Chapter 238 Opening a Window or Lifting the Roof

The Uchiha clan… No, what is the plan of Uchiha Zongxian? What is the ultimate goal? One after another conjectures continuously appeared in my mind, and was immediately extinguished. In the end, there were only a few conjectures that could remain, and the ultimate goal, without accident, should be to change the reputation and situation of the Uchiha clan.

This matter… promise or not?

Akamichi hesitated to take the wind.

Unlike Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō, he is not so hostile and vigilant towards the Uchiha clan, but he is also used to suppressing the Uchiha clan. This is not out of personal feelings or dislikes, but a judgment based on personal interests as the highest leader of the village.

In the past, he had to deal with the invasion of Kiri Shinobi, Cloud Shinobi, and Rock Shinobi. He gave Uchiha Zongxian Hokage to assist in this important position second only to Hokage. It is like the Uchiha clan can go all out in the war, and Uchiha Zongxian does not. Live up to his expectations and brought back a hearty victory for the village!


The contradictions and disputes that were temporarily pressed down due to external forces have surfaced again. The strength and strength of the Uchiha clan is vividly reflected in the war. Akamichi should not be afraid of the strength of the Uchiha clan at all. impossible!

Although Uchiha Zongxian has hinted at many times that his ambition is Sixth Generation.

However, the supremacy of the Sixth Generation’s goal inevitably means the abdication of the Fifth Generation’s goal.

If Uchiha Zongxian doesn’t have the patience to wait until the day he abdicates, his Fifth Hokage is likely to be forced to abdicate and become a virtuous person. To survive and abdicate is the biggest extravagant desire. It is not impossible to die because of bad luck. Sarutobi Hiruzen’s death is not the only reason. The best example? And such a future… is really uncomfortable.

The hesitation did not last long,

Akamichi gave the answer after thinking deeply.

“Zongxian-kun, open the police department to admit members of the non-Uchiha clan. I have no objection to this matter in principle, but…this matter may not be so easy to implement, since the police department’s Work pressure is too high, Anbu can help share part of the task.”

“As for the police department’s rectification plan…I think Zong Xian-kun, you can spend more time sculpting and polishing, you are still young, and the future has unlimited possibilities!”

Akamichi said in consideration of the wind.

After thinking about it, he was still a little unwilling to sit back and watch Uchiha Zongxian continue to grow his power. If Uchiha Zongxian continued, his Hokage would be crowded out sooner or later. He didn’t want to just be a puppet Hokage on the table.

I think this thing is always changing,

When he was only the Fifth Generation agent Hokage, he once rebuked Nara Shikuhisa about suppressing the Uchiha clan. At that time, he thought that the position of Hokage would be handed over to Jiraiya or Tsunade sooner or later.

So he doesn’t care about the actions of the Uchiha clan.

It’s just that the future is so changeable,

He has been converted from agent Hokage!

After he became a real Fifth Hokage, his thoughts and moods changed again. As Konoha’s number one giant, Uchiha suddenly became unpleasant, even though reason told him about the rise of the Uchiha clan. It’s hard to stop, but in the end I still plan to try to see if I can control the development trend of the Uchiha clan.

And in his opinion, Konoha is already very good now. The victory in the war against Kiri Shinobi and Cloud Shinobi has earned him enough reputation and fame for this Fifth Hokage, and he does not want to toss about any reforms.

After all, it’s not good to say, doing it well is just icing on the cake, and doing it badly will become an indelible stain.

Of course, he didn’t want to use rough methods to suppress Uchiha Zongxian, he just hoped that Uchiha Zongxian could wait patiently for a few years, when he retired from the position of Hokage, then Uchiha Zongxian could flex his muscles.only–

Akamichi’s idea of ​​taking the wind, Zongxuan did not intend to accept it at all.

“Master Hokage, with all due respect, the police department’s rectification and reform is imperative. Now the police department’s problem is not only the shortage of personnel, but the internal structure is too rough, the division of powers is vague, and similar problems are not only Only the police department, administrative department, Anbu, medical department, interrogation department and other departments need to make changes.”

Zong Xianyi said righteously.

He looked at Akamichi who wanted to speak, but didn’t intend to give Master Fifth Hokage a chance to interject, and continued speaking quickly: “Thanks to Master Hokage’s respect, I have been granted the position of Assistant to Hokage. Since returning to the village these days, I I have been thinking about what my Hokage assistant should do. After investigation and research, I found that the biggest problem in the village is not outside.”

“The structure of the six departments of Anbu, the Ministry of Administration, the Ministry of Police, the Ministry of Education, the Department of Interrogation, and the Ministry of Medical Care in the village now began in Second Hokage and took shape during the period of Third Hokage. At the beginning, this structure effectively organized and unified the village. The strength of the country played its due role in the war.”

