Saving the Prince Regent

Chapter 81: Who stole it

Chao Xi was still rummaging around looking for things to grow vegetables. He couldn't buy it, and it was too expensive, so he stared at Shen Fei's remaining bottles.

As long as it was discovered that they would all be confiscated, Shen Fei's entire set of pens had fallen in a few days, and he only gave him a cup to make do with it.

Shen Fei had no objection, but a few days later, the cup was collected by him and replaced with a wine glass.

The glass is small, the brush is not clean, the hair will lose its elasticity quickly and become not so easy to use.

I can’t get out of the left and right. I am stared at by Chao Xi very tightly. I don’t need to think about anything until my legs are not good, but I can walk around under her supervision. Shen Fei goes to the river to wash his pen when he is free. If you have time, let someone bring a fishing rod and find a good place to fish.

Naturally, he couldn't catch anything. Chao Xi just complained to him two days ago, saying that in the lake, he didn't know who had been caught by a thousand knives, and he didn't even leave a small fry.

When she first came, she stared at this lake and came here every other time. She didn't give up, trying to fish out something to cook, but the lake was really clean, and she returned to the lake with a breeze.

Chao Xi had already given up fishing, and started thinking about digging crabs, loach and the like. Can't you even have none of these?

Facts proved that it was not true. Shen Fei was fishing by the river. She ran to dig a crab. She saw the hole and took a shovel. After digging for a long time, a hole was dug out. It was not too small. The crab was stunned.

I tried a few more times and it was still the case. I had no choice but to give up. When people came up, they were covered in mud, and they looked better when they took off their coats.

Fortunately, he is dressed in Shen Fei's clothes. Shen Fei has a lot of clothes. It is packed in boxes, so it doesn't hurt to get his clothes dirty.

"Shen Fei." Chao Xi washed her hands and walked behind Shen Fei, naturally pressing on his shoulders, "I didn't dig anything and soiled your clothes. Did you catch anything?"

Shen Fei pointed to the basin by his feet, there was only one fish with thick fingers.

"Wow, Shen Fei, you're so amazing, I actually caught it!" The river is really clean. Chao Xi changed several places to get the fish baskets, but didn't catch any small shrimps. I didn't expect Shen Fei to be the first. I caught one in the first fishing trip.

Although small, it is better than nothing.

"You have to work hard and give you a snack at night." Shen Fei is here to fight, not to play. You have to set an example. Others can open a small stove, but he can't.

The food and drink are exactly the same as others, and at most one or two side dishes can be added on this basis, or the general of the border added it to him on his own initiative.

The cook who cooks is a local. She likes to eat deep-fried food. She puts a lot of oil every time, completely contrary to Shen Fei's habits. Under normal circumstances, he can't eat a few bites and needs to exchange meals with Chao Xi.

Chao Xi always tossed herself, others took the food, she took the food, and she brought it back to make it by herself. After finishing it, it was in Shen Fei's stomach. She hardly ate it, and the food was Shen Fei's.

It's actually quite delicious, but Shen Fei is not used to it. Chao Xi is used to it, so he just swaps with him. He eats clear soup and little water, and Chao Xi eats fish and meat.

War consumes a lot, and naturally cannot keep up with the food and drink. The soldiers actually eat well. There will be a meal every other day, and the generals will have better meals than them. There is a meal every day.

When I arrived at Shen Fei, except for the meat, chicken, duck, fish and other greasy foods at night, the cook didn’t know how to cook, all of them were fried, and occasionally stewed, Shen Fei lost his appetite when he watched. It was Chao Xi who did it again for him. This talent barely gave up face, eating a small bowl and two bowls.

Even if this kind of place does not suit your appetite, it is not easy to let people do it according to their own taste. If it is inconvenient for someone to spread his hypocrisy, or come to enjoy the war?

She didn’t receive a half salary, and she didn’t belong to the barracks. The rules of the barracks could not restrain her. On the face of it, she was a guard. In fact, the rules of the guard could not restrain her. Special, to open a small stove, that is also her personal behavior, it has nothing to do with Shen Fei to stinks her own reputation.

