Chapter 262 Xiao Organization Needs More Manpower

The first batch of reinforcements arrived was a 20-man combat force led by the deputy director of the Public Security Department of the Police Department Uchiha Yejak. There was no medical ninja, Uchiha Yejak, as expected by Youyu Chiha Itachi and Kimimaro. She was ready to fight a tough battle, but when she rushed over, she found that there seemed to be no fight.

But the problem is not big,

After confirming the situation on the scene, Uchiha night sparrow used radio to contact the supporting troops behind, and dispatched a medical team to arrive before the second batch of supporting troops. After doing a detailed inspection for Kimimaro, he quickly gave it out. A reassuring report.

Kimimaro’s injury is not serious,

The scar on the chest did not penetrate deep into the internal organs. According to the medical ninja, after two days of taking it well, he would be able to jump around quickly without any trouble.

Of course, Kimimaro’s matter is just a trivial matter. At least in the eyes of Uchiha Nightfinch, the problem she is facing is the real thorny one. She went to the secret room under the destroyed tea room and saw the piled up. Shishan, obviously not a serious altar, plus the information Uchiha Itachi told… is another Forbidden Technique research case similar to the Orochimaru case?


This is not over yet.

She ordered the envoy to be contacted, but what she waited for was the reply of the envoy’s murder.

“You said the envoy is dead? Are you sure?”

Uchiha Yeque held his forehead with his hand.

I just feel that my head is as big as a fight.

“Yes, I saw the corpse and compared it with the photos. If the envoy does not have twin brothers, it should be his own right.” The subordinate replied bitterly.

“The envoy is dead…”

Uchiha Night Sparrow took a deep breath, his expression became cold and severe, and he ordered: “Immediately block the special embassy, ​​no one is allowed to enter and leave without permission, let the troops behind them move faster, and contact the patriarch. Report the news of the death of the envoy as quickly as possible…”

The orders were passed on, and the police officers immediately became busy.

In addition to the injured Kimimaro, the Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Torujiro teams were forcibly recruited to help. The vanguard troops brought by Uchiha night sparrows were too few, not to mention, just to block the huge special embassy. It needs a lot of manpower.

“Deputy Director, one more thing.”

The subordinate who reported the letter had not left, but waited for the people around to disperse and said in a low voice.


“The first to find the body of the special envoy was the deputy envoy of the special envoy, and the deputy envoy insisted that it was the envoy’s guard leader, Ogasawara Eemon, who killed the special envoy, and the corpse was… Beheaded, but the incision doesn’t look like it was cut by a knife, and the envoy’s brain and heart were gone when I went to see it.” The bitter color on the subordinate’s face can drip with bitterness.

What happened today,

It is really troublesome.

Death is not a big deal. The problem is that the dead person is the special envoy of the Daming Mansion in Konoha. This has become a big deal!

“······damn it!”

Uchiha Nightfinch frowned.She has already understood that the envoy behind this incident must have a copy of the envoy, but even so, for the sake of the name, she did not say that she ordered the envoy to be captured the first time, but prepared. Find someone first and monitor it secretly. How to deal with it… I’m afraid that the minister can’t be arbitrarily arbitrary, and he can’t even ask Hokage to make a decision.

But now the envoy is dead!

And listening to his subordinates, the death of the special envoy still has many questionable issues.

Under the guidance of subordinates,

She came to the scene of death.

I saw the corpse of the envoy who had not moved on the ground. A hole was opened on the top and back of the corpse. The brain and heart were gone. The deceased was not only the envoy, but the envoy’s trusted guards were all dead. , And died in another place.

“Looking at it this way, the murderer first cleaned up the escort who was probably left behind by the special envoy to delay the time, and then caught up with the special envoy who fled towards the tea room, attacked from behind, subdued the special envoy, and decapitated the head. ······Hand knife!”

Uchiha night sparrow looked at the death scene and recovered the killing scene that took place here without much effort.


Judging from the many traces of this scene,

Judging from the wounds on the dead,

The murderer who killed the envoy and his guard did not look like a samurai at all, more like the hands of a ninja!

