Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 45: I'm coming

"All see a doctor the same."

"They are all being threatened the same."

"Shen Fei." Chao Xi finally tore his nose and said bluntly, "You can too."

You can take me away for half a year, and you will be back soon.

Shen Fei shook his head, "It's too dangerous outside."

Liar, "You are not as good as mine."

Those of his subordinates could not beat her either, she knew it when they first met.

When Chao Xi was young, she was selected by her master to practice qigong while she was learning medicine. At that time, Chao Xi didn't understand and asked her master to study medicine to save the dead and heal the wounded. Why did she practice qigong?

Master opened the hem and showed her the empty trousers, "I have lost a pair of legs because I haven't beaten anyone. Do you want to do that too?"

Of course, Chao Xi didn't want to. So far, she practiced very hard, accidentally over-training, and found that the master could not beat her, and the master could not beat her. No one in the valley was her opponent.

But the master insisted on his lips, saying that she was small and let her.

At that time, Chao Xi was innocent and never doubted, now...

Can no longer look directly at the master.

"You can live well, and so can I." Chao Xi insisted.

Shen Fei still shook his head, "Chao Xi, where force is not the first, you have to live here."

He pointed to his head.

Chao Xi refused: "I am also very smart."

She tried to find a few examples, "I always protect you when you are unconscious."

"That's good luck."

"I know you have been in contact with your subordinates."

"I never concealed it."

"I guessed the waist card before you said it."

"I led you to check."

Shen Fei kept adding fuel to the fire, and Chao Xi was so angry that he was about to explode, "Why are you like this? Is it OK for me to accompany you?"

She patted her chest, "I know medical skills, I know martial arts, I can protect you, and I can protect myself. Using poisonous gu will not work for me."

She just didn't worry about Shen Fei alone, and wanted to accompany him through the ups and downs. Why would she not satisfy her with such a simple request?

"Chao Xi." Shen Fei hugged her, "I don't want you to take risks."

"My father said the same back then, and later he married the daughter of a powerful man." Chao Xi sneered, "You don't look down on country girls like me, right?"

"I'm not the same as him." Shen Fei tightened his arms, hugged her harder, laid his chin on Chao Xi's shoulder in a leisurely manner, "I don't need to climb power, nor do I need to gain wealth, I just Power is wealth."

He has great confidence in his tone, and he is different from usual. This person is hiding, hiding his true character and true identity. All facing Chao Xi are fake, this is him.

Power over the world, watching all sentient beings.

"Wait for me, OK?"

The voice is still that, gentle and nice, but the person does not seem to be that person.

"not good."

Chao Xi rebuffed, "I don't want to wait any longer, I won't wait for any one, I won't wait for you..."

She waited for too many years, expecting and disappointed again, expecting again, disappointed again, repeating this process repeatedly, already bored.

"No one is waiting..."

Don't wait for the master or Shen Fei, whoever asks her to wait is her enemy.

Shen Fei paused, and a wry smile rose from the corner of his mouth, "Also, it's hard to wait for someone."

He lay back on the bed, and his voice had returned to the original, like a bowl of water, calm and peaceful, "It's late, go to sleep."

There was a sound from behind, half of the pillows of the duo sank. Shen Fei said that he would go to bed as soon as he slept, and he did not hesitate at all.

There was no word for a night, and the bridal chamber was soaked in the candle night, Chao Xi did not mention, and Shen Fei did not force it. The two slept back to back like this.

The next day, Chao Xi got up very early and rushed to embroider her mandarin duck. Without lighting, she embroidered like this in the dark. She hadn't embroidered like this for many years. She seemed to have forgotten and couldn't find the touch.

After groping for a long time, she slowly entered the state. Not much time was left for her. Chao Xi's embroidery was rough at first, and the back became more and more messy. She just finished the work and didn't consider other things at all. One embroidered duck and the other even ducks. It's not as good as it is too late to change the thread, and embroider with a gray thread to the end.

I heard that the mandarin duck is like this, the males are colorful and the females are dingy, just like she and Shen Fei.

Shen Fei is colorful and glowing. She walks in the dark, dingy like peace, and peace is also dingy.

