Save the Goddess System

Chapter 594 should be a good thing

Li Feng directly caught in the state!

No ... Shen Ziyi is eating misal medicine or being dismusting by his nerve, how to suddenly report her?

Before the key, she also killed him because of this, would it be a trap?

"What is to do, rush to report me, I am not strong, you report to me to see it."

Shen Zizhen pointed to the big tree at the far, and said that the light is said.

This place gives her a very familiar feeling, a bit like she has been there ...

Li Fengbei picks up, turned to the big tree, then said: "Do you think that tree is not too strong?"

"Well?" Shen Ziyi first stunned, then said: "What is it?"

Just a short observation, Shen Ziyi feels that the tree may be the core of this valley, this wants Li Feng to report her, and I have never thought that Li Feng has this.

The little guy feels very keen!

"Just now I will report you to see it, and you suddenly ... forget it, don't say it."

When I said that Li Feng closed my mouth.

"Why, I have a resentment for my grandmother?" Shen Ziyao stood up, picking up Li Feng's chin, taste.

"The men and women are not born." Li Feng brows smashed the little hand of Shen Ziyu, the dried (not).

My sister, I have never been a young master to dance others. Why did Xiaoyang have been ...

Oh, it seems that Song Yujun also dances the young master, and now I have a lot of sinking.

Although it is very cool to have a feeling of sinking Zikai, can he easily? Since the young master walked over the tyrant route, they had to continue to install it, so excused by Shen Zikai.

If you want to tame the horse, you have to take a unconventional means.

"Hey, little guy, you dare to open a grandmother, how, is it very stinking?"

The more you look at Li Feng, the more you feel the eye.

Looking carefully, the little guy is still very handsome, and the body is also very good, and his stubborn look is also pleased.

Unfortunately, the little guy is overbearing, but the strength is too weak. She can look down on her own man, but this does not hinder her jumping Li Feng.

People are alive, always have to find a lot of fun, at least now, the fun of Shen Ziyu is to dance this man who has hit her shares.

"It doesn't matter with the aromity, Xiaoye is revenge." Li Feng snorted and turned his head.

"Hey, the little guy is not old, and the temper is not small." Shen Ziyan smiled, then positive: "Well, although I don't know how you saved me, but at least it seems that you didn't say lick, So I have to apologize to you, sorry. "

Li Fengbei picks, the face is surprised.

The Dragon Soul purpel dragon made, the sacred strong, Shen Ziyan apologized to him, he didn't live?

"Since I apologize to you, you have just hit it ... I have already made a shares, and the two are flat, how?"

Even if Shen Zi is more than a general woman, it is still a bit embarrassing when he says "shares".

Speaking of that she is a woman, this kind is really ashamed to hear.

Li Feng raised her eyebrows, stared at Shen Ziyi for a while, and finally smiled: "Well, it is flat."

The voice falls, Li Feng stepped forward, and reported her in his arms before Shen Ziyan did not respond.

Li Feng's sudden attack made Shen Ziqi scorn the sound, then she took the chest of Li Feng, whispered: "You a little guy, I don't want to report, I don't say it in advance, find!"

Shen Ziyu is a beautiful, this spoiled patted Li Feng, let Li Feng suddenly the heart, the heart of the horse.

"Why do you look at me, Xiaoye godde, I want to eat me?"

Shen Ziyu is red, his eyes are blurred, and the heart is vigilant to the extreme.

She knows what I mean for men. I didn't see Mo as I heaven, is Ren Cangsheng such as a world?

Li Feng is also a man, or a young man just a blood, the posture of the two is so embarrassing, in case Li Feng can't help but do something to her, it is impractable with her seriously injured.

So she wants to test Li Feng. If Li Feng has this idea, she will never let Li Feng will succeed!

Shen Ziyi is the Supreme Supreme Strong, even if he is seriously injured, it is also enough to kill Li Feng.

Li Feng's mouth hook, play taste: "It is what you let me report, I also said twice, I am just in accordance with your requirements, if the purple dragon makes my behavior is not proper, then I am to the purple dragon apologize."

Shen Ziyan stared at Li Feng for a while, and smiled and said: "Okay, since you realize your own mistake, the grandmother forgive you."

Interculverts, Zi Zi, reached outstretched, Li Feng's neck: "Walk, let's take a look at the tree, then you tell me how you save me, my grandmother is really curious."

Li Feng's mouth is pushing, very helpless, so beautiful and beautiful, a grandmother claims ... This picture is too beautiful.

"When you were dizzy, the faucet blocked the three Westerners with the swords, so that you fell into the sea."

"I am killed into the sea, I want to save you, who knows the eyes suddenly black, and then come here again."

Li Feng's telling is very short, short to only three words.

There is no way to not be short, stealth, and group space transfer cannot be said, can only say it.

Shen Ziyi didn't think much. In such a war, she saved her, but she was discovered by the enemy. With Li Feng, this book can only die.

Since it is fast, it is natural to say.

Furthermore, even if Shen Zi is to respect the strong, it will not think of the skill of Li Shan will stealth, space delivery.

"Little guy, you should know that in that case, save me is a very dangerous thing. Since you have to save me?"

Shen Ziyu flashed, and there is a kind of inexplicable emotion.

Although the hero saves the beautiful bridge, although it is common, the effect is really strong.

How many beautiful women have been rescued by heroes and have a thoughtful idea.

Of course, if the hero who saves people is ugly, they can only be able to make a horses in the world ...

Coincidentally, Li Feng not only is not ugly, but also very handsome, Shen Ziyi has some thought to strengthen it.

"Because you have saved me." Li Feng did not explain too much, what can he say? Don't you say that he doesn't want it, but the system requires, he has to do it?

Since I do hero, I have to do it ...

"Little guy, you really let me be a bit surprised ..." Shen Ziyu feels emotion, then twist the head and no longer look at Li Feng.

She has a kind of premonition, and I have to go out to 80% ...

Li Fengbei picks up, no more, speed up to the big tree to go to the big tree.

After coming to the big tree, the two looked up at the crown and quickly discovered the fruits such as jasper.

"Little guy, the few fruits should be good, do you want to taste it?"

Shen Ziyan said with his mouth.

Li Feng: "???"

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