Save the Goddess System

Chapter 802 Don't care about the process

After half an hour, Li Feng asked Lin Haixi, please ask him to eat late night, with Ren Xiao Lei's gain.

"They can look forward to you, so they have been more sad."

Out of the meeting, Xiaobei said to say.

After the real strength, Li Feng became the thigh of Linhai to do the news, and it was naturally good for Li Fenglin Sea.

I still can't find Li Feng for a moment. The next moment it became almost sweet, and the big land of life is like this?

Li Feng shook his head and smiled: "Lin Yunpeng is okay, but his father Linhai is too strong, and the next time I have the opportunity to talk to Lin Yunpeng."

"That is." Ren Xiao Lei nodded.

Now, Linhai is just aware of Li Feng is a half-level strong, it is so enthusiastic. If Lin Hai knows Li Feng's other identity, he may not give Li Feng as ancestor?

Whether it is Osweil's boss, or the slave's four top ancient Wu Shi's fierce people, from the middle, you can shock these people from Lin Hai alone.

When the communication between people, once the gap is too large, there will be many problems, and the object is not unequaliable with the group.

Li Feng smiled, no longer continued this topic: "Time is still early, is it better to go directly to the airport?"

Ren Xiao Lei's face is slightly changed, and she looked down at the watch, and the eyebrows were slightly said: "What time is early, now it is more than 8 o'clock."

Li Feng: "???"

No ... If he didn't remember the wrong, the last time in the mountains, he was in the middle of the night. Ren Xiao Lei had to pull him to go to the bar.

At 8 o'clock now, Ren Xiao Lei is too late?

"I don't care, I am tired, I am going to the hotel, take a break and go to the airport."

Ren Xiaozu played a yawn, and he said tired.

Li Feng is weird to see Ren Xiao Lei: "Then you go to the hotel, I went to the airport?"

"No!" Ren Xiao Lei directly pulled Li Feng's arm, half is a threat: "You have to stay with me, I am afraid."

Li Feng's mouth smoked, smiled: "You can enter the Santun Summer, who can scare you?"

Ren Xiao Lei willow eyebrows: "You don't think I can't think of this, I just get into the Shengfeng peak, which is the enemy that appears in these two days is not a half-level? The worst is also to respect! Do you say that I will improve? Realm of self-insurance capacity? "

Li Feng: "???"

No ... she is what I mean, I still want the young master to help improve the strength?

Ren Xiaole continued: "You are my son-in-law, can help me improve the realm, is it a bit selfish?"

Li Feng's mouth is a push: "... aunt, you should know what way I am helping to improve the realm?"

The yaw is selfish, the young master is a selfish person, Wei Shuangqing is all enhanced by the young master to the respect of the respect, if the little one is selfish, their realm can improve this fast?

The key is your identity!

Xiaoye wants to help you also improve the realm, Xiao Lingzhen knows how to say young?

Ren Xiao Lei nodded, there is no way to say: "Know, what happens, don't care, pay attention to the result!"

Two hands of Li Feng: "Where is the result of the process?"

Ren Xiao Lei learned his look, the same two-handed stado: "As long as the result is reached, is the process is important?"

Li Feng sighed: "Isn't it important?"

"Is it important?" Ren Xiao Lei step forward, nearly attached to Li Feng's eyes.

"Boot!" Li Feng took a step back, raised his two hands: "Don't talk about this topic? Time is not too early, let's find a hotel to take a break, other people will find time again, how to ? "

He has already set up ideas, after arriving at the hotel, he will find a chance to sneak around.

Rely, I feel that Xiao Lei wants to play with him. I can't hold it, I am slipping.

Ren Xiaole looked at him for a while, and finally showed a smile: "Okay, just not finished at noon today."

"What is the gambling?" Li Feng did not understand.

"The horse kills the chicken." Ren Xiao Li stretched his hands and made a movement of the piano, and said.

Li Feng: "..."

Not ... this is a playing piano, not a horse killing chicken, aunt, you have determined how to learn how horse kills chicken?

"Well, go to the hotel first."

Li Feng spit out a turbidity and decided to go to the hotel first, then find the opportunity to sneak around, so as not to be rational, causing irreparable consequences.

Ren Xiao Lei showed a smile, and the arm of Li Feng came to the roadside to prepare for taxi.

After half an hour, the two walked into a five-star hotel.

"Mr., girl, do you ask two books?" The front desk squeezed a smile of professionalism.

"No." Li Feng shook his head and took out the ID card: "Give us two suites."

The front desk sister has a weird look at Li Feng and served as Xiaipi, and then apologizes a smile: "Sorry Mr., the current store has only one room."

Li Feng brow is microstruck: "Not the suite can also."

"Sorry, Mr., maybe you don't understand what I mean, this shop is currently left in a room, not a suit, is a standard room." The front desk is patiently explained.

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... so smart, there is only one room left, and is the standard room?

"Oh, then it is." Li Feng shook his head, he would return home.

Who knows that Kui directly took out the ID card: "OK, one is one, I have no more."

Li Feng's mouth, it is necessary to open the mouth, who knows that Xiao Zi is like he will be against him, directly raising his mouth, then rushing the front desk, smiling: "Trouanese to help us register?"

Front desk: "..."

She has worked in the hotel industry for so many years, or I saw this in the first time. Generally, this time is not a man more happy?

These two people ... so strange!

A few minutes later, the front desk sister gave the two to the registration, and Li Lei took the house and took the arm to enter the elevator.

"Auntie, are you not coming?" In the elevator, Li Feng said complex.

"What is true, I don't understand what you mean." Ren Xiaozui is slightly red and said.

Just when Li Feng didn't know how to answer, the elevator door opened, and Li Lei took him out of the elevator.

When I came to the door of the room, Li Feng said: "Do you want to change a hotel, a room is always less convenient."

"What is inconvenient, I haven't said it is inconvenient." Ren Xiao Lei snorted, then opened the door: "No matter what, I must step into the respect this evening!"

The voice is falling, and the bud put Li Feng into the house.

The fox tail of Ren Xiao Lei finally came out!

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