Full of red? !

Why is it full of red? !

It's really full of red? !

At this moment, there was a thousands of horses in the heart of Amy. At the same time, the head in the head, the ear of the ear!

It's finished, I'm finished, 50 million pounds can't get it, 33 million pounds in my hands will be lost, this time is really lost!

"I know so, I should see it well, 33 million pounds are also enough, I have worry-free, half-born food, no worries!"

"Why do I have to be greedy, why do I think I am a battle? Why do I think that lucky goddess will always care about me?"

"I regret it, I really regret it. If the time can come back, I will not fight with this Chinese people !!!"

Amy double eyes blood, regret it!

Around, a gambler is reacted, then it is a scream: "Xiete, it is full of red ?!"

"Haha, I am guess, I am a genius!"

"The death, this Chinese people are also very lucky, I got a full of red?"

In addition to shocking, do not believe, there is also a question: "How can it be so complated, Amy got the same flower, this Huaxia man just got the full house, this is a bureau?"

"Hey, Huaxia Kid, are you cheating ?!"

"If I didn't remember the wrong, the boss of this club is Chinese. This Huaxia kid should not know the boss of the club, and then be booked by the boss to deliberately Will Irson?"

"Relying on, the monolry, said, are you knowing this Huaxia kid, this card, are you moving your hands?"

Through the deliberate guidance of one or two people, the wind direction changed, everyone pointed to Li Feng and the monasteries.

Amy is a shot of the brain: "Hair, I said how it would be so smart, it turned out to be this!"

Then, the Amy's eyes looked at Li Feng: "I said that I hate it hate the Chinese people, not for the reason, said, are you just a thousand?"

After saying that he is evil, it is like elective, it is necessary to choose people.

Officer: "???"

Who is the god? The old lady will wait until now? Besides, the old mother doesn't know this handsome guy!

Die is the disaster!

Li Feng also smiled: "Say our thousands, do you have evidence?"

Tiffany has just won the Lee Feng, and the anger of Amy is scored in an instant.

The lagckened Miss is also awkward, but also the man of this lady, I am stasify!

If Li Feng has early, she will definitely open an empty Amy!

"There is no, it is estimated that I will not have, because you have a boss with the club, even if there is a monitoring in the casino, I can't get it." Amy shook his head.

Then he turned his head to the surrounding gambler, sad gantho: "Mr., Ms., you have also seen it, it is this Huaxia people to join hands to join hands, I lost this gambling, please I presided over the fair! "

"If I accept this time, then you can also be treated here, in order to fairness, please, please stand up, please everyone!"

When I said the end, Amy fired a grief and indignation, but also deeply gave everyone.

In order to keep yourself 33 million pounds, Amy is also not a face.

This scene made a gambler deeply touched. There were many people shouting, and they shouted that they had a unified slogan: "Resisted thousands, but also fair!"

"Resist a thousand, but also!"

Li Feng: "..."

Officer: "..."

Tiffany: "..."

The god specially resists the thousands of fair, this is a hair relationship with you?

"Miss House, how do you have this kind of thing in your casino?"

Li Feng turned his head and looked at the man, and smiled and smiled.

"Generally, there will be a casino manager to solve it." The monasterry laughed, and took the walkie-talkie: "The total station will encounter the burst, request support."

After she put down the walking, her face revealed a tattoo.

Don't look at the boss is a Chinese, but he is very influential in LD. If you know the famous celebrities, you will not let the gamblers who can't pack a few troubles!

Soon, the casino manager rushed here with a team of security personnel. After a few minutes, he figured out the situation, he did not express the expression of Amy: "Mr. Amy, you said our manager with this first. Do you have evidence? "

While talking, the security personnel behind him looked at him, and it was very oppressed.

Amy is hysterested, and the air flames of other gamblers have also been pressed.

Originally, they were just a kind of conspiracy, these security people can be hit, they are afraid that I accidentally angered the other person, and I will hit a throwing, then trouble.

However, Amy thought of 33 million pounds lost, and immediately came to courage: "Yes, I will doubt that you will join hands, if you want to prove yourself, dare not let us see monitoring?"

"Well, of course, no problem, please come with me." The casino manager smiled slightly and turned to go out.

Amy glanced at the other gamblers, then he followed.

"We have also passed." Li Feng Ti Tiffi smiled and got up and took her to follow.

Soon, everyone took the surveillance room with the leadership of the casino manager, and once made a way, the monitor video of the gambling table was transferred.

According to the surveillance video, Amy and Li Feng have no one to make any thousand moves in the whole process of gambling.

"Mr. Amy, what else do you say?" The casino manager looked at Amy, and smiled, and the eyes were flashing.

Amy is hysterested, then the neck said: "It is definitely a hand to do his hands when the monasteries are shuffling, she deliberately sent me a set of flowers, and gave this Chinese people a full set of red."

The casino manager is picking up. Just say something, Li Feng has first said: "I won you, I think it is a manager to help me. Why did you say the official to do your hands and feet? Please do it? Please do it. Personal. "

Amy has a color of the red, just angry, suddenly dull his eyes.

After half-embarrassment, Amy is now ashamed: "Sorry, I deliberately wipe you, I will die, I will admit! I want to be damn!"

The voice falls, and Amy rushed to the distance at the distance when everyone has not reacted. Next moment ...


A sulf, Amy's head hits the table, the blood flow is asked!

This scene directly shocked everyone, some people couldn't help but exclaimed.

Lying in the trough, I have a vowed to blame Li Feng with the monk, and suddenly, the conscience is generally in the sin, what is this special?

At the time of everyone, Li Feng said to the casino manager: "He has already admitted the mistake, now I have to change the chip to cash, thank you."

The casino manager stunned, and quickly nodded.

He always thinks that Amy suddenly has a relationship with this Chinese people. This is too evil, so he does not dare to slanting Li Feng at all.

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