Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 173: Bai Hanzi

She has indeed changed, and it is a little bit unbelievable. After all, with her ability, she can easily make her bully pay the price. It is not impossible to die. It is still silent, but she does not. She learned to forbear.

why? Are you afraid of death?

But Chao Xi felt that she was not a person who was afraid of death. If she was afraid of death, she would not stop her in the secret path. It was poisoning her life. Maybe she was tired of being used by Shen Fei and holding it in her hand, so she thought relief?

Although the environment here is poor and life is not good, it is free enough that no one can really pinch her. Those who bully her are all clowns, and she can choke to death at any time.

Chao Xi vaguely felt that there were other reasons. She didn't understand the queen mother, but felt that the current queen mother was a bit numb, like a string puppet, without a goal.

Indeed, her son is now the emperor, and he has done it steadily for so many years. Shen Fei has not done anything to him. It stands to reason that she has been defeated and there is no threat. Shen Fei should do it, but Shen Fei did not, and still condoned. His son grew up, so Shen Fei is really not interested in the throne.

This means that her son is not in danger. The whereabouts of another very important Bai Hanzi is missing. She can't see people or dead bodies. It's like a dream. She can't touch or see. Naturally lost the goal and became numb.

Maybe it's not her true intention to become like this. She just wants to die, but she also holds hope, hoping to see Bai Hanzi again.

Her wish came true, and Bai Hanzi came.

Chao Xi knew from the moment she saw her that she still loved Bai Hanzi, the kind she loved, because Bai Hanzi had never shown her face in front of her, but she could recognize Bai Hanzi at a glance.

Just as Chao Xi can recognize Shen Fei at a glance, no matter what Shen Fei becomes, the queen mother is also true.

She should be called Kuhui now.

Chao Xi pushed the wheelchair. Bai Hanzi couldn't walk. He relied on the wheelchair to go back and forth. It took a lot of effort to get up the mountain, and seven or eight footmen replaced the one carried.

"How is your life?" Bai Hanzi spoke first when the wheelchair was pushed not far from Kuhui.

He really has no talent for chatting. How can life be better in the Nunnery? Didn’t you see that it was still chopping wood?

But Kuhui has come up, and now she is called a master. She shouldn't need to do the rough work of chopping wood anymore. She did it on her own, right?

Maybe it's because life is too dull, so I want to find something to do?

"Yeah." Kuhui looked at him, suddenly burst into tears, "What happened to your legs?"

Bai Hanzi smiled bitterly, "Not only the legs, but only one hand in the body can move."

He didn't say anything else, and didn't ask Kuhui to support him. It shouldn't be. May it be Kuhui's business.

I don't know if it was an illusion, Chao Xi actually saw a hint of surprise in her eyes, hiding in the astonishment, I don't know if Bai Hanzi found it.

"I became like this, are you so happy?" Obviously Bai Hanzi found out.

The corner of Kuhui's mouth curled up, and she smiled reluctantly, "Of course I am happy, so you can't run, and I can only support you."

Bai Hanzi looked helpless, "I turned a blind eye to you in the palace, shouldn't you have revenge?"

I don't know why, this woman can always find him, even when he doesn't show up.

At Cining Palace that night, Shen Fei threatened her. She compromised because of him. He was watching the show in secret but did not show up, and then the Queen Mother still found him.

Her expression was a little strange, Shen Fei saw that she threatened with him, she almost didn't even want to give up struggling, and explained everything.

To be honest, Bai Hanzi is not without feelings, but he clearly knows what kind of person the queen mother is. She is a woman who does nothing to achieve her goal, and her life is like an ant in her eyes.

He saw with his own eyes that she had killed irrelevant, innocent people, and wiped out the whole family, just like eating a meal, without the slightest loss, and told him that this world is like this, big fish eat small fish, small fish eat prawns, hemp Shrimp eat mud.

Her conception conflicted seriously with him, so it was impossible for them to be together, and Bai Hanzi didn't want to save her, because saving her would harm other people.

But the little emperor didn't stop her from saving her. After all, business is not righteous.

After the death of the Emperor Xian, this woman gathered all his forces for the first time, including the doormen.