And the deputy envoy of the special embassy and Ma,

This makes it impossible not to associate it! !

“Control everything that should be controlled, how to deal with the minister’s instructions.” Uchiha night sparrow thought about it again and again, but did not change the order. She could not handle this matter, and controlled the scene, and then waited for the above decision. Is the only thing she can do.

This matter involves the Daming Mansion,

It is no longer an ordinary case, and a small leader of the police department in her district cannot shoulder such a responsibility.


“Captain, Kabuto-kun, it feels like something terrible has happened? Did we…have caused some serious trouble?”

Uchiha Spring felt the tension like the rumbling of the wind. Some later realized that the case they were investigating did not seem to be as simple as an ordinary disappearance case. They all involved the special embassy in… They are now implementing the lockdown. Mission of the embassy.


After realizing the seemingly serious situation, I suddenly became nervous.

I’m afraid that because of their relationship, there will be something difficult to deal with!

“It’s fine.”

Yakushi Kabuto said to comfort, “Quan, don’t worry, the minister allowed us to investigate this case. We just did what we should do, and don’t forget the survivors in the basement who were saved by us. We did nothing wrong. Anything, just relax.”

“Kabuto is right.”

Uchiha Torujiro also smiled and said: “We just did our duty. We solved such a big case this time, so we can’t say there will be rewards!”

“Never mind the reward, there is no punishment.”

Uchihaquan is still a little worried. The girl has a delicate mind and a sentimental age. She is always uncontrollable in her wild thoughts, worrying about the possibilities that there is no need to worry.

In this regard,

Uchiha Torujiro and Yakushi Kabuto were also helpless.

They have tried their best, but obviously their comforting effect is not great. Fortunately, the girl seems to be over-thinking. Besides, there are no other obvious problems. I want to stay here for a while and wait until the incident subsides. , The girl will slowly regain her original temperament.

after all,

Time is the supreme medicine to cure pain and sorrow. In the face of time, everything will pass, and it will always pass!


After the execution of Kikyo Hiramiya, Kazuma did not care about the life and death of Ogasawara Eemon, but returned to his study leisurely, spread out the letter paper, lifted the writing brush, and began to write a letter, which was written to The secret letter of Huo Da Ming.

In the letter, he elaborated on the causes and consequences of this incident. In addition to concealing the matter of the masked man, he also honestly explained the incident that he personally killed Qijing Pinggong, and explained his reasons for doing so. , And at the same time pleaded guilty to Da Ming and asked Da Ming to punish him.

After writing the letter,

He activated the direct communication channel between the special embassy and the Daming Mansion, and sent this letter out with the highest confidentiality standards. Even if Uchiha Yejai gave the order to block the special embassy, ​​he still couldn’t stop the letter from leaving. , And no one said that they wanted to take a peek at the secret letter in the past.

You may be able to get some information by peeking at the secret letter.

However, the information obtained in this way cannot be declared, and once it is discovered, it will definitely attract a lot of hostility and resistance from the nobles. No one likes to be peeped into their own secrets, especially with This way

“Just do that?”

Uchiha Obito appeared in Hema’s study silently, with his hands behind his back, while looking up and admiring the famous calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall, while talking to Hema, “Are you sure Konoha will choose to take all the black pots Buckled on Ogasawara Eemon’s body?”

“Of course I’m not sure, I’m not the roundworm in Konoha’s high-level belly. I don’t know what they are thinking.” He gave Uchiha Obito a squint, and luckily, he didn’t point to the bastard who broke into his study without permission. Speak bad words.

“Then you are not afraid of being left by Konoha if you do this?”

Uchiha Obito knew this question was a bit stupid, but he asked it anyway.

“Do they have any excuses for staying? I didn’t kill Konoha. Even if I wanted to deal with me, Konoha’s turn would not come. Wouldn’t it be better if they planned to deal with me regardless of your daimyo’s idea? It’s not a bad thing for me to let daimyo and those who have been deceived by Konoha’s hypocrisy recognize Konoha’s true face.”

