Save the Goddess System

Chapter 572, Fuji Tianxiang

Pearl, Future Group Building, President Office.

Li Xiang, that is, the flowers of the easy-to-Rong, who is helping Wei Shiqing to find an important document.

Wei Yifei, who is cold, is sitting on the boss chair and works.

At this moment, the office door was rings.

"Please come." Wei Bingqing did not lift.

During the flowers, there was no action on the hand and continued to find a document.

At this time, the office door was pushed away, and a beautiful woman wearing a black profession went in: "Wei, the generals of the Yuanfang Group."

The distant group is a comprehensive large group of China, with many industries, including real estate, finance, transportation, and more.

Among them, there is a partnership with future groups.

"Okay, please come in."

Wei Yige looked up and put down the documents in his hand and said.

In the near future, two large-scale projects should be cooperated. For this reason, Chen Yuan is coming to Wei Yishi yesterday, saying that the future group is talking to Wei Yishi.

This is natural to agree to this, partner, and meet the progress of the partner.

At this time, the flowers and fragrance found the documents, sent to Wei Yingqing, and then left here.

"You stay." Wei Bingqing smiled.

Waiting to talk to Chen Yuanfang, it is estimated that Li Xiang is alive to divert the water.

Until now, Wei Siqing still doesn't know that Li Xiang is just the name of the fragrance of the flowers, and it doesn't know that the flowers in the flowers are not a member of the dragon soul, but the women of Li Feng again.

A few minutes later, Chen Yuancheng took it in a young man.

"Wei, Hello,"

Chen Yuanfang came to the desk to hold hands with Wei Shiqing.

"Hello Chen, welcome, please take it."

Perhaps you get love, the smile on the face of Wei Yingqing is much more, no longer a cold-fried appearance outside the man.

Wei Shiqing is so beautiful when it is facing his face. This smile is more beautiful. Let Chen Yuan are watching his young man behind him.


At this time, the flowers were dissatisfied with the fragrance.

Wei Shuangqing, but the owner's woman, these two men have always stared that the Wei always looked at the rhythm. If the Wei's general consent, she will have to move the two people!

Chen Yuan fell awakened with that young man, and then turned to look at the flowers in the flower.

"Wei, this is ..." Chen Yuanshi asked.

"Her name is Li Xiang, is my assistant." Wei Yingqing said with a smile, then said: "Li Wei, go to tea."

From Wei Shuangqing's tone, it can be angry because of her behavior before Li Wei.

"Yes, Wei's general." Li Xiang did not look at Chen Yuanfang, turned to the tea and walked to the tea.

When the flower is in the flower, it is not known. After she turned into the body, the young man behind Chen Yuan flashed in the eyes of the young man.

Then, he did not have traces, Chen Yuanfang, when Chen Yuan returned, he gave Chen Yuanfang made a look.

Chen Yuan is going to nod, and then asked if it is not like: "Wei, I remember that your previous assistant is the Summer of Osweil?"

"Yes, Summer is once my assistant." Wei Yingqing did not hide.

There are a lot of people who know this, not only because some people know that Su Wei once is the assistant of Wei Yishi, but also say this when Su Wei is introduced.

If you replace it into others, you have become famous for a few hundred billion companies, and it is afraid that it will not mention the experience of being an assistant to others.

However, Su Shi will worship Wei Bingqing, and the two women are Li Feng's woman, and the feelings are like the sisters, and they don't care about it.

"That is to say, Miss Li Xiang has become your assistant is in the near future." Chen Yuan asked with a smile.

Wei Yingqing's appearance: "Chen always seems to care about my assistant?"

If she has not cared for the reaction of the two, as Chen Yuan's inquiry, Wei Yingqing also took out the wrong place.

After the two came here, the eyes were more concentrated in Li Wei, and the questions were related to Li Wei. Is it not to find her today, but looking for Li Wei?

Li Xiangbei, who is making tea, has a vigilant heart.

"I can't talk about it, it is curious."

Chen Yuan is playing a haha, no more than, but transfer the topic to the cooperation of both parties.

One hour later, the two ended the meeting, Wei Bingqing made Li Xiang to send two people.

After entering the elevator, the young man behind Chen Yuan said with Dongpu: "During the flower sauce."

Li Siang is slightly shaking, the expression on his face also has a change, but she will recover normal, just like not to hear the person's talk.

"Flower sauce, I know it is you, are you threatened? It doesn't matter, I have brought the signal shield, and I won't look down on the survey barrier, and some people see you talk to me."

The man continued to say in Japanese.

During the flower, the fragrance finally came back, frown: "Sir, are you talking to me?"

The man took the fragrance with the flowers to look at it for a while, and then shook his head: "No, I just use this time to practice Dongpu language. If there is any disturbance, please ask Miss Li."

During the flower, the fragrance is like a letter to nod, while praising: "Mr. You will really work, you will succeed, come on."

The man smiled slightly, didn't say more.

When two people sent two people to the parking lot, and the two people drove here. The flowers were in the flowers. They were in the language: "Who is the person, why do you know how the surname?"

"No, the tone of the person seems to know with me, and the feelings are not general ... But I clearly wear the human skin mask given by the owner, why can I recognize me?"

"Call ... I don't want to do it, or tell the owner."

Thinking of this, the flowers and fragrance took out the phone to the phone to call Li Feng.

the other side.

"Mr. Fujimi, is she really a lady in the flowers of your sister?"

After the car opened the future group building, Chen Yuan couldn't help but ask.

If Wei Yingqing is here, it will be stunned by Chen Yuan's attitude. She thought that this young man is Chen Yuan's secretary. As a result, Chen Yuan is very respectful to young people!

"I can't miss, although the appearance is different, the sound is different, but their two people's body, the posture of walking is exactly the same, but the unique temperament is exactly the same."

"This assistant, the assistant, Li Xiang, is my little sister flower, the fragrance!"

Fujita Xiang is cold, and the sound is said.

"Since Mr. Fujima is sure that she is your little teacher, why not take her to take her?"

Chen Yuan asked.

Fuji Tianxiang looked at Chen Yuanfang with a kind of vague look. This said.

The voice is falling, and Fuji Tianxiang closed his eyes on the back of the chair.

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