Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 71: All advantages

Chao Xi didn't know what she thought, she was not as firm as Shen Fei, and her thoughts might fluctuate at any time. She might go to Phoenix Mountain to help, or she might return to the capital with Shen Fei.

Returning to the capital is equivalent to a bondage. She has to stay by Shen Fei's side. There is no way to travel, and no way to find the ghost valley traitor, and she can't get the secret book back. She is ashamed of the kindness of nurturing her master.

But what about Shen Fei after leaving?

He has a problem, he can't take care of himself, but he has a heavy responsibility on his shoulders. If he is just an ordinary rich young master, he doesn't care, even if he belches, what impact will he have on the whole Dashun?

But Shen Fei is the one who can affect the entire Dashun. Now that there is nothing wrong, everything is running normally. That's because he can hold it. Once he falls, Dashun will be messed up.

The Queen Mother will step in and enter the court. The Yuan army and the nearby great powers will look at the opportunity and immediately wave their swords. As long as a war is fought, no matter who fights or whom, it is the common people who suffer.

Therefore, Shen Fei is actually very important. It is equivalent to Dashun’s heart. When the heart dies, the nearby organs quickly break down and cause other places. Eventually, there are internal worries and external troubles. They are torn apart and merged into other people’s territory. .

Although Shen Fei is not good to himself, he is still very concerned about national affairs. For another person, he may just eat, drink and have fun, and enjoy the pleasure brought by rights. What are national affairs? Leave it aside.

In this way, it is better to let Shen Fei sit still, so that the people live and work in peace and contentment. In fact, this is enough.

It’s commendable in this world that everyone can eat enough. Chaoxi is not in the capital, just in such a remote place in a poor rural area. Every household can have three or four children to eat. Isn’t that good?

She has heard of other countries. Many people live by eating Guanyin soil and chewing on tree bark. Compared with them, Dashun doesn't know how lucky they are.

People must know how to be satisfied, they must also know how to thank, and they must take into account the overall situation. Personally put aside in advance, Chao Xi often asks herself, if Shen Fei has nothing to do with her, such a person is all sick, will she ignore it?

The answer is definitely no, such a person who is linked to the people, how can it be possible to save him, save him one is to save hundreds of people, this number Chaoxi will still count.

Is it just because he is Shen Fei that he is ignored?

If he is simply too lazy to eat, too lazy to drink water, telling sister Jinghua to force him to eat, but that leg can't be ignored, it doesn't look like a common cold syndrome, but more like a sequelae left by the Jiuming Needle Method. Most people can't handle it, so she still wants her to come.

After all this pondering, Chao Xi finally figured out a truth, she just couldn't leave Shen Fei.

Forget it, I didn't plan to leave at first, thinking so much was just making excuses for me to stay. Chao Xi knew the facts.

To put it bluntly, she just can't let Shen Fei go. If she really wants to count, she can save a lot of people when she goes to Phoenix Mountain, but Phoenix Mountain has been turned off and the road is broken. When she walks around, the daylily will be cold.

Maybe there are still many seriously injured people left. Think about the fact that they sacrificed themselves for Dashun and Phoenix Mountain. No one was cured and died miserably. The heart suddenly picked up and the head hurt even more.

Should I go to Phoenix Mountain or leave it to Shen Fei first?

Chao Xi was very entangled. When he walked halfway, he almost forgot what he was doing. When he saw the medicine box, he remembered that he was going to treat someone.

The house has been divided. Shen Fei has a separate house, Jinghua and Shuiyue have a house for the wife and wife in the kitchen, and then the guards, a dozen people squeeze one, and the family members are the same. They are not out to play. There are very few female family members, just a few cook, serve, and feed horses, and the others are guards.

When Chao Xi searched from room to room, she always felt that the guards looked all the same, and they were all wearing armors, making them even more unrecognizable. She simply shouted, "Who just threw the board on the left side of the carriage?"

The carriage has two wheels, and people on both sides throw wooden boards to control the speed when going down a steep slope.

Zhao Xi was standing in the corridor, shouting loudly, and he could hear it in several rooms. He thought it was to settle the accounts, but it was a long time before Ai Ai came out, "It's me."

Although I don't know the identity of Miss Chao Xi, she can come and go freely beside the prince, it must be not low, maybe she has the right to pinch them.

"Show me your hand." Chao Xi said as he opened the medicine box, "I am your prince's personal pharmacist. I just saw your hand scratched by the carriage. Come and bandage you. Relax and don't be afraid."

The man was really relieved, and honestly stretched out his hand to show her, this hand has suffered a lot from a glance, the palm of the hand is full of calluses, the back of the hand has a slight laceration, but it is not scratched, the reason is bleeding It was caused by the frostbite and the opening of the wound.

"Why is your hand swollen like this?"

Few men are like Shen Fei, with long fingers, delicate skin, most of them with thick joints, calluses on the palms, and rough backs, so they don't care much about themselves.

"It's freezing." The guard answered truthfully.