He is a member of the doormen. The emperor spends a lot of money to raise him every year. After the emperor dies, they should also be separated, but this woman is willing to pay double the price to support him.

Anyway, he couldn't find a place to stay for a while, and playing drugs requires a lot of silver. It is better to have a backing than nothing, so he accepted it, the same as before, but different.

The Queen Mother was almost obedient to him, and he would buy him all the medicinal materials he fancyed.

If he doesn't have another person in his heart, facing such a strong attack, perhaps he will be tempted, but it is counterproductive, because there is that woman, which makes him unable to enter anyone in his heart.

Maybe in the future, at least not now.

"I am in no danger, so you did not show up. If I am in danger, you will definitely save me."

Bai Hanzi shook his head.

He won't save the queen mother. This woman is too ruthless. She looks at people, but they are not people, but beasts and ants. Except for what she cares about, everything else can be discarded and killed at any time.

If one day this person hates him, he will kill him without hesitation.

Said she changed, can she really change it?

"Chao Xi, don't worry, she is willing to raise me." Bai Hanzi looked at Chao Xi.

Chao Xi nodded, "Then I will hand you over to her."

She released her hand in the wheelchair. The ground in the yard was uneven and the wheelchair slipped. The queen mother hurriedly pulled her hand in front of Bai Hanzi.

Chao Xi became more satisfied with her, nervously indicating that Bai Hanzi is important to her and should not be strong on him, because she likes it, she will naturally respect him.

After handling Bai Hanzi's affairs, it was time to see Shen Fei, and Chao Xi left almost happily.

Bai Hanzi sighed and didn't speak. The queen mother was someone who could not speak better than him. The two of them were so silent. After a while, Bai Hanzi asked, "I heard you are always bullied, why don't you resist? "

The queen mother squatted in front of him, "I'm too lazy to fight back."

Sure enough, it wasn't to correct evil, but to be too lazy to fight back.

"They all say that you are very hardworking, get up the earliest, sleep the latest, and do the most. Is that true?" Bai Hanzi continued to ask.

The queen mother stood up, walked around behind him, and said while pushing the wheelchair, "I have done too many bad things and can't sleep, just find something to do."

Sure enough, she didn't change it, or that they were all falsehoods. She lied to everyone for nearly five years and no one found out.

How deep should this person be? Or how can she tolerate? For five years.

"I know, you can't change it." Bai Hanzi smiled bitterly.

It’s okay to lie to others, but it’s impossible to lie to him. He has known this woman for more than ten years. She was born with a rebellion. Because she was hurt and saw the world’s heat, she felt that everyone was hypocritical. The person who helped her, even if they depended on her later, died in the end.

Look at her jokes, no one who bullies her can live, she is so vicious.

"Yes, it's easy to change, but it's hard to change your nature." She admits that she won't change. "You know, why come here?"

Bai Hanzi lifted the felt with the only hand that could still move, and showed her the wound on her ankle, "Do you think I have a choice? No one wants to raise waste like me."

He didn't wear shoes, because it was impossible to walk anymore, Chao Xi was considered considerate and wrapped a blanket on his knees, covering his legs and feet.

"Is that your little teacher also unwilling?" the queen mother asked back, "you are so good to her, train her hands, and teach her Gu techniques."

Bai Hanzi looked at her in surprise, "You know?"

No one knows what he taught Chaoxi Gu Art, because the person is out of town and not well-known. It is difficult to check the news of them. It is impossible without influence. She still has influence in her hand?

"In the deal I made with King Ning, I stayed at the Nunnery and he sent me your news."

"Really?" Bai Hanzi didn't believe it.

The deal was based on the same strength, and Wang Ning's deal with her showed that she hadn't really had nothing in the past few years, but it was hidden deeper.

"My teacher and couple like King Ning. They will get married and have children in the future, so I can't disturb them." He told the truth, "and they can only support me for a while, not my life."

The queen mother nodded, "Yes, only I am willing to support you for a lifetime."

She suddenly stopped, pointed to a house not far away and said, "Here, this is where I live."

