Chapter 108 Uzumaki Naruto is on the road

The beeping firewood dispelled Naruto’s sleepiness.

He rubbed his eyes, lifted the blanket on his body, thanked Uchiha Shisui, and returned the blanket. There was a mark of a fire fan on the blanket. At a glance, he knew where the thing came from, the Uchiha clan. The family pattern is as well known as their pride, and Naruto remembers that such patterns can be seen everywhere in Tenghua’s home.

Uchiha Shisui smiled pale and reluctantly. He took the blanket and had no extra energy to say anything to Naruto. He just sat on the wooden pier and continued in a daze.

Everyone is not surprised,

The genius of the Uchiha family doesn’t know if it’s an evil or something. When he’s on the way, he just sits in a daze and sits there in a daze. This Uchiha Shisui is a rare good person.

Not to mention that the Uchiha clan is rare, even if the scope is extended to the entire Konoha, there are few good people with such a kind heart.

He has a cheerful temperament, a gentle and polite speech, and a three-point smile when he meets people. The most valuable thing is that Uchiha Shisui’s emotional intelligence is not to say how high Uchiha Shisui’s emotional intelligence is. On the contrary, he is a little naive. It’s blatant, all of this is a heartfelt act.

Naruto slept for a while leaning on the backpack, without forgetting to take out the blanket and put it on.

No one around the rest of the people thought of this.

“Naruto, wake up and wash your face, ready to eat.”

Akamichi Dingza was stirring the soup pot with a spoon.

As the patriarch of the Akamichi clan, few people know that he has a good culinary skill. This is not the family biography of the Akamichi clan. The Akamichi clan loves to eat, but does not like to cook. Akamichi Dingza’s cooking skill is actually It was trained on the battlefield, that is, those surviving comrades who have fought side by side with him know that Akamichi Dingza’s cooking skills are not bad.

It’s a pity that after leaving the battlefield, Akamichi Dingza didn’t cook much by himself.

This time, escorting Nine Tails Jinchūriki to the Eastern Front, and it can be regarded as letting him pick up the craftsmanship that has been abandoned for a long time.

Today’s dinner is pork soup with grilled rice balls.

The tempting fragrance spread, and Naruto’s stomach groaned. After a day’s journey, I was very tired. Besides, half of the child ate poor Laozi, Naruto is just this age, and he eats so much hungry fast. He hurried to wash his face by the stream, Kakashi followed silently like a ghost shadow.

It has been two days since they left Konoha.

Kakashi is still wondering how to communicate with Naruto. It is the bad debt left by Sarutobi Hiruzen. The link between Kakashi and Naruto is Fourth Hokage. However, Naruto does not know that he is the child of Fourth Hokage, nor does Kakashi. Should we expose this secret?

But without such a bond, he would have no reason to take care of Naruto.

He also consulted the two patriarchs, Aburame Zhiwei and Akamichi Dingzuo, but neither of them gave him a clear answer. Whether he should reveal his identity to Naruto or not. This question plagues the high level of the village today, and continues to conceal it. One day Naruto will hate the village, but now it is clear that he is worried about running out of control…

When the executives sighed, they felt incompetent by slandering “Third Generation”!

Good Jinchūriki,

No need to cultivate, but toss so many incidents.

It caused trouble to the successors.

“Uncle Dingzuo, how long do we have to walk?” Naruto squeezed the grilled rice ball and asked about the distance. This is also a routine for these two days. Even if he actually knows it in his heart, he still can’t bear it every night when he eats. I have to ask the last sentence.

“If the road goes well, we shouldn’t have to finish eating out in the wild tomorrow.”

Akamichi Dingza carried other people more than one size older, almost half a pot of rice.

If it weren’t for Naruto’s age to be too young to travel fast, they should have been on the front lines long ago. The ninja’s mobility is so exaggerated. To be precise, it’s not just ninjas, as long as they are refined to make Chakra full. Between his hands and feet, even if he can’t do the fine operation of climbing a tree and treading water, he can get up quickly without being taught.


Two shining lights flashed in Naruto’s eyes.

Will you see Fujika tomorrow? He has a stomach of thoughts that he can’t wait to pour out with others.

As for the possibility of going to the battlefield or something,

He doesn’t understand very much, so he doesn’t care very much.

Unknowingly, Kakashi, who had finished the dinner, left the fire and went into the forest not far away. He drew out the Kodachi, and the blade was glowing with a snow-like cold brilliance under the moonlight. Normally, he appeared behind a wandering ninja without a forehead protector, the blade flashed lightly, a large swath of scarlet shot down on the trunk, and the dead body lay motionless on the tree.

This is just the beginning.

Kakashi became the incarnation of Shinigami in the world, wantonly harvesting the lives of these greed and bold idiots. These guys were hired to ambush here. They plan to wait until dark to launch an attack and take Naruto away. It is a pity they are. It is a task obtained through an underground intermediary, so the identity of the principal is not known.

