Save the Goddess System

Chapter 716 Step on Murong Snow?

One week later ...

Under the efforts of Li Feng Night, Wei Yingqing and others have stepped into the back of the future, as long as they will give Li Feng one week, he will definitely help Wei Yingqing and others have become the powerful.

It's a pity that Tian Li Feng will go to Dongpu. I am afraid to achieve this goal in a short period of time.

"Begin started, Xiaoxue appeared!"

"Wow, Xiao Xue is so beautiful on TV!"

"Hey, what is so beautiful in the TV, is Xiao Xue not beautiful in reality?"

In the living room of Wei Shuangqing, Li Yuan, Wei Bingqing, Su Wei, Song Yujun, Xu Man, Liu Shihan, sitting, watching the TV screen, saying that there is no stop.

This issue of "Happy Party" is the main coffee this evening, which is a good program before a week. The girl knows that she is going to the TV before broadcasting.

As the protagonist tonight, Murong Snow carved at the second floor with Li Feng at the moment.

After Murongxue appeared, two men and a female two hosts who were happy were questioned on the middle of the warmth.

In the face of the host's question, Murong Snow is like a stream, sometimes it will be very stalk.

"I have a small snow, I heard that you have a new single to be released, is it true?"

At this time, the male host asked.

Murong Xue: "Well, yes, 10 o'clock this evening, I will launch my latest single" in Penguin Music "."

"I personally think this song is the most satisfactory work I have so far, and I should not let the fans disappoint."

"After this" meeting "will be included in my new album, about a month, my new album can meet you."

I heard here, the two hosts gang Qi Zhi Snow's new song played Call.

"Wow, listen to Xiao Xue, I want to listen now now."

"Everyone remembers, 10 o'clock this evening, Penguin music," Meet "and you can't see you ~"

"I wish Xiao Xue Xinge big sale ~"

Murong Snow has always been hot, and it is also a common guest of the Happy Party. It is also good to have a good relationship with these two hosts, so they are all self-hearted to help Murong snow playing Call.

After that, Murongxue is temporarily returned, and other guests debut.

After some interaction, a three-line female singer took a microphone and took the initiative to talk about his new song.

Her name is Liu Meili, a very pure face, I don't know, I thought she was a high school, but her body is very good.

For this reason, some fans under private are called Liu Mengdi is the Queen of Tong Yan.

"What, are you eating today?"

I heard Liu Meiltie said that her new song was released today, and the two hosts of Happy Party were surprised.

"Yeah, that is, today, the predecessors of Murong Snow send new songs on the same day, but also in Penguin music, the song is called" Butterfly Dance ", I hope everyone will support it."

Liu Mengde said with a smile.

It can be seen in the picture that the two hosts have a moment of, but the picture is turned, the host's expression will recover.

After all, it is recorded, and the picture here will definitely go through the clip.

"Then, what is the expectation of Liu Zhai for his new song?" Asked the male host.

"I hope to get a good results, it is best to exceed the new song of Murong Snow."

Liu Mengde exposed a sweet smile and said sweet and greasy.

"Wow, your expectation is really surprised!" The female host was surprised to cover his mouth.

The male host is a bit dignified: "Which aspect is you referring to the score exceeding the snow?"

"Sales within 24 hours." Liu Mengde did not hesitate.

"My God! It seems that the sales record of the female singer digital music album is created by Xiao Xue a year?"

Speaking of this, the female host turned to look at the eyes.

At this time, the scene has sounded in Murong Snowfans: "8.5 million!"

"24 hours sales of 2.83 million digital music albums, sales are 8.5 million!"

"Wow, the fans of the small snow are very enthusiastic." The male host nodded: "I also remember it. The new song is on the line 24 hours to sell 8.5 million Huaxia coins, this is the record of Xiao Snow."

Then he asked Liu Meimei: "How many sales can you think of your new song 24 hours?"

"At least 20 million." Liu Mengde said with confidence.

There is a short silence on TV ...

Wei Yingqing, etc. in front of the TV set!

I am going, what is the meaning of this woman, deliberately squatting the heat of our small snow? It's also wrong to defeat our small snow? I believe in your evil!

"I have never heard her songs before this, what is her self-confidence exceeding the snow?"

"Just, I think she is intentional speculation!"

Song Yujun and others are very angry.

At this time, Wei Shi Qing shook his head and said: "Don't say it, if there is a might of the mine, you have a new song of 2 million to buy her, is she really more than the snow?"

I heard that this said, Song Yujun and others have a moment of understanding.

They are all elites in all walks of life. They have a deep understanding of some routines, and Liu Mengdi dares to praise this Haikou in a variety show of the top three of the ranks. How is it possible?

She must use this way to attract the public's attention, first speculate in the heat, then prove that it is in the way to survive over the snow within 24 hours.

With the popularity of the snow, only one day, Liu Meimei will become a hot star, and then the next time, she is very likely to rise directly from the three-wire to the front line.

At this time, Li Feng, which ended, Murongxue walked from the second floor.

Seeing the picture of the girls, Li Feng has a moment of ignorance, I am going, what are they doing, how do you sit, open a family meeting?

"What to stay, Xiao Xue is bullied!"

Song Yujun took out the big momentum of the big sister, and Li Feng hooks hook his fingers.

As soon as I heard this, Li Peak is slightly changed: "What is the situation?"

"It's that Liu Meimei ..."

When you say that you said that the show that I just saw it was said.

Li Feng: "???"

No ... I want to step on the small snow, this woman is very heartbeat!

At this time, Murong Xue went to Wei Yifeng and so on, and she said: "Don't take her, a singer still wants to speak with strength, even if it has been a heat and popularity, there is no super hard strength will dissipate."

When she recorded a program, she knew it, she didn't care about this.

Even if the new song sales of Liu Mengde exceeds her? As long as her song has caused the resonance of the fans, I will be moved to the fans, it is enough, why would other singers?

"If you say this is true, but I am not cool, she stepped on you."

"Just, this is absolutely can't stand it."

"Quickly see Weibo, the woman is a demon!"

At this time, Liu Shihan was shocked with a mobile phone.

When the girl went to pick up, I saw that Liu Meili had just released a Weibo: "10 no songs 10 this night, like the fans of the dream butterfly, let us prove who is the most popular Chinese music Welcome strength female singer ~ Come on! "

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