“However, as time has passed, Konoha’s changes can be said to be changing with each passing day, but the village management organization is still the same. The most serious situation is not the police department. Anbu is. In my opinion, Anbu is not established by Second Hokage for a long time. The [Assassination Tactics Special Force], the current Anbu’s functions are too bloated. It is responsible for assassination, guarding, surveillance, patrolling, training spies, tracking traitors, collecting intelligence, etc. A series of responsibilities. These miscellaneous tasks make Anbu’s blade has become dull.”

“The leak of the spy list last year has proved the degradation of Anbu’s ability. Not only the police department and Anbu, but other departments also have their own faults, such as the interrogation department…”

“Zongxian-kun, wait, don’t be so anxious.”

Akamichi took the wind and felt a headache.

This fuck,

What the hell are you doing?

Isn’t it about the police department? Why did you drag Anbu out to criticize? Had it not been for his strong interruption, the interrogation department, the education department, and the medical department might not be able to escape, and it is estimated that they would all be pulled out and criticized one by one.

“You are too radical! The village is finally settled down, and this will cause trouble.”

“Severe cases need strong medicine, and it happens that we are allied with Wuren and defeated Cloud Shinobi. Rock Shinobi has also forged a vengeance with Cloud Shinobi. Sand Shinobi has not recovered the vitality lost in the three wars. This can be said. This is the best time to focus on internal reforms without worrying about external threats.”

Zong Xian’s attitude is equally tough. He said bitterly, “Master Hokage, I also understand your worries. Reform will definitely encounter many problems, and there may even be violent conflicts. This time, I don’t know how long it will take to meet such an opportunity.”

Akamichi’s face twitched.

Want to get angry,

It’s just that he couldn’t find the source of his anger, and his reason was constantly persuading him to calm down. As a Hokage assistant, Uchiha Zongxian was not out of order to bring up these things. The Hokage assistant Shimura Danzō even established a private company belonging to him at the beginning. The’roots’ of the armed forces.

Hokage assisted,

As the name suggests, its job is to assist Hokage to handle all matters large and small in Konoha Village. In Konoha, there is almost nothing that Hokage’s assistant cannot intervene. Except for Hokage’s ability to control Hokage’s assistant, only the advisors and elders of the elders are supported. Can barely contend with Hokage assistant.

“This matter is very important. It involves the operation and stability of the village. I don’t want to be arbitrary. I still need to consult the elders…” The elders are still in jail now!

In order to eliminate the imprints left by Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō on Konoha as soon as possible, it was only Akamichi of Fifth Generation’s agency Hokage to take the wind, but launched a major purge in the village. The elders’ group is the focus of the purge. The group of elders with the leader is a pan of loose sand, and wanting to rely on those loose sand to fight against Uchiha Zongxian… is tantamount to idiotic dreams.

At this moment, he couldn’t help feeling regretful,

I knew that I wouldn’t be so cruel to the elders, but unfortunately there is no regret medicine in the world.

“You don’t need to worry about Anbu’s affairs, Zongxian-kun, and internal reforms should not be too big. If you really intend, Zongxian-kun, try it at the police department first!” Akamichi took a step back. Anbu is It belongs to Hokage’s forbidding, he will never allow Uchiha Zongxian to reach out into Anbu, including the Interrogation Department, the Ministry of Education and other departments, to be honest, do not want Uchiha Zongxian to interfere too much.

Since Uchiha Zongxian insisted on tossing, he simply asked him to go to the police department. Anyway, the police department belonged to the Uchiha clan. Uchiha Zongxian really wanted to do things in the police department. He didn’t use Hokage unless he was torn his face. Order to be suppressed by force, otherwise there is really nothing to do with Uchiha Zongxian.

And Uchiha Zongxuan tore his face… This is a situation he tried to avoid.

Although he is Hokage,

But he didn’t think he could take Uchiha Zongxian at all. The difference in strength made him feel a little less confident in his heart.

“That’s true. It’s the careful consideration of Mr. Hokage. It is true that the steps are too big and it is easy to get rid of the eggs. Let the police department be used as a test field to see what problems will be encountered in the process of rectification. After the rectification, What is the effect.”

Zong Xian followed kindness like a flow, echoing Master Hokage’s wise decision.

I can’t see the tough attitude before.

From the beginning to the end, his goal was to rectify and reform the police department, and to overturn Konoha’s administrative organization in one go… In other words, it was just a means of negotiation, not a new ingenious means. , Is the old way of’open the window or lift the roof’.

But the method does not matter whether it is old or new, the key is to be easy to use.

Akamichi took the unnatural beating of the muscles on Feng’s face, trying his best to control his facial expression and maintain his amiable appearance.

The next topic shifted to some non-nutritive nonsense, assisted by Hokage and Hokage, the Nominal No. 1 and No. 2 of Konoha Village talked aimlessly, until Uchiha Shisui, who was immersed in the Book of Seals, sighed deeply. , Interrupted the small chat between the two.

“Shisui, how do you feel?”

Zong Xian looked at Shisui with a memorable face, and asked aloud.