“However, it is a pity that Konoha would not have made such a stupid choice.”

He Ma sighed with regret.

It is really not easy to bring Konoha into the direct control of your daimyo! Not to mention whether Konoha is willing or not, first of all, not everyone in the daimyo mansion agrees with this idea, and many powerful nobles strongly oppose this idea.

Therefore, even if your daimyo is willing, in order to appease the nobles, it can only mean that the one country, one village system is the foundation for the survival of the country of fire.

“It’s so naive!”

Uchiha Obito sneered.

“What did you say?”

Hema’s eyes became cold.”I said you are really naive. Do you still expect Huo Daming or those nobles to take the initiative to deal with Konoha? Do you think they can’t see Konoha as a military group independent of the daimyo system? No? They can see very clearly, but they also know that they are not Konoha’s opponents, so they can only choose to live in harmony. As long as Konoha has not declined, then even if Konoha executes you, what can Huo Da Ming do?”

Uchiha Obito’s words are like a knife, and he straightforwardly analyzes certain ‘truths’ that Hema himself has been avoiding.

The aggressive attitude made the chill in Hema’s eyes more intense.

But Kazuma didn’t violent, but looked at Uchiha Obito coldly.

“What can’t be it, even if the special envoy of Qijing Hiragiya is killed by the Konoha Shinobi, Huo Daimyo will never tear his face with Konoha. He can’t bear the cost of breaking with Konoha. At most, there is a grievance in my heart, but what if there is a grievance? Can it hurt a single vellus hair in Konoha?”

“Hema, don’t deceive yourself. It is impossible for Huo Daming to directly control Konoha by gentle means. You also know this very well. You want Huo Daming to truly become the only master of the country of fire. , The use of force is an inevitable result, but…you know the problem yourself, it is impossible for Konoha’s opponent to rely on your little force.”

“So I have to cooperate with you?”

He Ma sneered.

“Yes, working with me is your best way out.” Uchiha Obito said frankly.

“…Then, let me tell you who you are! Otherwise, I can’t trust a guy who hides his head and shows his tail.”

“Didn’t you already guessed it?”

Under the mask,

The scarlet eyes shone with a strange light.

“You said you are Uchiha Madara? Then I put on a mask, can I say that I am Senju Hashirama?” Hema didn’t buy it.

“Don’t make any mistakes! Mr. Ma, I never need to prove anything to you. I hope you can cooperate with me. It doesn’t mean that you have to. Your companions may not be as famous as you, but as long as you can use them to give Konoha’s a little trouble is enough for me.”

Uchiha Obito said leisurely, not caring about Hemana’s murderous aura, and the sudden attack.

Facing the kunai thrown by the horse,

Do not dodge or hide,

Allowing Kuwu to pass through his mask, it was like he had shot a phantom without a substance, and Kuwu was nailed to the wall behind.

“Illusory Technique? Or what Forbidden Technique?”

Waiting attentively with the horse.

He didn’t understand how his suffering was avoided at all? It doesn’t look like a time-space technique. After all, no matter how fast the time-space technique is to be reasonable, there will be a momentary movement, and he didn’t blink his eyes just now. It can be confirmed that the masked man in front of him did not disappear in that moment. , Stood there without moving the whole time.

As for illusion,

Combined with his previous experience, he thinks it is unlikely.

He tends to be an unknown Forbidden Technique, just like the Hydration Technique of the Kirigakure ghost lamp clan, which can almost perfectly evade most physical attacks.

“Hema, you will understand sooner or later, only you and your companions will not be Konoha’s opponents. Working with me is your best way out. The next time we meet… It’s time to start working together.” Uchiha Obito took a deep look at Kazuma.

For the time being, that’s it.

We have had enough contact in these two days. Then we will have to wait until we have suffered with Ma. It will be more effective to persuade at that time. We can also take advantage of this time to continue to find and contact other targets. Xiao organization also Need more manpower, just one and the horse is not enough!

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