Bai Hanzi looked at it two times. It was very simple and rudimentary like a wood house. The surroundings were in tatters and a window had dropped. This shouldn't be a place for the rich and powerful, but it is.

He has never admired anyone in his life, but the queen mother, she can really endure hardships, there are so many royal meals in the palace, she only eats porridge every day, there are so many silks and satin, she does not wear a single, no matter how good the quilt can get, However, she only sleeps on a hard bed and has almost no requirements for her life.

It should be said that she doesn't like these things outside of her body, silk, silk, silk clothes and jade food are all things outside of her body.

She looked down at Bai Hanzi, and then at the steps. There were two steps under the eaves. Although there were not many steps, the wheelchair would definitely not be able to go up.

"Carry me, Chao Xi always carries me." Bai Hanzi sat up straight.

The queen mother's eyes darkened, but she didn't say anything, squatting down in front of Bai Hanzi.

Bai Hanzi supported the wheelchair with one hand, leaning forward and lying on the back of the mother for a long time.

The queen mother stood up, carried Bai Hanzi up the steps, kicked open the door with her foot, without hesitation, put Bai Hanzi directly by the bed, she got up by herself, but moved slightly faster, Bai Hanzi was unstable, The whole person fell on the bed.

He had only one hand to use, and it was hard to even sit up. The queen mother stood by the bed and looked at him condescendingly, "So I didn't lie to me, but really only one hand can be used."

Bai Hanzi was helpless, "What good is it for me to lie to you?"

He couldn't sit up, so he just lay down and waited for the queen mother to help him.

The Queen Mother didn't help him, but went out and returned shortly after, holding a basin with hot water in her hand. The Queen Mother wrung out the towel and spread it over his face.

Bai Hanzi blocked it with his hand, "What do you mean?"

The queen mother pushed his hand away, "I don't like the taste of others on you."

She was straightforward and domineering. Knowing that he could not resist, she simply skipped asking for his consent. She continued to wipe his face and body, and put the blankets he wore on his body and the used blanket, even the hair band on his head. He threw it in the corner and told him to lie on the bed naked, with only one thin cover.

Bai Hanzi grabbed the sheets with one hand, shame and uncomfortable, making his face pale with anger.

The queen mother pushed the door out and came back soon. She took her pure white robes and changed it to him. Although she knew it would happen, after all, he only had one hand to move and it was inconvenient to do anything, but this day really came. Still make him unacceptable.

I don't want to live a day when I am sent to others.

In the evening, Tai Hou gave him a bowl of porridge, Bai Hanzi only drank half a bowl, "I can't finish it."

When the queen mother came over, she naturally picked up the bowl and continued to drink. She had been in the temple for a long time and knew that food was cherished, so she could not waste, absolutely not waste.

She had just finished drinking the bowl of porridge, and her face suddenly changed, "You..."


The bowl fell down, and the remaining porridge water dripped on the ground, making a babble sound.

Toxic in the bowl!

Bai Hanzi breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't blame me, you are terrible, you and I know that you will not change, you are still the original queen mother, killing people like hemp and killing people, so I can't let you go. "

He calmly said, "Don't worry, I will die with you. You were created by me and should be destroyed in my hands. Otherwise, if I die in the future, no one can cure you."

He knows the queen mother too much, this woman will never give up, nor will she be willing to be ordinary, her ambition is great, once let her turn over, and he died again, no one can really cure her.

She was willing to learn and endure hardships, and she knew how to forbear, and she was also very smart. When King Ning retired, it was when she turned over.

So anyone can live and can be forgiven, but she can't, we must get rid of her, and enjoy a prosperous age.

This was his only thought before he died.

He was afraid that this big killer would come out and do evil, so he didn't dare to die before killing her. Now she was poisoned and she was sure to die. He was relieved, took out a pill from under the pillow, and opened his mouth to swallow it into his belly.

Suddenly a silver light flashed, Bai Hanzi's wrist hurt, and the black pill fell on the ground and rolled to the cabinet.

This pill was used by him to bring it to the end. There were two pills in total, and one was fed to the queen mother.