Yes, Shen Fei is gone, she is still safe.

Chaoxi’s mandarin ducks stopped embroidering. I put it on the table and got up. I didn’t eat any food. I went to the store and bought a few baskets of fish, some bacon and salted fish. These are not easy to stink. Hanging for ten and a half months is not a problem. .

Fresh fish will eat when they wake up safely. It does not sleep all the time during hibernation, but occasionally wakes up, and then wakes up for activities. Chaoxi used to go up once a week, and every time the fish was eaten by it, there was a lot of preparation this time. It should be enough for one month.

Fatty it.

I bought too much and couldn't get it by myself. Chao Xi rented an ox cart and wandered all the way, bypassing the village and going up the mountain.

The road was far away, and it was uphill again. It was very difficult to pull a cow. There was no cow at the village entrance to be obedient. From time to time, Chao Xi had to lead him in front of him. When Chao Xi reached the entrance of the cave, he carried it in a basket and spent it. For a long time, the cow was **** by her and had to be returned to others. If the money was pressed, the money had to be returned.

All the fish were moved to the safe cave and placed in a row. The fish left for him had been eaten by him last time, and he woke up once.

That’s good news. Chao Xi hung up the bacon and salted fish one after another, covering its hole. After sitting with it for a while, she slowly got up and went down the mountain.

Take a look at the time, it's already time for lunch, and it's time for Shen Fei to leave in the afternoon.

She deliberately avoided him and gave him time to leave, not wanting to see him.

Shen Fei is very smart. He knows everything and naturally understands what she means. Not only does he understand, but Shuiyue clearly sees it even in the mirror.

"My son, it's time to go."

Shen Fei didn't move. He sat on the white-washed bed sheet, holding chopsticks in one hand and noodles in the other. The chopsticks sandwiched the meat, placed in the middle of the noodles, folded both sides, and pinched them together.

I have never done this work before, and it was a bit difficult when I first packaged it, but I gradually got used to it.

"Don't you understand?" Shuiyue persuaded, "Miss Chaoxi just doesn't want to see you."

Girls have small tempers. Even if Miss Chao Xi is different, she is still a girl, and she will be angry.

Shen Fei had already wrapped one, and began to wrap the next one, "There is a little left, and I will leave when I finish wrapping it."

The son still didn't give up, he clearly wanted to wait for girl Chao Xi.

"My son." Jinghua took a step forward, "I'll help you pack it together."

Shen Fei shook his head, "I'll do it myself."

His hands weren't used to make dumplings by nature. Jinghua had seen these hands playing games with others, talking about tea, pruning flowers, painting and writing poems, and it was the first time he saw him making dumplings. It was unexpectedly harmonious.

The white noodle sticks to the hand, the slender fingers are retracted, the thumbs are aligned, and a press is pressed, a dumpling is formed, and the boy is very serious about it. After the package, he will check whether it has spread.

Jinghua has been by his side since he was twelve years old, and has never seen the son do anything for any girl. In front of Daye, no girl is worth mentioning.

However, the son almost put his great cause behind for a girl, and even cooks the girl himself, making dumplings for that girl. I don't know how many good things the girl has done in her previous life to get this treatment.

Shuiyue wanted to remind her again, Jinghua made a "hush" gesture.

Since the son wanted to pack it, let him pack it. The son couldn't even count it, I'm afraid he knows better than the two of them.

Girl Chao Xi was angry and didn't want to see him.

The two quietly retreated to the door, without further interruption, but stood quietly in the courtyard, silently guarding.

There is a window in the back room that is wide open, facing the bed, allowing you to have a panoramic view of the room.

The son is wearing a thick cloak with a black wave pattern, but the clothes inside is still the clothes that Miss Chaoxi bought for him. The style is not the black he usually wears. It is the peach powder that Miss Chaoxi likes, and it is used for hair bands. It's Sky Blue, completely unworthy of Peach Fan. Girl Chao Xi's aesthetic is worrying, but the son let her toss.

He didn't change his clothes, still wearing a look that didn't suit him. Peach pink and sky blue, plus a red belt, seemed a bit more lively for no reason.

