Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 55: How to love

Chao Xi quickly vetoed it. She is a doctor herself, with sensitive five senses. Would she not be able to smell if someone drugged her?

I have heard of the colorless and odorless Mongolian sweat medicine, but she can't match it by herself. It is colorless and odorless to others, and still has a taste for her, so it is almost impossible to hide it from her.

But... this is a drug store, with thousands of herbs, each of which exudes a kind of breath, which can easily interfere with her sense of smell. If it is the kind of medicine that develops slowly or is in a small amount, it is really not easy to find.

Chao Xi strolled around and checked everything. No, she seemed to be overwhelmed. She was not a rich person, let alone power. No one would waste time on her.

Some doubts about Li Ansheng, but the sleepiness has been going on for several days, and he just met Li Ansheng. Before that, Li Ansheng could not have noticed her as an unknown person, and the time was not right, not him.

Could it be Shen Fei?

Shen Fei's **** now has earned her reputation, the opponent is cleared, and the medicine is also retrieved. If all the goals are achieved, she must have turned her face and denied the person. How could she turn her head back and focus on her?

It can be said that she has no value to Shen Fei now. Unless she is here to assassinate her, it is not necessary. The people she contacts are ordinary people. Even if it is next to Shuyuan, most of the young masters in the capital are in it, but She does not have a copper plate relationship.

No one would help her, especially if that person was the regent, no one would believe her, and Shen Fei didn't need to care about her at all.

Unless she really hates her, after all, she has seen the most embarrassing aspect of this person, which is the stain of his life.

That's not right. If you really want to kill her, kill her when you put the medicine, so that she will live well?

It’s not, and it’s not. Chao Xi really can’t guess. She is a simple person. She is simply lazy and doesn’t want to guess. When the shopkeeper comes the next day, she will give the job to him, and go back to sleep for a while, noon. Wake up after dinner.

After eating, they went over the wall and entered the library next door. While they were listening to the lecture, they jumped on the roof and opened the tiles to reveal a hole that had been pierced a long time ago. Through this hole, you can see the situation inside and listen to the teacher's lecture.

In the past ten days, she has figured out the law. Only this church speaks the fastest. They seem to be divided into grades, A, B, C, D. This church is grade A, and the master always finishes teaching in a grade A church, and then goes to grade B. Speak the same content, and so on.

Chao Xi didn’t know at first, wasted a lot of time, and only recently figured it out, knowing when they talked about what content, not all of them are taught by one master, but by several masters, the content is different. Some teach piano playing and some martial arts. , All are involved.

It is said that they used to study literature instead of martial arts. Later, they fought all year round and many people died. They were all substitutes. They could go to the battlefield at any time. Martial arts can also strengthen the body and protect their families. This is another option. For the above test, you can also go to the martial arts test halfway.

When Chao Xi arrived a little later, the Master had finished speaking, and he packed up and was about to leave. As soon as he left, the whole room suddenly became lively, far less serious than the Master was when he was there.

Chao Xi was also ready to leave. Just getting up, she suddenly heard a small chat underneath, complaining that Wu Fuzi belonged to the next class.

Master Wu is too ruthless, I don't know if Shuyuan didn't give him a monthly bill? Still life is not going well? Take them out and so on.

Some people disagreed and raised their hands to speak, "The Master's treatment is good, including food and housing, and a monthly bill of ten taels."

Twelve months? so tall.

Chao Xi was taken aback. She treated people to a doctor, and she was only two or two after a month. It was even lower when she was in the country. She didn't expect that the most inconspicuous and useless work could still make money in her eyes.

Master Wu's skill is not as good as hers. It can be seen by walking and performing moves, so she can be a master, isn't it possible for her?

If you have money and don't make a bastard, Chao Xi immediately changed into a clean dress, and went to the dean with spiritual clothes, and wanted to ask if he wanted someone else?

The dean is a kind old man. He wanders around every morning. Last time, Chao Xi gave a patient an injection. The medicine was boiled in the hospital. The water rolled and the lid banged.

Chao Xi hadn't stabilized the needle yet, and couldn't help him. Seeing that the lid was almost pushed down by the water, he just saw the little old man passing by the door and called him to come and help a little. This person didn't even have the slightest temper to accept.

For the first time, he was in a hurry with this thing, he wanted to pick it up right away, and called it hot, he looked at it, found a square scarf, wrapped it and brought it down.