Shen Fei was just soaking up at best, catching up with a meal, not keeping up with the hungry stomach.

"Yeah." Shen Fei sat firmly by the river and suddenly said, "Don't you like Jinghua and Shuiyue very much?"

He looked at the sky, "If you count the time, they should also be back."

Chao Xi stood up immediately, "Really?"

The tone was a bit of a surprise, "Sister Jinghua and Sister Shuiyue carry a lot of luggage, and there must be some bottles and cans in them. I'll find them to come over!"

They walk on the mountain road, bumps are the same thing, and the carriage can’t get in is also the same thing. At most, they can bring a few horse-drawn things. Except for Shen Fei’s Four Treasures of the Study, and some must-have, the others are in Jinghua and Shuiyue. There, they walked on land, a little slower, but there are carriages that can hold a lot of things.

Following Shen Fei for a long time, it is not the first time to come to the barracks, knowing that Shen Fei is not used to the food here, he will definitely bring a lot of food, bottles and jars are indispensable, I hope there are meat and vegetables, and more vases.

I used to think that Shen Fei had a lot of things, and he did not come out for fun. With so many things, many of them were bought by the prodigal son. As long as he looked at things, either someone would send them to the door, or Jinghua’s sister would pay and buy the things. come back.

Although he was busy, I went to the streets twice, and was really shocked by his extravagance. At that time, Shen Fei was sour and said that he ate and drank from the public house, and squandered the public house.

Shen Fei laughed, but sister Jinghua took the initiative to explain, saying that the son used her own money, and did not use the public. Don’t look at Shen Fei’s weakness, others have the ability, not only have a place in the court, but also privately. Taking care of the business, it is a good business and earns a lot of money.

In short, Chao Xi can't imagine the number. He has no father and no mother, and he doesn't have a man and a half daughter under his knees. He doesn't even have a wife. If he doesn't give himself flowers, who would give him flowers?

Therefore, when he should be extravagant, he will still be extravagant, only in private and on the outside. Even if he uses his own, he will be gossiped about, thinking that he is embezzled and bribed.

It’s not easy to think about being an official like this. You have the right to have money, and you have to take care of which one. It’s not as comfortable as she is. She wants to do what she wants to do. If she wants to open a small kitchen for Shen Fei, no one will say her. At most, I think she is catching up with Shen Fei.

Chao Xi was in it, and didn't feel that she was posting Shen Fei. She liked Shen Fei. Shouldn't she do something for Shen Fei?

Shen Fei did not help her less. He provided the jars for growing vegetables in Chaoxi, and all the clothes were worn by him. He ate his food, slept on his quilt, used his tent to occupy his bed, and Throw at him from time to time.

In short, I couldn't see him alone. It turned out that he only rushed when he was standing. Later, he rushed whenever he saw him, whether he was sitting or standing, or busy, anyway.

Shen Fei was lucky to hear the sound and prepared in advance. If not, the two fell together. It must be that the next one fell harder. Usually it is Shen Fei who suffers. Chao Xi has nothing to do, so he gets up and continues to pounce.

Sometimes I worry that this person is stumbling, and I will check his body when he is free, and take care of his leg injury by the way. The scar on his wrist is due to the diligence of applying the medicine, and now there are only faint white marks left. It will be healed soon, with no traces visible.

Only when she can’t see Chao Xi can she be at ease, otherwise she will always feel guilty. Because of her, Shen Fei will almost be...

Speaking of all the men in the barracks, the kind who held them for a long time, would they have greed for Shen Fei again?

No, no, he must be optimistic, and he cannot be alone outside.

When Shen Fei fish was halfway through the catch, he was suddenly dragged away by Chao Xi who had returned. He didn't even give him a reason, and like a whim, he forced him back together.

It turned out that Chao Xi always complained that he was busy and didn't have time to accompany her. He deliberately handled the memorials in advance, and the two of them went out and walked after being free. It was only more than an hour before they were pulled back to the tent by Chao Xi.

Jinghua and Shuiyue have indeed come back, and after they came back for a while, they were sorting things, and Chao Xi was accompanying them to sort them. By the way, I looked through them. Are there any bottles?

