Save the Goddess System

Chapter 557 is not too arrogant

I do not know how long it has been……


Murong Snow took his hand and sent it.

At this moment, Sun Xixiang was taken from Li Feng, and the behavior of Murong Snow is like a huge latency in the computer screen. Although funny, this is the normal reaction of people in the protected.

With the exclaimed Murong Snow, others also went through God, Murong and Leypa two pairs, the expression is complicated.

Murong and Fengye's big mouth have a roughness.

Yuan Zhen, Luo Caicaping this is directly to the ground and wow.

At the door, Sun Zhishang quietly retired, he step two steps, step two steps, like the pace of the magic turtle.

Just when Sun Zhi Shang is about to retreat to the door, Li Feng looked up to him.

Suddenly, the cold hair on Sun Zhishang is completely inverted, and the cold sweat on the forehead flows down, and the feet are no longer retreat, the whole person is like a wood like a wood.

Li Feng's mouth evoke a scratch scratch: "Is it gone?"

"I ... I didn't go." Sun Zhi Shang wiped the forehead cold sweat, and he was trembled.

Sun Zhishang is retreat, Li Feng took his grandfather in his face, but he did not dare to show the meaning of the grandfather, even in order to live, he still had a grandson!

Of course, if the grandson can exchange the opportunity to live, he must be a filial grandson! Only when you can talk to others, you will be gone.

"I didn't go right away." Li Feng laughed, and then Yu Zhi Shang hooks the finger.

Sun Zhishang was shocked, and he squeezed a smile than crying. "Li ... Li Xiao, I am very good at this station, you have something to tell me."

At this moment, Sun Zhishang is just a judgment of two people. Before Sun Zhishang is proud? Write the cow 13 on the face, now? A batch of, wrote 13 words on the face.

So don't be too arrogant, there is more madness when there are more mad falls.

Li Feng couldn't help but laugh: "How do you help your grandfather in that?"

"Ah?" Sun Zhishang, the emotional Li Feng made him the past, let him gave him the grandfather, Li Sum will have such a good heart?

"You can't come over?" Li Feng began to get rid of it.

"In the past, I have passed." What can Sun Zhihang dejected? Don't say that Li Feng just let him have to give his grandfather, even if he passed him, he didn't dare to say it!

The voice is falling, Sun Zhi Shang runs before the road to Sun Xixiang's body, then he stopped there.

Cary ... He didn't experience, I don't know how to get the corpse!

Just when Sun Zhishang did not know how to be good, Li Feng suddenly took the front step and raised his hand to his Dantian part.

Although Sun Zhishang has always heard Li Feng suddenly moved, he lowered Li Feng a big realm. He was rushing by Li Feng. Li Feng came suddenly. ".

Then, Sun Zhili felt that he became a fierce ball, and the air disappeared with an extremely exaggerated speed.

"It's over!"

Sun Zhishang's heart is sinking, the whole person fell into the ice!

Murong and Music son couldn't help but pick up a breath, and there was a complex ray flashing in his eyes.

Murong and Fengye are more frightened, and Li Feng's means are so spicy, what will they come to the next?

Murong Snow smashed his mouth, and his eyes were complex to look at Li Feng. I don't know what I'm thinking.

"I killed your grandfather, abolished your Dantian, you must hate me very much?"

Li Feng returned to the right hand and looked at Sun Zhishang's eyes and asked slowly.

Sun Zhishang threatened to kill Li Feng, I have already aroused Li Feng's heart, Li Feng did not kill Sun Zhishang, one is that Murong Snow is still here, not, he doesn't want Murong Xue to see yourself.

Second, Li Feng feels that it is better to let Sun Zhishang desperate than kill him.

From previous Sun Zhishang's words, Sun Zhihang is very proud of his martial arts talent. If he became a waste, will he cause much blow to him? I am afraid that I have to live in huge pain in the future.

As for Sun Zhishang, will not bring trouble to Li Feng or even danger ...


Sun Zhishang was immersed, and he did not send a word.

hate? Of course, he hates, he can't hate Li Feng's broken corpse!

But can he say? Dare to say? That is to die!

"I know you hate me, but I don't have to do it. I am not afraid that you hate me, go home with your grandfather's body, if you want to revenge Sun Xixiang, even though I come to me, I will then."

After that Li Feng turned, he walked to Murong and Feng.

After the body, Sun Zhishang double boxing, the color of hatred in the eyes, finally he released the double boxing, took off the outer cover in Sun Xixiang, leaned over the body of Sun Xixiang, turned to the villa.

His Bentley Muji stopped at the door of the villa. You can get on the car, plus Sun Xixiang's blood flow, he is not afraid of being hidden.

Sun Zhishang's departure did not attract the attention of everyone, because Sun Zhishang is no longer a proud of the previous days, but a dog of a funeral.

What's more, Murong and Fengye are still in full, how can I share my mind to pay attention to Sun Zhishang?

Looking at the step-by-step Li Feng, Murong and the Feng Ye are nervous, you can't breathe.

Just when Li Feng was going to face, Murong and the wind were step down first: "Li ... Li Xia, I ... we are wrong, we should not say those words, please also ask Li Shanda to not remember the little person, forgive I have this time. "

Murong and wind, once again let Murong Snow scream, but quickly Mu Rongxue will react, this is a world who fists who is the world.

The Murong and the wind are Murong's home, and the high height said it is not two, but that is before.

Murong and the wind at this moment are just a loser that is scared!

Murong and the wind, Murong Yubo, Murong Qing's father and son also squatted: "Li is less, you are in the future, you will forgive us."

"Yeah, my brother, I am a little brother, we are a family, you will put us as a fart."

Looking at the three people who were tailing in front of themselves, Li Feng smiled: "You said that I am arrogant, but I want to let Sun Xixiang killed me. Now I saw that I killed Sun Xixiang. You said that we are a family. ? "

Murong and the wind have a red face, and it is silent.

Li Feng said: "Although your behavior is very shameless, I really want to kill you, but I will see you in the family of Xiaoxue," I will give you a life. "

This time, Murong and Wind Three people are full of expectations!

Murong and Leon have no mouth, some want to say.

It is just that Li Feng suddenly took a turn: "But the crime of death can be escaping, you will be an ordinary person in the old man since then."

The voice is falling, Li Feng has abolished the Dantian of Murong and Feng Ye with Thunder.

The audience is quiet!

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