“······Well, it’s amazing!” Obviously Shisui hadn’t fully recovered yet, and the dullness and trance disappeared after a few seconds. He reached out and pinched the center of his eyebrows. Use the tingling sensation to get rid of the trance state, “Master Second Hokage is definitely a genius, a real genius! And Master Fourth Generation is also a real genius!”

Shisui’s excitement was beyond words.

The two ancestors Hokage who had passed away were praised over and over again, and Zong Xian’s brain was painful.

“Okay, Shisui, I know that Second Generation and Fourth Generation are both geniuses, what I want to know now is how do you feel? Master Flying Thunder God Technique?” Hearing Zongxian’s question, Akamichi takes the wind Also quietly pricked up his ears.

“It’s still…not sure, the brain understands what’s going on, but whether the body can adapt to it still needs to be confirmed through practice.”

This ambiguous answer is of course unsatisfactory.

But Zong Xian was not very disappointed. After all, he knew that he could not play Flying Thunder God Technique for the time being after reading the Book of Seals. Shisui did not deny that the Master could not be used, which means that it is still possible to Master Flying Thunder God Technique. of.

“All right! Return the sealed book to Master Hokage, it’s time for us to go.” Zong Xian put down the tea cup in his hand and stood up.

“Master Hokage, the original book of the seal is returned.”

Shisui came to Akamichi taking the wind with the book of sealing, and returned the book of sealing to Akamichi taking the wind.

Unlike Jiraiya, who likes to jump through windows and doesn’t take the usual path, Zongxian and Shisui left through the front door. Watching Zongxian and Shisui disappear outside the closed door, Akamichi takes the gentleness on his face. His smile slowly faded.

At the moment, Akamichi still has such a round body,

However, unlike the amiable atmosphere that looked like the uncle next door before, now this cold-faced Akamichi takes the wind more like a Hokage.”Master Hokage, the Honourable Hokage’s assistant said that he was going to rectify the six major departments of the village. That should be a lie.” Nara Yan Yan came over and began to tidy up the tea cups on the coffee table. He tidyed up while talking quietly.

“I know.”

Akamichi said in a dull voice.

“His purpose was to transform the police department from the very beginning, and to rectify the six major departments. This is an excuse for forcing me to back down. He doesn’t even bother to cover up his methods.” Uchiha Zongxian can completely talk about the six major departments right from the beginning. The threat of a knife from the department, and then retreat only to the police department.

This method is not too concealed either.

But at any rate, it is not as straightforward as before. As long as the brain is normal, everyone can see Uchiha Zongxian’s methods.

“If you don’t want to have a dispute with Hokage’s assistant, you can use drag.”

“It won’t be too long. If Uchiha Zongxian insists on going his own way, can I still punish him for failing? It’s really going to be that way. It will only be me, Hokage.” A little frustrated.

The Nara salt water used to clean the coffee table is also speechless.

This truth is really heart-stirring to the extreme.

The rules and principles of the ninjas are based on strong force. Although Konoha, Cloud Shinobi, and Rock Shinobi do not make it clear that only the strongest can become a “shadow”, most of the time the villages All the shadows are the strongest in the village, so Ying is the supreme leader of the village.

But Konoha has had a little accident now. Akamichi took the wind, the Hokage throne, by chance. Of course, his personal strength is not weak. As the pillar of Ino–Shika–Chō, Akamichi’s force in taking the wind is The village is probably in the top ten.

This kind of strength supports Ino-Shika-Chō, of course, there is no problem, but as Hokage is concerned, it has some shortcomings.

Especially the Uchiha clan came out of Uchiha Zongxian, the freak who chased First Hokage and Uchiha Madara with force. Under the background of Uchiha Zongxian, his Hokage looked so bleak.

“After all, it won’t work! The power gap… can’t be easily made up by tactics.” Akamichi muttered to himself with the wind. His mood is very depressed at the moment, with Uchiha Zongxian. The invisible confrontation ended in his failure.

The lack of confidence brought by the protection of armed forces,

In front of Uchiha Zongxian, he couldn’t display the power that Hokage should have.

“It seems that you should make a peaceful Hokage with peace of mind in the future!” Akamichi closed his eyes after being silent for more than a minute, leaning on the large office chair, and said that there was no ambition. “Fortunately, looking at Zongxian-kun’s attitude, my Hokage will probably last two years.”

The heart that was raised because of the change from an agent to a real Hokage was dispelled.

Can’t compete,

Fight to win,

Fighting will only bring unforeseen troubles to yourself and the family.

Without Senju’s counterweight to Uchiha, the rise of the Uchiha clan is overwhelming. Even delaying time is a delusion. In the future… Konoha may be Uchiha’s Konoha. I hope that such a future will not be too much. Bad!


Uchiha Zongxian and Uchiha Madara are different after all,

As for where Uchiha Zongxian will lead Konoha, just sit and watch!

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