Save the Goddess System

Chapter 935, Chapter, Chapter 935

The El Fa has a drama, and it is busy to deduct your own throat, trying to spit the medicinal medicine.

Just this Dan medicine entrance is instant, he spit it, but only spit out some acid water, this El method directly Sparta: "What do you give me ?!"

"June wearing the intestines." Li Feng shrugged, playing: "This medicinal medicine is a poisonous, if you can't get an antidote in six months, you will wear your own belly."

If this is not involved in Tiffany, he really wants to directly give Elfa, and two, one is discrimination against the Chinese people, the second is not respecting the woman, trying to use the despicable means to share Tiffany.

This kind of person is alive is a waste of food!

However, media reporters know that Tiffany is a matter of dinner with Elfa tonight. He now kills Elfa, will only make Tiffany trouble.

"Oh my God……"

Tiffany said with his hand, and said a panic: "Mr. Li, what are you talking about?"

Elfa looked at Li Feng in a horrible look: "You are lie to me, you must be lie to me, I don't believe you dare to kill me!"

"Of course, it is true." Li Feng shrugged, and said: "You are a waste of food and air, don't kill you still stay?"

"You are a madman, I am a world-renowned rich, I am dead, I can't escape the sanctions of the law!"

El Fa is tight, and the whole body is shaking.

"Do you talk to me?" Li Feng smiled: "If I don't have time to appear in time tonight, what would you do against Tiffany? Is it a violation of the law? Both is a wolf, why bother?"

"I ..." Elfa is a sprint, then softened: "Mr. Li, I know is wrong, I am willing to use money to make up for my fault, you open a price, as long as it is too much, I will promise."

"What?" Li Feng did not dare to believe his ears.

I have been this time. Elfa dared to talk to him, and his mind is Olyli?

Seeing Li Feng not taking the conditions, Elfa said directly: "US $ 1 billion!"

"Ah!" Tiffany was surprised to cover his mouth.

Even if she is a humanoid self-cultivation machine, the number of $ 1 billion is also let her heart beat.

All the income of her one year is also less than $ 150 million, which is not taxation, expenditure, with $ 1 billion equivalent to her 7 years of income!

However, supermodel is a shelf life, and she will be replaced by her later generation, becoming the spray that is killed on the shore.

If she earns $ 1 billion in one time, she can retire, and I have to live on the life of China's pastoral herd.

Now Li Feng only wants to make this $ 1 billion, even her human shape is very envious.

"Money is a number for me." Li Feng shrugged and directly rejected the proposal of Elfa.

El Fa has a slight change, spit out a touch of interest: "I know that you will not kill me immediately, because you don't want to get suspicion, so you must put me away here, right?"

"Of course, what should I do if I have to give you a lot of drugs?" Li Feng two hands and laughed.

Everything is in the mastery, he doesn't mind how to talk about El Fa.

Perhaps it is a mess, he is now enjoying this process of playing others.

"Then you are not afraid that I will go out and say that I have forced to take a drama of the drama?" Elfa's faces said: "I am also a man, have a bloody blood, I know you will not give me In the case of medicine, this seems to be the only thing I can do, isn't it? "

"Maybe you have a strong powerful value, not afraid of a general police, but I am super rich, I have always maintained a good relationship with the Miki Supermanship."

"As long as I tell the super bureau, the super bureau will be happy to help me find you."

His original intention is really going to fight a fish with Li Feng, but want to take this to Li Feng, let Li Feng give him medicine, and he is willing to pay $ 1 billion or even more costs.

Tiffany is worried about Li Feng, and Elfa said it is what she is worried.

Li Feng shrugged: "Your analysis is very thorough, but it is ignored."

Elfa brow microstruck: "What?"

Li Feng smiled: "You don't remember that I have taken to the drug, what happened this evening will not leave in your memory."

Elfa first stunned, then scared: "You will hypnotize ?!"

Tiffany also looked at Li Feng with a shock.

"It's not hypodithoscopic, it is a higher-end skill than hypnotism." Li Feng smiled and then made a referral.

Elfa only felt that a virtual sense of weakness was, and it was aware that it was blurred, and finally he fell into the ground, coma.

"My God ..." Tiffany took his mouth and asked, "Mr. Li, what did you do for him?"

"Modify memory." Li Feng smiled.

What hyposis is not as simple as the revision of the system.

"Ah?" Tiffany first stunned, then asked: "Do you want to modify my memory?"

Nowadays, she will not doubt the authenticity of Li Feng, after all, is a man who is immunized.

It's just that she doesn't want her memories.

"Hey ..." Li Feng said that he did have this intention.

"Mr. Li, I beg you not to modify my memory. I don't want to lose this memory." Tiffany quickly pulled Li Feng's arm, gently shaking, very spoiled.

"Why?" Li Fengbei picks up, do not understand: "Tonight's memory should be very happy to you, forget not a better?"

"No, it's not entirely." Tiffany shakes his head: "At least these memories after Li, I am novel, beautiful, you let me know the other side of this world."

"the most important is……"

Say that Tiffany is a bit blush, and it will stop.

"What?" Li Feng is so curious.

"Just ... I have a chairman to dine, say that my heart is a superman, he has a yellow skin, black eyes, black hair, but also handsome."

"Well ... Although your long phase is not that kind of handsome, it is a big half a half of the prediction of the Star. So I don't want to lose this memory."

Tiffany has reacted after the completion, and even quickly explained: "In fact, you are still handsome, especially in the case of it."

Westerners speak straight, do not know euphemist ...

Li Feng faces the color time weird, Westerners also believe in the set of life? However, this is still quite accurate.

"Cough, in fact, I also feel that I am very handsome."

Room Li Feng took the varying mask and exposed his own face.

Tiffany first, then surprise: "Mr. Li, is this your original? My God, you are really very handsome, it is true!"

"Mr. Li, I found that I really fell in love with you, you are my boyfriend ... ok?"

Li Feng: "???"

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