After torture to no avail,

Kakashi completely let go of his hands and feet to kill.

These miscellaneous fish didn’t even have time to throw a detonation talisman, so they were all killed, because it was not only Kakashi who did it, but Uchiha Shisui, who looked like a wooden man, killed more people than Kakashi. After a while, Akamichi took the wind and Guy. The Shadow Clone also came to the scene of the massacre one after another.

“Shisui, Kakashi, are there any gains?”

Akamichi Dingza kicked his body at his feet and looked up and down, but he didn’t see any conspicuous special signs.

“As before, I still don’t know the identity of the employer behind the scenes.”

Shisui replied softly.

This is the seventh attack in two days. Since Naruto left the village, all kinds of attacks have not stopped. The Anbu elite team hiding in the dark has suffered heavy casualties and is already unable to continue the security work. Now it has not been possible to find out the true face of the main messenger.

“It’s not Cloud Shinobi, it’s Rock Shinobi.”

Aburame Zhiwei is the real body here.

Their method of raising insects in the body is that they cannot coexist with Shadow Clone. The insects will swallow Chakra and destroy the stability of Shadow Clone.

“Cloud Shinobi is the most likely! They are the most aggressive.”

At the end, he added again.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Some things don’t need evidence. After all, Nine Tails Jinchūriki, who has the patience and courage to deal with Konoha, is nothing more than a few other villages. Sand Shinobi is still recuperating today. The spies that Wuren planted in the territory of the land of fire have been swept several times.

The rest is Cloud Shinobi and Rock Shinobi,

They have the ability to investigate Naruto’s path forward, and some capital hires wandering ninjas to launch attacks, and they have mixed in several powerful ninjas. Otherwise, Anbu’s elite team will not suffer heavy casualties. Konoha’s Anbu also It didn’t decline to the point of being beaten by a group of wandering ninjas.

“Hold on for another night. Before we set off, Master Hokage had already sent a letter to Clan Chief Uchiha, and the reinforcements to greet us will arrive tomorrow morning.”

Akamichi Dingza cheered everyone up.

Although such a move is somewhat redundant.

The people present are not Naruto, the youngest Uchiha Shisui is also a strong man who has experienced the third Ninja World War, and has broken through to the name. No matter what, he will not be frightened by such a series of battles.

“Dingza-senpai, don’t worry! Kakashi and I will definitely protect Naruto.”

Guy patted his chest and said with blood.

After that, he glanced at Kakashi and said, “Right? Kakashi!”

“······I will use my life to protect Naruto.” Kakashi didn’t bother to pay attention to Guy, a idiot who was always enthusiastic, but today’s words are not wrong. He has lost so many treasures. I don’t want to lose more!


“Failed again!”

“It’s normal, isn’t it? Although there is no Byakugan from the Hyuga family, nor from the Yamanaka clan, but there is the patriarch of the Aburame clan who is good at playing bugs. .”

“But time is running out? If Konoha frontline sends someone to support, then there will be no chance at all.”

On a hill quite far from the forest full of dead bodies,

A group of Cloud Shinobi gathered here.

Aburame Zhiwei’s speculation is not wrong. It was Cloud Shinobi who shot at them. To be precise, it was Cloud Shinobi’s spy in Konoha and Fire Country. These brave guys learned that Nine Tails Jinchūriki left the village. After the news, without waiting for their Raikage to order, the action was already launched.

“That can’t be rushed.”

The man who was talking was a man with a big head, gray hair and weathered face. He clenched his fists and said firmly: “It is very difficult for us to solve those guys who protect Nine Tails Jinchūriki. Actions will only make us suffer unnecessary losses, and no one is allowed to take action until the village’s support arrives.”

“Then what if the support comes late?”

The question was a young man.

“That means it’s not the time to capture Nine Tails Jinchūriki. You can wait for the next opportunity in the future. Don’t be greedy and delusion to climb to the sky. Be careful to smash you to death. It’s the most damn thing.”

The gray-haired middle-aged man coldly scolded the young men under his command.

The young man who had been trained shrank his head and did not dare to speak again. Seeing that his men were quiet, the middle-aged man waved his hand to signal everyone to go busy.

Wait until there is no one around,

The middle-aged man’s face showed deep fatigue. He didn’t know if the decision he made was correct. He almost mobilized all the chess pieces that Cloud Shinobi had placed in the land of fire and in Konoha, just to catch Nine Tails Jinchūriki, if this operation fails…

He shook his head, trying not to think about it.

It’s not sure if the support from Cloud Shinobi Village catches up. If the support from Cloud Shinobi Village doesn’t catch up, they will have to retreat without a fight. If Cloud Shinobi Village’s support arrives in time, there will naturally be more. The confidence to complete the action.

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