Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 30: Friend or foe

I don't know why, an inexplicable emotion surged into my heart, and Chao Xi wanted to give it a try.

She didn’t hesitate, and immediately went to the kitchen to find out what Aunt Liu had cooked. There was only a bowl of noodles left. Chao Xi had eaten it by herself because of a long time, and she didn’t need to eat it anymore. She only made Shen Fei’s. Just fine.

She simply warmed up the noodles, added two green vegetables, and beaten an egg to make it different from the original.

Shen Fei seemed to think that she did it. Although she was a little confused about the place where it was soaked, Chao Xi said that she added an egg and cooked it for a while and it became like this. Shen Fei didn't doubt it, and naturally picked up the tableware and ate it. .

Sure enough, it wasn't unappetizing at all, simply because the person he was doing was not the one he was familiar with.

It is difficult for him to accept others, but once he is identified, he is very loyal, and always only recognizes that one person.

After getting along for almost two months, all the previous efforts were not in vain. Shen Fei accepted her, didn't eat what others made, didn't like others walking around in front of him, and only wanted her.

Chao Xi was very happy, and took advantage of his eating time to take out the wedding dress and groom dress he bought today. The dress is so special that Shen Fei can understand it without saying anything.

Fearing that he would ignore the past, Chao Xi even deliberately unfolded and swayed in front of him, wandering around two times and then spread on the bed. The clothes were complicated and had several layers. Chao Xi didn't know how to wear it, so he studied it for a while.

There is also her wedding gown, which seems to be more troublesome than Shen Fei's groom dress. The mess is full of pearls, and there is also a bride's phoenix crown. Except for the queen, ordinary people can't use the phoenix as the headdress for married couples. They are disrespectful to the queen. It's a peacock.

It looks similar anyway, they are all pretty.

Chao Xi was unpacking the entangled tassels. She walked in a hurry on the road, wrapped in things, and the tassels underneath were all entangled. It will be too late to solve it tomorrow. Today, we have to fix all these so that she can't delay her getting on the sedan chair .

In fact, there is no sedan chair, just leave the house to worship the world, so much time to ponder those things, waste money, and toss Shen Fei.

Shen Fei couldn't ride a horse like this, and couldn't pick her up. If she accidentally fell again, wouldn't this kiss be impossible?

How can it work, any accident will be killed in the cradle.

Chao Xi first supported the phoenix crown with a small mirror for dressing. There was a bracket under the mirror, which was round, just enough to support the phoenix crown. The tassels hung underneath, and Chao Xi slowly unraveled.

Shen Fei had already eaten, and he didn't know if it was boring or something. The wheelchair stopped at the table, his hands stretched out to help Chao Xi untie the tassels.

? ? ?

Doesn't he know this is a phoenix crown?

The phoenix crowns are there, which means that the two will soon get married. Isn't this person unwilling?

He saw that the wedding dress and groom dress should be repelled, shouldn't he react like this?

For some reason, there is a feeling of sheep entering the wolf's mouth and helping the wolf to shave itself.

Chao Xi was a little confused, thinking he didn't know, and reminded, "Tomorrow we will get married."

Shen Fei's fingers paused slightly, "It's faster than I thought."

that's it?

No other ideas?

"Don't you have anything to say?" Chao Xi didn't believe it. This person said that he didn't want to get married a few days ago. Why did he become so obedient and change his mind only two days?

"Say what?" Shen Fei looked up at her.

Say you don't want to, or postpone it a few days later.

"...It's nothing." Chao Xi's words were held in her mouth, and she didn't continue speaking. What if the person who was speaking is unwilling again, then what should she do?

The news has been released to get married, and the groom suddenly repents, telling her how to behave in the future?

Shen Fei's attitude is very fascinating, is it to pay her favor as soon as possible so that she can leave?

"Shen Fei." Chao Xi suddenly called him.

Shen Fei said softly, "What's the matter?"

"Tomorrow we will get married, you should try the groom dress first, see if it fits?"

Surprisingly, Shen Fei did not resist at all, and naturally nodded and said, "Okay."

? ? ?

He's crazy? Still really leaving?

Chao Xi was worried about the latter.

Shen Fei seemed to be ignorant of what she was thinking in her mind, turned her wheelchair to the bedside, and took the initiative to get the clothes on the bed.

Chao Xi stopped him again, "Let's try after the injection first, so I don't have to take off the trouble."

She planned to wash Shen Fei after the injection, put on her clothes, and got married the next day.

Shen Fei did not refuse either, and said indifferently, "Okay."

He was surprisingly easy to talk today, and he should do whatever Chao Xi said.

Chao Xi suddenly remembered that when she was a child, she accidentally tore the master’s beautiful male picture. She was afraid of punishment from the master. The master told her to pour tea and go obediently. The master told her to cook, and she went obediently, and the master asked her to dry herbs. , She also runs diligently, because of a guilty conscience, she feels that she has done something to be sorry for the master.

Will Shen Fei...

But he is lame, what can I do to sorry her?

Chao Xi carefully observed the person, Shen Fei's expression remained the same, and there was no slight vacancy on his face. He sat quietly in the wheelchair as usual, only raised his hand consciously after Chao Xi approached and let Chao Xi hug him. he.

He wants to go to bed and prepares for injection in advance.

