong Snow?"

While Li Feng guess, the meditation: "View!"

"Task: Save the goddess" (2) "

"Task Objective: The troubles brought by the replacement of the family, if the task fails, the 2 million system points are deducted to punish."

"Task Reward: 10,000 experience value, 1 million system points, 20 conquers points."

After reading the task, Li Feng couldn't help but self-prone: "What is the troubles of family factors? What kind of trouble will be made to let a music day after a day after a day? And there will be a big default ? "

"Do you say that Murong Snow is married under the arrangement of your family?"

Thinking of this possum, Li Feng is planning to test Murong Snow: "The things of the breach of contract are not urgent, I just want to understand, you are in the fast rising stage, why do you want to quit music? Don't tell me that you are going home to marry "

"How do you ..." Murong Snow exclaimed, followed by she knew that he said his mistake, and then cover his mouth.

Li Feng's heart, surprised: "I really let me say it? Are you not willing to accept the arrangement of your home?"

Murong Snow is silent for a long time, and finally there is no power: "I don't want to be, my family determines that I have no resistance at all."

Li Fengbei picks: "You are already behind the music, name, Li Double, even if your parents are not able to force you?"

Generally speaking, that kind of weak anti-parental package is married, or it is fools, or it is economically independent, or it is after the giants.

With Li Feng's understanding of Murong Snow, I should don't occupy it, is it ... Murong Snow comes from a gorge?

But this is wrong, before this, Li Feng has never heard of Murong Snow.

Murong Xue sighed: "Forget, two sentences are unclear, in short ... I can't resist this matter, no one can help me against."

"Li, thank you for your concern, I still insist on the previous decision, when do you see people to relieve contracts with me?"

Li Feng faces a number of times, and finally, I said: "Where are you, I will go to you."

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