Hidden in the palm of his hand, the Queen Mother was too cautious and lost all his things. He could only hide it in his hands, and put it under her pillow when the Queen Mother left. It was just one.

Bai Hanzi hurriedly lay on the bed to pick it up, but some people squashed the pill faster with one foot.

Bai Hanzi's face was gray, "Are you not poisoned?"

The mother was expressionless, "It should be said that take the medicine early."

Bai Hanzi sighed, "You never trusted me at all."

"No." The queen mother shook her head, "I know you too well, you can't send it to your door, so there must be another purpose."

Bai Hanzi closed his eyes, "Since you know everything, kill me."

The queen mother shook her head, "Although you want to kill me, I still love you. It is impossible to kill you, and you cannot die."

Bai Hanzi sneered, "Can you control me for a while, and control me for the rest of my life?"

"I can." The queen mother believed, "If you die, I will keep this account on Shen Fei and Chao Xi and kill them by all means."

Bai Hanzi was anxious, "Despicable!"

"It just works for you."

The Queen Mother helped him up, lying halfway on the bed, without leaving, just staring at him like this.

Bai Hanzi turned his head away from her sight, the queen mother pinched his chin and straightened his face.

Bai Hanzi's eyes dodged, "I'm already dead."

The Queen Mother leaned over and stared at his lips.

Bai Hanzi struggled, "My injury is not healed yet."

The queen mother got closer and closer to him.

"You are taking advantage of the danger... ooh..."

The queen mother kissed him enough to let him go, "It's great, you are still alive, and I am alive, it's not too late."

Bai Hanzi closed her eyes, not wanting to look at her.

"It's still as good as before?" The queen mother's forehead touched his forehead, "You stay, I will not kill people randomly, only kill people who should be killed, and I will definitely not stumble."

There was an agreement between the two of them that if he stayed by her side, she would not kill people randomly, only the kind that should be killed, like the old, weak, sick, and bad wives and children.

"Cut the grass without removing the roots, the spring breeze blows and regenerates, you know mine, without you, I might not be able to control it."

Bai Hanzi sighed, "It's different. I used to have the ability to stop you, but now I don't."

He is already a useless person and can't do anything.

"No." The Queen Mother denied, "You have the ability, as long as you agree."

Bai Hanzi's face was pale, "Do I still have a choice?"

Obviously no, he has fallen into her hands, and her plan has been seen through.

She is smarter and more terrifying by eating a bite and gaining her wisdom.

At dawn, he was sitting on the bed alone, drinking the pale porridge, bowed his head, revealing his white neck, which was densely covered with hickeys, some from the day before yesterday, some from yesterday, and a lot of today.

He had lived in the temple for three days. He drank porridge every day, three meals a day, either steamed buns or porridge. He drank gluttonous worms in his belly.

Looking outside, she found that the Queen Mother was holding a bowl with one hand and drank two bowls of porridge. This woman was really amazing. She drank porridge like him every day. She was still porridge for thousands of years. She was not tired, she drank with relish every day.

"Hello." He couldn't help it. "Aren't you tired of drinking porridge every day?"

The queen mother blinked, "No, I have been drinking for more than ten years."

Bai Hanzi was speechless, "I'm tired, change my tricks at noon."

The queen mother had always been responsive to him, and almost did not even want to agree, "Okay."

"Buy me two thicker clothes. Spring is rainy and I am cold."

The Queen Mother did not refuse, "Okay."

She has been with him lately, almost everywhere, she is probably afraid that he will think, think she will do bad things, and will tell him in advance whatever she does.

Tell him about cooking, tell him about washing dishes, tell him about reading books, and tell him even when you go to the hut.

At first I was a little disgusted and didn't like what she did to him. Like a robber, he would do whatever he wanted. Once he wanted to do it, he was a man after all. Can he die or live like a girl?

Slowly, he can barely accept it, what if he doesn't accept it, the life is still going to pass, he must live, and then take up all the time of the queen mother, so that she can't go out and do evil.

If possible, lead her to the right path and completely correct her evil.

The author has something to say: This is probably the last one of Bai Hanzi and the Queen Mother. No more, I will talk about Shen Fei and Chao Xi from now on.

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