Xu is nothing to do, look left, look right, put his hands behind her back, watch her apply the needle curiously, and ask her what acupuncture point is? Which is what?

What to do if I always have insomnia at night? Is there a cure for vertigo? How can I lose the fat on my belly?

Regardless of his old age, he is still very beautiful. The flowers he wears every day are pretty, his face is full of smiles, his beard is neat and tidy, and he can't help but straighten his waist when he sees a girl passing by, making it as if someone else can see a sixtieth piece Like an old man of the year.

That said, but his spirit of daring to compete with young men for girls is still very desirable. Perhaps for this reason, it makes him look extraordinarily young. It is really not easy for him to look sharp in his sixtieth year.

Chao Xi first went to the place where he lived to find him, but didn't find him, so he circled around and found someone by the pond a little further away.

Youzai sits on a rock with a fishing rod in his hand, eats and fishes at the same time, don't want it coolly.

"This pond is raised by someone else and cannot be fished."

Chao Xi suddenly uttered a loud voice, which scared the old man. He glanced around and found that only Chao Xi was relieved, "Don't you tell me, I don't tell, who doesn't know?"

The fish farmer was far away, and would sleep for a few hours nearby at noon every day. He couldn't find it temporarily, and he could catch another half an hour.

Chao Xi nodded, just as she needed help, this person had a handle in her hand.

"I'll help you hide it, and you can do me a little favor, okay?"

Need a special greeting if it's a small busy?

The dean obviously didn't believe it, and squinted at her. "Let's talk about it first, why are you busy?"

Chao Xi didn't hesitate, and said bluntly, "Do you still hire a master in your garden? I want to be a master of warrior."

The dean's pupils dilated, "You can martial arts?"

Chao Xi said, "I have been martial arts since primary school."

Shizu’s experience was too miserable, because he had never beaten anyone, had a pair of legs cut off, and learned her lesson, the younger generations began to frantically collect various martial arts.

What I did was to grab the business of Yan Wangye. Those who could not be saved by others, who were incurable diseases, and who were dying would be sent to Guigu. In order to get treatment from the masters and uncles, no matter what the conditions are, how difficult it is. No matter how harsh they are, they should be all.

Ghost Valley also has rules, not rare treasures, core moves and heirlooms.

Some people have money and don't necessarily have good exercises. Some people don't have money. Maybe he holds a peerless secret book in his hand. In order to save people, he has to take it out.

There are conditions for practice. Those who are not talented enough will not work. Those who are not soft enough will not work. Even those who are too old will not work. The uncles hold their peerless exercises for nothing, but they can’t meet the conditions. They can only practice a piece of fur, or in many cheats. There are big waves and sand, and choose the right one.

They only concentrated on one or two sets of practice. Chao Xi practiced so much by himself. Logically speaking, he should be greedy and not good at chewing, and miscellaneous but not refined. Chao Xi showed unique talent in martial arts training, and he didn't look at Shen Fei. As if forgetting, Chao Xi would understand after just one look.

She couldn't do anything else, just a little bit of skill, and she can draw inferences from other things, and fight all over the valley invincible.

There were too few people outside, and she couldn't figure out the situation. In short, she felt that she could beat Wu Fu Zi.

"It's not okay to just play around." Dean Nunu said, "Go and practice two tricks. I'll see."

Chao Xi looked at the grass and mud everywhere, "here?"

Some disliked, "It's too dirty. The clothes I just changed, and there is no opponent, I can't make gestures alone."

The dean raised his eyebrows, "Don't you all practice kung fu alone? Do you really know kung fu?"

"Is this still false?" Chao Xi explained, "I'm on the mountain where my uncles accompany me to practice exercises.

At the beginning, she would be beaten, and then the speed became faster and faster, and the pace reached a point where others could not keep up. At this point, the Feng Shui took turns, and she became beaten others.

"You can find a few people to try my skills." Chao Xi looked at him, "The dean can also teach me personally."

The dean has kung fu, Chao Xi can see that people who have no kung fu are usually procrastinated, footsteps are heavy, and they can’t move their legs. Those who have kung fu are just the opposite, wishing that every step from the heel to the sole of the toe is off the ground , The curvature of the legs is larger.

The dean glared at her, "Bull my old bone?"

Chao Xi waved his hand quickly, before he could speak, the dean pulled the fishing line, flicked the fishing rod, and put his back on his back, "Come with me."

