Save the Goddess System

Chapter 786 Town Jiuwei

"Li Feng!"

Ren Xiao Li sent a excitement, regardless of everything to Li Feng.

Li Feng's mouth hook, this time, no longer stops Little Lei to come to himself.

"How do you feel, is it hard?"

When I came to Li Peku, I asked Xia Zai asked.

"I am fine, I am very good." Li Feng smiled and shook his head.

Ren Xiaole: "???"

Not ... You now don't work with it, it is good enough?

However, Li Feng's calm looks infected with Bud, let her tight body and mind have been relaxed.

Opposite, Luo Tianzi jumped out of the deep pit, confirming that Li Peak was seriously injured.

"Wait!" Li Feng suddenly lifted his hand, and his mouth evoked a laughter. "

Luo Tianzheng: "???"

I rub? This is exactly what he just wants, how can Li Feng know? !

"And you ... Do you feel that I have not been able to continue to fight, let me take out the things in the storage space, this will give me a happy death method?"

Li Feng also looked at Wan Zi Road and ridicule.

Wan Zidao: "..."

Rely, this kid will read the heart, and he said to the words he want to say, it is not bad!

"You ..." Li Feng also looked at Liang Yuxin.

When Liang Yuxin suddenly became nervous, did Li Fenglian know what you want? Not likely!

"Forget it, what you said is something that doesn't matter." Li Feng sighed, and directly took Liang Yuxin.

Liang Yuxin: "???"

No ... This is a fart, look down on it?

Oh, right, I just want to say it? I forgotten a nervous.

At this time, Feng Dehai jumped out and said: "Hey, the kid, you ..."

"Just now, they shocked me, you will not be eligible to talk to me this hand." Li Feng directly broke.

Feng Dehai has changed, and it is necessary to open it.

Who knows that Luo Tianzi is a little bit a little bit: "I agree with this sentence."

"Well, this kid didn't have a mistake."

"Old four, you still look at it."

Feng Dehai: "???"

No ... Let's be a brother, it is a battleline, do you help the enemy talking like?

"Li Feng, took the ninegest order."

Just then, Ren Xiao Lei said.

In the moment of her voice, Li Feng took the ninegest order in his hand.

"Give me." Ren Xiao Lei reached out, who knows Li Feng dodges: "Nothing, I am better in me."

Ren Xiaole: "..."

No ... , if you make more good luck in your hand, you should take it out.

Luo Tiancheng, Feng Dehai, these people are not fools. As long as they can think of this, they can think of this, but also give her nine characters, she can have the opportunity to scare Luo Tiancheng.

"This ... this is really nine peace!"

Luo Tiancheng's eyes suddenly became hot.

The nine charters they worked did actually in Li Feng? There is really a feeling that bursts with iron shoes.

But now I am not happy. Everyone looks at the tiger, who wants to grab the nine charters to have a hard work.

"Yes, this is really a nine peace, is it afraid?"

Li Feng played a nine peace or smile.

Luo Tianzheng et al. First, then smiled and laughed: "I am afraid? Do you think that you can get the Shenzong disciples?"

"The ninegest order is just the order of nine, you will not break the secret it is a waste iron, do you understand?"

"Why, don't you want to say that you have gone through the secret of nine characters? Haha, are you stupid? If you have gone through the secret of the nine characters, would you wait until now?"

Just like Little Lynch, if she took it, it is possible to shock Luo Tianzheng and others, but Li Feng is really unobs.

Li Feng shrugged: "Who ... You are really right, I just got through the secrets of nine characters, if you want to live, you will swear, just, I am so happy, I can put you. Life. "

Luo Tianzheng is waiting to face each other, then look Yang Tiancheng: "Li Feng, do you really take us three years old?"

"The secret of nine characters is so good, how will the bud give it to you?"

Just when they ridiculed Li Feng, a figure suddenly rushed out from the oblique side. The next moment came to Li Peak: "Your nonsense is too much!"

Feng Dehai's expression is somewhat.

Just now, he was put by Li Feng, exhausted to the ocean, eating hard, and where there is a mood, Li Feng is here? He only wants Li Feng into a smash!

"Li Feng is careful!" Ren Xiaoei came out.

In the distance, Luo Tianzheng et al. Closed his mouth. He looked at the eyes of Feng Dehai.

Although Li Feng gave a very low possibility of nine confidence, even if there is one hundred and one possibility, they are not willing to commit danger.

Let Feng Dehai, this head is trying to explore Li Feng, they only need to sit behind the fishing of fishing.

When I was rushing to Li Feng, Feng Dehai's right hand and refers to the knife, straight to Li Feng's chest.

At this moment, Li Feng's invincible aura, time hurs has been invalid, and it has been exhausted. Once he is thrown by Feng Dehai, his end will be the same as the previous bud.

Just waiting for him to rush to Li Peak, he saw Li Feng rush him to some finger: "Town Nine!"


A dazzling golden light gathered in the nine chart, and the next moment did not enter the body of Feng Dehai.

Feng Dehai only felt that there was a pain in the body, and it was unable to feel it. The body fell directly to the ground!

However, this is only the beginning, and the body of Feng Dehai is spread throughout the golden light. The body is like a gas balloon, which is very rapidly up. The kind of tear is awkward. "Ah! What is this ghost! Help? !what!"

In the distance, Luo Tianzheng is waiting for the fear!

Lying in the trough, this situation is exactly the same as the disciple of the legend of Zhongzong, and Li Feng really got through the secrets of nine.

Just when Luotian is amazing, when it is suspected, the loud noise of "" is coming!

Feng Dehai's body is like a balloon explosion, the fried is full!

"All said that Xiaoye gave a secret of nine charters, you biased, now I can't die now?"

Looking at the full piece, Li Feng put the ninegest order and blowing his mouth, and his position was handsome.

Opposite, Luo Tianzheng is all in a stable state!

Li Peki is also in a stagnation!

After half of the half, Luo Tianzheng et al Qi Qi Li Feng double knees, and shouted in the mouth: "Lower Luo Tianzheng (Liang Yuxin) ... see the main owner!"

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