Save the Goddess System

Chapter 945 has a thousand autumn

Li Feng's feet, the brow is slightly covered: "What trouble?"

On the side, Tiffany's eyebrows are minimal, and there is a feeling of uniqueness.

Rely, I always feel that this morning, the cultivation of this evening is unexpected. Is this swollen?

"The founding of the new company is stuck, and the Trade Officer of LD has not given the approval of our import."

Tang Qiong said worried in the phone.

"Is the trade official's right?" Li Feng is not very understanding to the official position of Y country, so there is this question.

"Well, can you get an import approval, that is, the trader said," Tang Jo sighed.

"Does he have any explanation?" How much is more cold.

"Nothing to say, just say that our procedures are not standardized, Xu Shuang has asked many times, and the other party did not tell us to the end of the way."

"But the trader told Xu Shuang. If you want to get a batch, I will have to come to him in my past."

Tang Qiong said that she also found someone to play afterwards, and she knew that the trader was an old people, some people who did foreign trade business were in contact with him, and the male boss will find a way to meet his appetite. If the female boss, if it is good, it will be taken away by him.

Of course, this is a small company. Some large companies do not need to please him, naturally have a higher level of manager to show it.

"This is ... then go find him." Li Fengrton suddenly, then smiled: "I will secretly protect you."

Although Tang Qiong said more, her tone has exposed some situations.

"Well ... When will you come back?"

Tang Qiong was forcibly calm, but Li Feng also heard a little trembling, and a little ... Shy?

"Cough, when do you plan to see the trades?" Li Feng coughed, and he looked at Tiffany next to his eyes.

Tiffany's mouth, looks some grievances.

"Tomorrow morning ..." Tang Qiong said.

"Okay, I went to the apartment tomorrow morning, let's go to the trader." Li Feng didn't think much about it.

"Well ... Where are you going this evening?" Tang Qiong was silent, asked.

Li Feng's mouth smoked, half of the taste: "If I say I am talking about the world's first supermode, do you believe?"

"I believe you! Hang up!" Tang Qiong was lighter and hanged it.

Listening to the busy tone in the phone, Li Feng is crying, this year, the truth is not a letter, is it?

On the side, Tiffany has reached out Li Feng's arm, and said that it is so funny: "You are very proud of the world's first supermode?"

Li Feng grinned, smirked: "It is certainly proud, how many men's dreams are you, I can have a sense of accomplishment with you."

"Oh?" Tiffany's eyebrows, like laughing, saying: "It's not very accomplishment, is it very right?"

"Cough, all the same, all the same." Li Feng put his hand and laughed.

"Hey!" Tiffany's chin, said proudly: "I don't care, you have to practice at least ten times this evening, otherwise you will leave me."

"Ten times?" Li Feng couldn't help it, calculate according to a small study, ten hours, ten hours, plus the middle rest time ...

The task is somewhat arduous!

"Is it afraid?" Tiffany came from Li Feng and asked.

"What afractions?" Li Feng smiled: "Men can't be afraid! Wait, I will help you into SS level this evening!"

The voice is falling, Li Feng is holding Tiffany, step down to the hotel ...

Early the next morning, Li Feng, who exceeded the cultivation mission, left the hotel.

The mutual benefit is amazing.

In this process, Li Feng is a party, and the same party is also harvested. Although Tiffany is too low, he has only 1 point at each cultivation, but the energy has been very full, there is no feeling of exhaustion.

The presence of mutual strength, also has a solid foundation for him to marry Wei Bingqing, Song Yujun and other women. If there is no strength, Wei Shuangqing still can't blame Li Feng?

After half an hour, Li Feng wearing a hundred-transform mask came to Tang Qiong Apartment.

Because I have to come over in the morning, Li Feng didn't say hello in advance, and took the key to open the door.

Then unexpected scenes happened, the door of the bathroom opened at the same time, and the Tang Qiong, just washed.

More importantly, Tang Qiong wore a set of Tiffany!

In a moment, Li Feng, who took the gate, Tang Qiong, who was at the door of the toilet, was very eye-catching.

Half-half ...


A scream, Tang Qiongfei's general flashed into the toilet, and the door is blocked!

"How did Tang Qiong Sister?"

In the second place, Aiha Ni Ya walked out, and asked in a face.

"Hey ...?" Li Feng is also a face, because Vasea is also wearing a set of Tiffany!

Lying in the trough, these two women come true? !

I still remember that when I saw a show, the two women said that I would like to buy Tiffany with the same paragraph, Li Feng also thought about this picture, I didn't expect this scene true!

Now the problem is coming, the two women know that he is going back, is it deliberately put on Tiffany?


At this time, Vase Ya also understood what happened, and the whole people were in the same place.

After half of it, I saw Li Feng, I have been staring at myself, and the Aiha Ya is slightly red. Then I turned a circle in the original place, "Mr. Li, I wore this suit ... Good looking?"

Li Feng nodded, thumbs up: "Good look, especially good."

Aishany's face is another red, then asked: "Then I compare Miss Tiffany ... Who is better?"

When I said this, she is a bit unconfident. After all, Tiffany is the world's recognized body, almost perfect supermodel, although her body is also very good, but it is still slightly inferior to Tiffany.

But she just wants to know the status of her in Li Feng ...

"Frankly ... each has a thousand autumn." Li Feng is sincerely sigh: "Although Tiffany is the world's first supermodel, you have the advantages of she don't have."

Aiha Ya Ya is happy: "What is the advantage?"

"Well ..." Li Peak is a volleyball, then refers to Aisa Ni Ya, then makes a basketball with hand.

"??? !!! I hate it, I don't care!"

Aishany is shameful, then turned and turned back to the bedroom.

At this moment, in the bathroom, Tang Qiong listened to a face.

No ... I didn't talk about Li Feng, how can IAANA Na Ya suddenly defeated? It seems to be quite shy?

So what did Li Feng did, what is it a bit better than Tiffany?

It's like a hundred kittens like a hundred kittens.

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