Save the Goddess System

Who else in Chapter 939? !

Amy is playing, this is the end of the letter, his card is two 10 a piece of 8 7, the bottom card is buckled.

Players sitting opposite him are a black peach A, a black peach J, a black peach 6, a black peach 3, the bottom card is unknown.

From the card from the two, the advantage of Amy is a pair 10. If the card is also 10, he can join three, this is the biggest card of Amy.

If the top card of the other, if it is also a black peach, it will make a flower, no matter the aim of the Amy, it is also opposite.

At this moment, the player expression opposite the Amy looks a little relaxed. I saw him at one hand, and I played a chip, and smiled. "Mr. Amy, your luck is really envious, but fortunate gods will not I only care about you alone, from now on, it is going to turn to me. "

His name is Jack, a real estate company of LD, is also a frequent visitor of this casino.

He came here at noon. When he came, he saw that Amy was in the quarter, and he did not accept the air challenged to Amy.

He has five times with Amy. This is the sixth time to the bureau, he has lost five times before, and then lost 5 million pounds before and after.

These money is nothing to him, no hurt the bones, but he has no face, so he must win this time!

"Yes?" Amy double eyes filled with blood, hitting the blood, said: "But my intuition tells me, lucky goddess is still standing here!"


The voice is falling, and Amy pushes all the chips in front of it.


The gambling table sounded against the sound.

This pile of chips in front of Amy is tens of millions of pounds. If Jack wants to follow, you can also take a thousand chips!

"Jack, talk to him, his card is obviously not your big!"

"Jack, you have lost 5 million, and this opportunity is turned!"

"Jack, don't just let it be!"

The surrounding gamblers have come to Jack to cheer.

Jack's face is a bit bitter. You know from home. He has already seen it. It is not a black peach color, nor a, j, just a plum flower 4.

Don't say that the Amy's card may be 10, even if he is also derived.


After the words were finished, Jack was frustrated, just like the whole body lost our strength, it was soft in the seat.


It's another slamming, then it is a spell of gamblers: "He won again, this is too incredible!"

"The gambling is bursting, it is really a gambling, he is really a man who is in the sky!"

"If it is invincible, how many times have you won, don't you have 8 times?"

"Plus this time, he won a total of 12 million pounds, and directly entered the row of millions!"

"I think Mr. Amy is not just as simple as luck, he must be a bus!"

"Yeah, Mr. Amy's psychological quality is too strong. In that case, the average person has long passed, but Mr. Amy is bossard!"

Amy's continuous gambling wins let the onlookers are shocked and enviable, and they have gone a little worship.

This is like this. When a person won once, he only felt that he was lucky. If he won three times, he would look forward to him in his heart, when he won eight or even ten times When people will blow him.

In the face of everyone's mouth, Amy is very proud: "This is just just beginning, I have to win a billion today!"

At first, he came here, just want to play a few, then from the two sisters looking for two sisters, after all, I just got a million dollars, there was this kind of psychology.

Just when he started gambling, he kept winning, even if the middle lost one or two, it can be a wave of winning.

Continuous gambling gains to give him infinite confidence, this moment he really has an illusion of ourselves!

"This bastard, the character is not very good, but the gambling is good to burst, it is really unfair."

Tiffany is watching the teeth and can't help but whisper.

Li Feng's mouth hook: "There is no absolute fair in the world, just like the" good people who don't live in the old saying in our Chinese, the harm is the same. "

Tiffany is a collapse: "Then we can only look at him in this eye?"

After the people around them, they will be very angry. Tiffany is not a woman who is a small belly, but she is not the Mada, it is absolutely never want to be sold, but also a silly sweetness!

Li Feng, smile: "Of course, it is not because there are two famous sayings in China, one is the Round back, the sky spare, ', the second is' not not arrived."

"Since he was found by me, then explain it ... it's time."

Tiffany: "... Chinese culture is really profound."

Li Feng nodded and agreed.

What happens in China's culture is profound, it is simply anything that can find two meaning, the opposite idiom you believe, do you believe?

In short, I can use it if I benefit, it is so powerful!

Just talking about the two people, a gambling master with this casino appeared, he directly found an Amy to gamble with Amy.

Amy is not playing with him, and it will be pleased.

The next developed is a matter of unexpected people. The players sent by this casino actually lost to the Amy Third Bureau! A total of 20 million pounds have been lost!

Not Amy's gambling, nor is the gambling name of this gambling master, it is really good.

Obviously, it looks very general. Amy is Dare to hold, and then the gambling master follows the Saha, and each opened the bottom card, but found that Amy's card is slightly better than yourself.

"This person is quite a gamble." Li Feng shook his head smiled.

"Why do you say this?" Tiffany is a bad game for gambling, completely seeing.

"He actually has a chance to go out, but he didn't come out." Li Feng smiled.

"Ah!" Tiffany took his mouth: "How do you know?"

"Of course, I saw it with my own eyes." Li Feng smiled, just sneaked with a good brand, but finally he had given up the thousand, nor did he be a conscience and discovery or another purpose.

But no matter what, Amy won, this casino is heavy.

After the exchange of three, the gambling master came up with a gloomy stand, and he did not leave the casino.

"Hahaha, hahaha." Amy said in the sky, two hands: "I want to ask now, who else ?!"

No one talks, everyone looks at him with envious worship, just like a hero.

Just when everyone thought that no one appeared to be gamble with Amy, Li Feng said in the previous step: "I will gamble with you."

The audience is quiet!

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