The son has grown up since he was a child, and he is in the royal family. He can't afford to be frivolous in his clothes. He has always done a good job. He has never slackened for more than 20 years. Once in a difficult mountain village, he has become like this...

Girl Chao Xi is really strange.

"Sister Jinghua, why do you mean the son?" Shuiyue couldn't understand, "Since I like Miss Chaoxi, why not take her to the capital to have a great career of beauty and have both fish and bear paws."

"You are the son of Xu, respect girl Chaoxi." Jinghua didn't understand, "Girl Chaoxi is not suitable for the intrigue in the capital. The son wants her to be like this all the time, carefree, and free of dust."

"With our son's ability, it can be guaranteed even in the capital." Shuiyue asked rhetorically, still puzzled.

Jinghua shook her head, "The son has made too many enemies. If one is not well taken care of, Miss Chaoxi may lose her jade. Besides, in the capital city, she can only be kept safe by trapping Miss Chaoxi by her side and she is free. I'm used to it, can you agree?"

There is another reason she didn’t say. Girl Chaoxi may not like Gongzi as much as she thought. They have been tracking down her identity since they knew that Gongzi is in her hands. There are very few things that can be found. The habit of raising animals and people.

Many patients obviously didn’t live in for observation. She would also let people stay there. When the person left, she replaced the individual and continued to lie down. If there were no patients, she would spend time raising animals and bringing the injured cats and dogs. Come back, or help Aunt Liu feed the pigs, cattle and sheep next door.

In this way, I haven't broken it for three consecutive years. If others may simply think that this girl is kind, saving small animals, helping to take care of patients, and feeding Aunt Liu, who has no time to feed pigs and sheep, it is so good that there is nothing to say, only Kyoka can tell. same.

Girl Chao Xi is simply lonely. She wants someone to accompany her. If the son is gone, she will soon find someone to continue with her, whether there is a son or not.

The son should have seen it too, so he didn't force it.

After all, there are more people outside, and Miss Chao Xi is no longer lonely, so what is he?

The son is proud for a lifetime, how can he tolerate others using him as a heating tool, so not taking her to the capital is not the son cold-blooded, it is the girl Chao Xi who is different.

She doesn't know what love is. The people who stay with her include old people, children, women, men, and even animals. For her, the son is no different from those people.

"The son is out, go and prepare an umbrella." The two people chatted unknowingly, and it started to light rain, hazy, no one noticed it, but Jinghua first recovered, folded to get the umbrella, and stepped on a pair of embroidered shoes. , Hurried over.

She was still late, and the son had already walked out, with a little water drop on one of the blue silk.

Jinghua quickly opened the umbrella and hit the man's head.

The son was not in a wheelchair, he walked slowly, and he could see that his health was not good, his footsteps were slightly unstable, and he slipped a little when he got on the carriage. Kyoka hurriedly supported him, "Be careful, son."

Shen Fei chuckled, "I'm fine."

He stood outside and took a look, his eyes fell on the entrance of the village, no familiar figure was seen, he lowered his head and sighed faintly, raised his hand to open the curtain, and got into the carriage shortly.

Time seemed to stand still, only the sound of rain hitting the umbrella, and no one had given orders to leave. They waited for a long time before someone in the carriage spoke, "Let's go."

The voice had a long tail, it seemed helpless, and it didn't seem to be, but she had heard it wrong.

Jinghua didn't get too entangled, and she sat in a carriage with Shuiyue alone and waved to let the team move forward.

The regent King Ning was born in the royal family and was also a heavy court minister, and this time he had to enter Beijing with a high profile, telling everyone that King Ning was back, so the scene was huge, with more than a dozen carriages traveling together.

The son is distinguished, and his life is fine. The carriage behind is filled with son's clothes and supplies, and there is an empty one to replace this one on the road.

Horses are also alive and need to rest from time to time to run faster. The Yuan army has burned and looted hundreds of villages and cities. They can only hurry up and drive day and night, otherwise the Yuan army will destroy the life of the villagers in this area. It is one thing to force them to go to Beijing to beg and be refugees. It is not easy to explain. If there are too many refugees, it will inevitably be mixed with some malignant tumors. If you provoke a few more words, some people may revolt.