Chao Xi honestly followed behind him. At first he didn't say a word. Later he couldn't help asking, "There is no rule not to recruit women in Shuyuan, right?"

"Shuyuan is a place for recruiting talents, not for gender." It's not that you don't have to have a female master for so many years, it's that no one is qualified.

"So empathetic?" Unbelievably, there is also a library in Fenghuang Village, which is very small. There are only male students in the garden, not female students. It is virtue to say that women are without talent.

"Don't look at where it is?" The dean sneered, "At the feet of the emperor, the regent of King Ning, he said one, which dare to say two?"

Chao Xi blinked, a little unbelieving, "Is it an order from the Regent to let women go to school like men?"

"Ten years ago, King Ning was still a little baby, how could it be possible." The little old man carried his fishing rod, rolled up his braided beard, and continued, "But he is also available to help."

? ? ?

"How can he help?" Chao Xi asked curiously.

"He made a bet with Emperor Xian." Before Chao Xi asked, he explained, "The Emperor Xian is his elder brother, he is ten years older. Sometimes he can't make up his mind, so he likes to ask King Ning, hope Can see the problem from another angle."

"One day, the emperor Xian encountered a problem. Empress Dowager Zong hoped that women in the world would receive the same treatment as men, because she herself was aggrieved when she was still in her natal family, and the court officials could not accept this kind of drastic change.

"One side is his mother queen, and the other is the ministers. The first emperor is sandwiched between the two. It is quite difficult. He told this problem to King Ning. He hoped that King Ning could persuade the Queen Mother to give up this idea. Who Wang Ning actually stood in the team of the Queen Mother."

"The two argued that they didn't agree with each other. The mother-in-law said her mother was reasonable, and the mother said her mother was reasonable. No one could say what to do. They played a little game."

"The game is also simple. Sitting on both sides, teasing each other, and letting each other get up before themselves will count as winning. At the beginning of the game, the two people found an excuse for each other to get up first, and tried many methods to no avail. Ning Wang sighed. ,'I lost.'"

"The first emperor was overjoyed, stood up quickly, and laughed,'Acknowledged the emperor's brother." He stretched out his hand and wanted to go to King Laning, but King Ning didn't get up. The first emperor realized something and his face was pale."

"What did he realize?" Chao Xi stopped when he heard the key place, and asked anxiously, "Why is his face pale?"

The dean sighed, "You can't teach you, so naturally he lost."

Chao Xi suddenly realized, "He stood up."

So Shen Fei is a great hero of girls? Because of him, girls don’t have to stay at home all day, can they go to class like men without restraint?

"Is that ban on the small feet also ordered by him?" The ban on small feet started only in the capital in recent years. It can't be controlled in distant places, and the small feet are still wrapped, three inches of golden lotus, like a palm, it looks like a morning sun Such a normal code number is too large.

She is a martial artist, and it is impossible for her to wrap her feet and be tall, so that in the mountain village, everyone will find her ugly.

But when leaving the mountain village, someone would often praise her, a watery girl, and then ask her if she has anyone else?

And the students next to him often pretend to be injured, come and ask her to see, Chao Xi sees through.

I only thought that people in Beijing had special preferences, but now I understand that it turned out to be Shen Fei's credit.

Without her feet, her head naturally grows taller. Girls in Beijing are generally tall. Chao Xi can buy clothes, but she has no money. This is a very embarrassing problem.

"Who else can anyone besides him." The dean clasped his chest. "Strengthen patrols so that women can go out on the streets in the middle of the night, change the Dashun law, and **** and decapitate rapists. It is all he did."

Chao Xi seemed to have feelings in her heart. Originally, her favor with Shen Fei plummeted, but now she has risen slightly.

"I don't know how many girls want to marry him. At least half of the people in the city would rather climb into his bed without a name or name. It's a pity..." The dean shook his head, seemingly regretful.

"What a pity?"

"It's a pity that he was dumped, and he is not interested in women."

? ? ?

Shen Fei was actually dumped?

"Impossible, you just said that all the girls in the capital want to marry him, and half of the girls in the capital would rather sleep with him without a name or a name. Why did it take a while and say he was dumped?"

Chao Xi has another question, "Who dumped him?"

The dean copied his hands into his sleeves, "Then I don't know, I asked me an inexplicable question ten days ago."

"what is the problem?"

"How to love someone?"

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