Kelly has a weird look at Li Feng and a little surprised.

She has already got Mingsthen's father is a billionaire. Li Feng dares to agree to participate in Party, he didn't understand this point of meaning, or what is still?

"That's great." Kelly pressed the heart, said, "We are here to buy things for the evening Party, is it better to join?"

Aishanya is now difficult: "But we have bought it ..."

Due to talk, she refers to a shopping cart that has been accumulated.

Jack looked at the shopping cart and found that most of the fruits, snacks, and the current arrogance: "Don't worry, we will definitely not let you pay, even these things we bought, we will pay a paid. "

It's all things that don't make money, add up to one or two hundred pounds, he doesn't mind to show yourself.

Li Fengbei is picking, and the face is weird: "Are you sure?"

"OK." Jack nodded.

"That's okay." Li Feng did not hold back, nodded directly.

The next time, Li Feng accompanied Jack, Kelly bought something, because the purchase volume is huge, so the supermarket staff will deliver the goods, they only need to pay directly at the checkout checkout.

Of course, the purchase of this batch is not Jackhua, but this time the party's holder Stephen sang, Jack is to run the Stephen's credit card running in such a child.

When Li Feng was checking, Jack had taken his own credit card in advance, and his face hangs a bold smile.

Just as the shopping cart is taken out, the smile on Jack began to gradually solidify.

Hair, how so many high-end drinks? Hennessy X.o, Yue Yue Champagne, Romani Kang Emperor Red Wine ...

Although it is all in recent production, the price is not more than those collection years, but the number of ignorands will not have the number of people. This is not one or two hundred pounds. It can be bought, and it is almost the same as 10!

With more and more numbers on the cashier display, Jack feels that he has already had to breathe.

When the total amount is fixed in £ 2000, Jack has already want to cry without tears: "What do you buy so much drink?"

His family is an middle home. Dad is a lawyer is a doctor, and the family has an annual income of 800,000 pounds. For such a family, the amount of shopping in 2000 is not much more expensive.

Can Jack is still going to school, only 3,000 pounds of pounds every month, once a 3000 pounds ... this is equivalent to cutting meat from him!

If Li Feng is later, the wine is later, he can find a reason to refuse to pay, but unfortunately, Li Feng, Aiha Nay always follows them, did not put anything in the shopping cart again!

"Of course, drink it, I can't buy it back to the bath?" Li Feng said inexplicably.

Jack: "..."

I special ... this haman said that this is very reasonable, I can't refute!

It's just that you are nothing to buy so much high-grade wine, and you have bought it all kinds of brands, how, how do you open the wine at home?

are you crazy!

"Mr., a total of £ 200,000, are you a credit or cash?"

At this time, the cashier 's great sister reminded.

Now is the guests, there are a lot of customers who are queuing behind, and these young people don't hurry, what are you doing in this big eyes?

Li Feng looked at Jack: "Are you coming?"

Jack really wants to say a sentence "Laozi specially wants you!"

But he is still swallowed back to his mouth: "Hey, you are afraid of me to pay? My Jack has never said a person!"

The voice is falling, Jack strengthens the bank card to handle the bank card to the casino. The surface is still equipped with a light cloud, the acting MAX!

After the card is over, Jack has smiled: "How come you come, do you want me to send you back?"

During the speech, he took a Audi car key.

"This is Jack test on the University of LD, his father bought the Audi A4, new car, not used car." Kelly hit Jack's arm, said slightly.

A lot of college students who bought a car in Y state, but most of them buy second-hand cars, it is cheap for four or five hundred pounds to get it, and thousands or even tens of thousands of expensive.

I rarely bought Audi A4 like Jack, although Y country bought cheap, it is also a big object, and the average person does not have this economic condition.

So, for this age, an Audi A4 is sufficient to show off in the peers.

"No, we have cars." Li Feng took the insurance period laughed.

Kelly is the style, smiles in the face.

Jack pupil is shrinking, the hand holding the car key is not put, not, not, abnormal.

Porsche belongs to luxury cars around the world, the lowest price model is more expensive than his Audi A4, not to mention his A4 or low ...

I originally wanted to install a B in front of Li Feng, and the result was a face of Li Feng, which felt that I didn't mention more.

After coming from the mall, Jack looked at Li Feng opened a trunk of Porsche Palmera, after putting things in, he was sitting in the car with Aisa Ni, Yang Chang.

"I just helped a person who opened a Cappameira?" Jack is now like a fly disgusting.

His intention is to show his financial resources in front of Li Feng. It is mainly to show off, suddenly discovered that Li Feng has money than him ... this feeling is very ignorant.

At this time, Kelle comforted: "Jack, don't think too much, this is just a Panamel, if your father wants to buy, it is a month salary."

Y Gu Parnmel is less than 50,000 pounds, Jack's Lawyer Dad has a month's income of 50,000, regardless of the expenditure of tax, paying insurance, and buy a Pana Mula.

"Yes, it is a Panamel, there is anything good." Jack has improved, and the smile appeared again in his face.

He just wants to low-key, so I just bought a A4. If he wants to buy Panamela, as long as you ask for your father, you can't buy ...

Just saying that he deliberately ignored a thing, even if his dad bought it, it is his dad's money, and he doesn't know that Li Feng is buying itself or a family bought ...

"In short, in my eyes, you are more than one thousand times more than that of the Chinese people." Kaili took a bite on Jack's face, and then smiled: "Now we should look forward to the Party tonight is To know that Stephen's obsession to Aiha Ya is very deep. "

Jack is bright, and I nodded: "Yes, the most important thing is that the luxury car in the Stephen garage is too much, the Chinese people open a Panamel, I can only suffer!" "

Speaking of this, Jack has can't wait to want to come as soon as possible ...

On the way back, Li Feng asked some things about Stephen, and Vasea nature naturally truthfully.

After you understand the situation, the two went home and put down the things, and cultivated another afternoon, and then drove to the 10th of Cantine Street 10 before the night.

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