There are worries on the inside and troubles on the outside. The two-pronged approach will capture the capital. Even if the son goes back, it is useless. Some people will blame the son for coming back late, or even make the son stay in the country to talk about things.

It's not easy to do around.

I hope that the high-profile return of the son can make the Yuan army a little bit jealous, or attract the attention of the Yuan army, and don't pay other attention for the time being, does the son think so?

It was cold, Jinghua opened the curtain and went in to fill the man with tea. The son was sitting by the window, his head on his hands, and a sachet in his hand.

She had seen the sachet, it was the handwriting of Miss Chao Xi, Xu had never learned needle and thread skills, and fumbled for it on her own.

She is really courageous, embroidered like this is also embarrassed to show it to others.

"Where are you?" Shen Fei put away the sachet and asked quietly.

"Just out of the city, now on the road to Jingmen." Jinghua asked thoughtfully, "the post is in front of me, let the son come down to rest, and the horse will also eat some food."

Shen Fei did not refuse. He had already been on his way for a day. It was late at night. Even if he could survive, the servants and guards couldn't keep it up. Excessive consumption would make them unable to fight the enemy.

The post was very close, and it took only half an hour to arrive. After a day’s ride in the carriage, she fell apart. Jinghua knew his habit. As soon as she entered the post, she called people to boil hot water and sent it to the son’s room. At night, she needed a lamp and mirror flower. Guarding at the door, vaguely saw a slender figure reflected from the door and window.

The son is changing clothes.

I don't know what's going on from below, there was the sound of the guard scolding, followed by the sound of fighting, and the sound of tables and chairs falling to the ground. The lights went out, and it was dark soon.

The footsteps sounded faintly, and it seemed that someone stepped on the wooden ladder slowly. The ladder that was in disrepair was old and made unbearable noises, creaking, creaking! It was like a dilapidated fire box being pulled by someone.

Jinghua and Shuiyue looked at each other, and Shuiyue nodded at her. They had a clear division of labor. One guarded the door to protect the son, and the other went down to investigate the situation.

Shuiyue waited on the son, naturally she had some effort, but that person seemed to be more powerful, she was beaten back with a palm as soon as she got down, and fell at the entrance of the corridor.


Jinghua held up Shuiyue, her whole body tensed, a dagger slipped out of her sleeve, and she held it with her backhand, ready to protect her son to the death. Unexpectedly, the man walked out of the darkness and found that it was an acquaintance.

"Girl Chao Xi?" Jinghua was a little surprised, "Why are you here?"

Chao Xi seemed to be very tired, without saying a word, Jinghua stopped in front of her, and threw it aside with a few strokes, and he opened the door directly.

"Go out." Shen Fei had already taken a shower and was changing clothes.

The room is big, and I just came up in the shower. The sound of the water covered the fighting outside, but I didn’t know who the person outside was. When I turned around, I realized that it was not Jinghua and Shuiyue, but Chaoxi, "Why are you here? ?"

"Young Master, be careful, there is something wrong with Miss Chao Xi!" Jinghua clutched the wound on her shoulder and crawled out of the corner.

Shen Fei didn't look at her, but at Chao Xi, "Are you here to send me off?"

Chao Xi shook his head, "I'm here to ask for debt."

The voice was a little hoarse, Shen Fei sat in the carriage, comfortable all the way, Chao Xi rode over to catch up with him, riding fast, not knowing how many horses were exhausted.

"What debt?" Shen Fei asked.

"You owe me a debt." Chao Xi pushed hard, and Shen Fei's legs were not good, and he was not prepared. He staggered and fell backward.

He was changing clothes, very close to the bed, and fell directly on the bed. Before he could get up, Chao Xi pushed him over and pulled the curtain to control this person under him.

"I have thought about it carefully, I will lose if you don't sleep."

She used her hands to untie Shen Fei's clothes. Shen Fei hadn't struggled much at first, and she had just taken a shower, and the clothes were loosely draped on her body, and she was easily stripped naked.

Shen Fei sighed lightly, "Chao Xi, my legs are not all right..."

"It's okay." Chao Xi didn't mind, "I can move by myself."

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