Chao Xi satisfies him, first put the Xi suit aside, the person picked it up and put him on the bed, Shen Fei began to take off his clothes, Chao Xi also went to prepare for the injection, when he came back, the man’s clothes were emptied on his shoulders, and he fell down. , The clothes were unraveled, and the clean body was exposed.

Chao Xi turned him over, pressing his hand in a place that was not harmonious, and Shen Fei's muscles suddenly tightened.

He used to have no consciousness in the lower half of his body, no matter what Chao Xi did to him, now...

Chao Xi is a habitual action. This position is uneven. If you don't hold it, the needle will stick, so you have to free one hand to press it down every time.

She got used to it, but Shen Fei was not used to it, moved her body and was slapped by Chao Xi.

"Don't move."

Shen Fei: "..."

Today, this is also torture for Shen Fei. Pain is one thing, and it's a little bit shame.

After finally finishing the nine stitches, Shen Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

Chao Xi didn't turn him over. Just after applying the needle, there were still some needle holes on his body, which could not be pressed. He only pulled the quilt up and covered his shoulder.

It was still early, Chao Xi went to boil hot water again, wiped his body when he came back, and then put on a happy suit.

The first time I wore this kind of complicated, the inner three layers, the outer three layers, the belts were not fastened, it was not the kind that was strangled, but it was buckled, Chao Xi did not find the buttonhole for a long time.

Shen Fei sighed helplessly, took her hand and touched his waist, "Here."

Shen Fei can't see this position, and people can't touch them while lying on the bed. They can only rely on Chao Xi.

Chao Xi lifted his body, and unexpectedly discovered that this man had a thin waist. She might not be able to fasten this belt. Shen Fei actually had some spare time, and felt that one or two more clothes would do.

"Okay." Finally dressed, Chao Xi wiped the sweat from her head, somewhat relieved.

"Does it look good?" Shen Fei lay on the bed, dressed like an uncle, dressing, tying his hair band, etc. Chao Xi did everything, so he lay, motionless, and let Chao Xi toss and toss like a doll.

"good looking."

Shen Fei was pretty long, but he didn't wear any decent clothes for him, and his hair had been scattered all the time. He occasionally tied it with a hair band at random. Now he tidied it up and found that this man is very expensive.

That face was also completely exposed, making it even more handsome and unparalleled. Just let it go, fearing that Aunt Liu next door would be tempted.

Think that this person has finished the injection and will leave soon.

Chao Xi immediately stretched out his sinful little hand and touched Shen Fei indiscriminately. Shen Fei seemed to know what her plan was, and did not struggle. With her arms spread out, Ren Chaoxi lowered her hands.

Like a full cat, lazy and not wanting to move.

Chao Xi suddenly remembered the black cat that Shizu raised when she was a child. Like Shizu, she didn't like approaching people in a gloomy manner. She always looked at her coldly with a pair of green eyes.

Although it looks good, it is very difficult to get along with. No matter who comes forward to tease it, it always has a paw. It never eats food given by others. Chao Xi has lived in Shizu for two years and fed it countless times. The cat Always ignore her.

Later, when she saw her master stretch out her hand, the cat lay down on its own, revealing its soft belly, letting her touch and pinch it, her beard pulled its beard and pulled its ears, and it was also honest. Even if it reaches its mouth, it doesn't bite. If someone else try it?

Shen Fei is very similar to that cat, beautiful and cold, he doesn't care about anyone, he doesn't eat his food, and he doesn't let others approach him. The cat will push the plate to the master every time before eating. The meaning of sharing, the master will move by himself without eating.

Shen Fei never eats alone and always waits for her to come back.

That cat can't sleep alone, it has to see the master before it can sleep, and so does Shen Fei.

That cat was only used by Master, and Shen Fei also...

Chao Xi couldn't stand it and flicked two more.

Any part of Shen Fei's body was open to her, she just slapped it, but there was a place that was tightly hidden, and she was not allowed to stand up for life or death. Chao Xi suddenly stretched out his hand to grab it, and was quickly grasped by his eyes.

"Don't mess around." There was a warning in his eyes.

Chao Xi surrendered, softened, and lay down on him, and said obediently, "No mess."

Can't touch Shen Fei's inverse scales, or she won't be able to touch Shen Fei in a few days.

She agreed, and Shen Fei let go and lay back on the pillow.

Chao Xi carefully touched his chest back, seeing that this person didn't respond, and he was bolder again, and continued to push Shen Fei.

Shen Fei's adaptability is really strong. It turned out that she would have a slight reaction when she did this, but now she seems to be used to it, and she is generous to let her go.

Chao Xi was not welcome, and touched up and down, but he simply stretched his hand in. Shen Fei's skin was warm and elastic, silky and smooth.

Satisfied, even if he left, she had already looked at this person all the way, and had already made enough money.

If you can stay together for one more day, you will earn one more day, and don't force it.

Chao Xi remembered something, got out of bed a few steps, and changed her suit on her body. She had the same suit as Shen Fei, all in red, like a newly-married couple. He experienced a wedding night in the bridal chamber in advance, tightly packed. In a bed, before there was time to make trouble, I suddenly heard the sound of stepping on tiles on the roof.


Shen Fei seemed to have heard it too, and stood up and blew out the candle, motioning Chao Xi to pretend to sleep.

Chao Xi was not stupid, and she immediately understood that Shen Fei didn't know whether the person outside was an enemy or a friend.

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