"It's as if I'm not in the same place with you." Chao Xi stretched out her hand, "Why aren't my hands frozen?"

It's strange to say that she is very resistant to freezing, running around every day, doing it, wearing thin clothes, just fine.

As if being avoided by the cold wind, you only need to cover a quilt at night. One of your hands is always checked for wounds, and you have to wash it several times before and after. The conditions are insufficient, there is no hot water, and cold water is used. , I was so anxious that the water was too late, so I just grabbed a handful of clean snow to wash.

There is no deliberate maintenance, and rarely use hot water to soak, the hands are white and tender, and they have never had sores or frostbite.

"Are there many people like you?" Chao Xi saw that he did the same with his other hand, doing the same job, the same training, the same exercise, and other people would definitely not be able to escape.

The guard jawed, "Six of the ten people in my room are like this."

Chao Xi raised her eyebrows, and took out a few bottles of medicine from the medicine box, "Mix the white wine with this and apply it to the wound in a thick form. The white bottle is lightly white, the blue bottle is moderate, and the heavy one is just like you. The red bottle, everyone has to wipe it, treat the disease, prevent it from the disease, and ask me for it when it is used up. Have I remembered everything I said?"

The guard nodded quickly.

"Usually I don't have anything to do, rub my hands, massage, and run again. Every summer, I wash my face and feet with cold water to improve the cold tolerance, so that it will not regenerate after keeping it." Chao Xi is like a child. Like, tell him one by one the quickest and most convenient way, "Never use hot water to scald, and try not to burn it, it is so cold that it will stuff your armpits."

As the man listened, he remembered, his head nodded like a rattle, and suddenly smiled, "Miss Chao Xi, you are so beautiful."

Chao Xi was suddenly praised, and the old face blushed.

Talk as you speak, how do you praise others?

"Okay, you go back, I will go back too." Really, can't stay any longer.

Chao Xi took the medicine box and left without turning his head. He went straight to Shen Fei's room. Before entering, she said what she was saying, "Shen Fei, I was praised again."

Now that I think about it, I still blush a little, and my heart beats faster.

Shen Fei was sitting on the bed and was talking to Jinghua. Hearing that, he raised his head and looked at her, "What do you praise you for?"

Sister Jinghua was acquainted, and she retired after being blessed. She must have something to do with Shen Fei. She didn't handle the big things. She was the only one who had been dealing with private matters.

Could it be that what happened during the interrogation?

"Praise me for my beauty." Chao Xi moved a stool and sat beside him, "Shen Fei, you are not wrong. As expected, I have too little knowledge. When I went out, many people praised me."

When I met many people, she pretended to be handsome in men's clothing and said she was pretty in women's clothing.

"Am I not ugly?"

Chao Xi is still very vague about her appearance, staying in her childhood, in a state of low self-esteem, often hit by her master, and feels she is the ugliest. Femininity, the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are not good, and there is a lot of food, and the station is higher than the man, the key is to learn martial arts, and you can carry hundreds of catties.

The matchmaker introduced her a lot, some of them looked down on her, and some were scared off by her.

"You weren't ugly." Shen Fei asked her to come over and tidied up her messy clothes. "You just don't know how to dress up."

Chao Xi belongs to the atmospheric kind, completely contrary to the current Xiaojiabiyu, and most people can't appreciate it.

"But did the guard praise you after you bandaged his wound?"

Chao Xi blinked, "How do you know?"

The guard had frostbite, it was not easy to bandage, and the bandage was too slow, so Chao Xi only gave medicine, which is considered after the treatment.

"That is to praise the beauty of your soul." Shen Fei burst the bubble.

"Didn't I praise my beauty?" Chao Xi was hit.

Now when I think about it, it seems that every time I am praised for treating people’s illnesses, aren’t those who praise her appearance, but the beauty of her soul?

Oh, it's so uncomfortable.

Chao Xi fluttered onto the bed, put his arms around Shen Fei's waist, raised her head and asked him seriously, "Shen Fei, do I really only have beauty in my soul? Isn't my appearance beautiful?"

Shen Fei looked at her face carefully for a while and said, "It's not ugly."

Not ugly means not beautiful?

Chao Xi was even more shocked and buried his head in his chest, "I was hit to death by you. If you don't want to talk to me, it will be hopeless."


Shen Fei couldn't help but laughed out, "You lied to you, you look good."

Chao Xi's facial features are exquisite and three-dimensional, with rounded outlines and slightly sharp edges, which are not so soft and waxy, and only those who understand can appreciate it.

Chao Xi immediately raised her head, "Then you praise my strengths, the more the better."

Shen Fei blinked, thinking for a moment, but he didn't think of anything.

"Aren't you a great talent?" Chao Xi, with arms akimbo, "can't praise people?"

Shen Fei thought about it seriously, "eat a lot, sleep well, have a lot of energy, be tall, and know how to heal. If you are a man, you have already succeeded."

Chao Xi: "..."

Is there such a compliment?

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