Save the Goddess System

Chapter 968 Plastic Sister Sister Love?

Li Feng simply does not believe in his ear!

He just started thinking that Aisa Nay should not know the meaning of "early child", so take it to congratulations.

But now Li Feng is not so definitely. Isa Ya Ya is not aware that "early birthday" is what it means, but deliberately congratulate him?

"That ..." Li Feng sinks a little, and the test is asked: "Isa Ya Ya, you know what you mean by early your child?"

Aisa Ni Ya is a head, after a sinking two seconds: "It should be almost ... Is it?"

Li Feng: "..."

Said, is this way to speak this way with Luo Tianzheng? !

I rely on, Aisa Ni Duo is a girl, you look at Lao Luo to bring people to where to come!

"Then let's explain it." Li Feng spit out a touch and said.

"It is to have a nose early." Aisha Ya is a red face, and the small voice said.

Li Feng is speaking, okay, Aiha Nay really knows the meaning of this sentence.

Now the problem is coming, Aisa Nay said that I want to have a child early, this is not hint but it is, she is a joke with him or I am really fun?

Just when Li Feng didn't know how to pick it up, Tang Qioni suddenly came out from the bedroom.

She is now a master of masters, and the ear is superior. Li Feng did not put the real air barrier, and the words of Vasea Ya Ya were all listened to the ear.

At this time she can't come out, Li Feng is not to be eaten by Aiha Nay?

"Ah, Tang Qiong sister, are you not ashamed?" Aisa Na Ya took his mouth, so I asked surprised.

Tang Qugong is slightly changed, and it is too late to say: "I don't seem to be shy reason?"

While talking, the two women have four eyes, and there is an invisible spark flashes in the intersection of the line of sight.

Li Feng left Tang Qiong, and also looked at Vase Ya, then shrinks the neck, pretending to be .

It is very clear that there is a war between two women, he still don't have a good mix, so as not to arrive outside, it is not a person.

However, the words come back, before the two women seem to be commensurate with sisters, the feelings are better than the bisters, and now they are going to play the pace of war ...

Is this the legendary plastic flower sister?

"Hey, woman, fighting for men, it is very spelled."

Li Feng is thinking about it.

"Yes, Tang Qiong's sister was originally pair with Mr. Li. Now the name is actually, it is really not shy. It is the sister misunderstood."

"But the words come back ... My sister is at the beginning of my little girl, I am on the same battleline. Now my sister should not regret, right?"

Aisa Naya stood up and walked to Tang Qiang, pulled up her little hand.

"What a battle? What is the repentance? Sister, you are a little deep, I don't understand."

Tang Qiong crossed the little hand of Ia Ya Ya, smiled.

"Is this a legendary laughter?" Li Feng touched the chin and secretly praised.

"Sister, you are really humorous ..." Aishanya smiled and played: "What do I say what my sister should be very clear, after all, we have discussed how to chase Li Mr., then Joint They got up against Wei Shuangqing. "

Li Feng can't help but take a breath!

I am going, IAANA is also very simple, what is this recruited? Fire steaming? Directly reveal Tang Qiong's old bottom!

Niu bossa, can't afford!

"It's impossible, you said, I don't!"

Tang Qiong directly denied the three consecutive, then she took the arm of Li Feng, swaying: "Li Feng, don't believe in Aisabaya, I have never said this!"

"Well, I understand, I understand, I accept it." Li Feng nodded and came directly to the "Sensors".

"Call, then it is good." Tang Qiong took his own fierce precautions, and he was too long.

As at this time, Vasea is rushing, learning Tang Qiong pulled Li Feng's arm, and said: "Mr. Li, you don't listen to her sophistry, she really said this. ! "

"Oh, is it?" Li Feng laughed, hesitated: "Maybe she just joking with you?"

"Hey! You just said that you understand!" Tang Qiong did not lake, and he was directly loud.

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "Yes, I really understand, ah, suddenly the head is good, I feel that I have been hurt in the battle with Philip, I need to take a break."

He is going back to the bedroom.

This is called 36 meters to go to the top!

Just two women don't have to let him go, holding his arm's hand whit!

"Don't think that I don't know, before you follow me ... When you are together, I haven't said your headache, you just have to leave, in short ... If you don't say it, you can't go!"

Tang Qiong said.

"Okay, you are really ..." Aiha Ya took his mouth, and his face did not dare to confuse.

Before today, Tang Qiong was still determined to have a relationship with Li Feng, and then the two did not have time, the two were already ...

Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that Tang Qiong was glamorous, and there were actually ...

Really, people don't look at it!

Although Tang Qiong is shy, there is no denying, directly provocating: "Yes, it is what you think, are you envy and hate?"

"Hey?" Aishany is a first, then slap the sleeves: "I am stasify!"

I have to go to Tang Qiong theory in the past.

Li Feng was shocked, and he stopped her: "Stop stop, I said that you are not a good sister, how do you suddenly make a lot? Ok, you are cool, tens of millions don't urge it. "

"You let you open, let her fight with me, I will not be confident!"

After the body, Tang Qiku fume is wrapped, and it is a big war with the Aiha Nay.

Li Feng was diapers, I said the big lady, you have just been promoted to the A level, there is no very good master of your own ability, you have no light weight, Aiha Nay is to Xiang Yuyu die!

I think of this, Li Feng holds Tang Qiong in one hand, pushed in Aisa Ya, smiled: "Okay, this is the first to come here, wait for you two calm down, let's sit again Let's talk together, European caves? "

"Not Ok!"

The two women refused.

Then, Tang Qiong smiled and said that he said helplessly: "I really didn't expect that I have a man with a good sister with a man in a day."

"Li Feng, I want to understand, I am a good sister with Aiabya, a good sister in a lifetime, I don't want to have a separation with her. So ..."

"In order to make our two sisters and be happy, I can only wrunch you, are you willing?"

Li Feng: "???"

No ... Tang Qiong this is what it means, how can I get me?

Tell me loudly, what do you say is not what I think!

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