Jinghua and Shuiyue are divided into labor. Shuiyue arranges outside. Together with Chaoxi, Jinghua is arranged in the tent. When the tent is opened, I can see the vases and brush washes that are full, and I feel nervous.

They are all the things the son loves the most. He usually doesn't even let them stumble. He always wipes and washes them by himself. How can he think of only leaving for a few days, and they are actually used to grow vegetables?

It must be Miss Chao Xi's masterpiece that did not run.

She didn't know the price, but the son spoiled her and would not say that if she told her that the brush wash alone would be very valuable, Chao Xi would definitely love the brush wash and would not bear to grow vegetables.

There is also the son's vase, which is a pair. The son likes antiques. He will look around when he is free, but if he buys it after a few more glances, he will be somewhat surprised.

For example, the pair of double-eared crystal bottles were from the Warring States Period. They are very old and have been identified by someone. They are genuine products. The son likes them very much. So the mirror flower put these in the box that the son carries with him when he organizes them. The layer of cotton was transported here intact.

Avoided the bumps along the way, and did not escape the claws of Miss Chao Xi.

She just took two hemp ropes and hung it from the tent.

"Master, this..." What if someone accidentally hits this and breaks? Or the rope is not strong, the vase will definitely not be able to keep it, and what is wrong, it is used to grow vegetables, the son loves it clean, used as a display, can it be so dirty?

Shen Fei sat cross-legged in front of the short case, holding a pen in his hand, and at the request of Chao Xi to sell her paintings and paintings, "It's okay, when Chao Xi's interest is over, I will take it back for washing."

Since the son said so, then...find two hemp ropes to fix it. I always feel that the two hemp ropes are not safe, and there is a risk of falling over or being tipped over at any time.

Jinghua found the ropes, fixed each one, went to tidy up the son's desk, sorted out the messy memorials, and polished the ink for the son, hanged up the newly washed pen, and painted...

"The son, there are two missing paintings." There are so many things that the son has, and the mirror flowers are like a treasure. "It is "Wang Jiangshan" and "People in the Mountains."

Every painting of the young master has a name, a poem is inscribed, and his big seal is stamped next to it. It is extremely valuable, and one pair is too small, so Jinghua will check it every day.

"Sold by Chao Xi." Shen Fei answered casually.

Jinghua frowned. The son likes to draw and write poetry, and he has small achievements. At the age of twelve, he became famous for a piece of "New Year's Eve". The painting is very big. It took him two years to count the joy and happiness of the New Year It is a painting with human fireworks and emotions. Everyone who has seen it is impressed and admired. The son also became famous overnight. It is difficult to buy a painting for a thousand dollars. It is only given to friends or used for congratulations. It has never been sold. Some people want to buy it at a big price, but the son doesn't sell it.

The son said that money would taint his paintings, so is it not tainted to sell it by girl Chaoxi?

"Girl Chao much did it sell?" Jinghua asked boldly. If the son's painting is really to be priced, no one here can afford it, right?

"Twenty taels of silver." Shen Fei said this with a smile on his lips.

Jinghua was silent for a long time before hesitatingly asked, "Is it only twenty taels?"

The corner of Shen Fei's mouth smiled deeper, "Originally I only planned to sell twelve taels, but only sold twenty taels by mistake."

Kyoka has nothing to say.

Son, is this a devil? In the capital, someone bid a thousand taels of gold and didn't sell them, but sold twenty taels of silver? Still selling happily?

She opened her mouth and wanted to ask for more details. Shen Fei interrupted her, "Chao Xi said she sold her paintings for ten taels, and I was ten taels. You should go out first, and I will make another ten taels."

Kyoka: "…………"

It seems to know the son on the first day.

What did Miss Chao Xi do to him?

Chao Xi has already turned out several of Shen Fei’s boxes. Apart from clothes, there is indeed some food and gadgets that he bought along the way. Shen Fei likes to collect these. Whenever he sees it, he will try to get his hands and wash with a light pen There were three sets, two sets were stored here, Chao Xi kept one set for him, and all the rest were used to grow vegetables.

The inside of the tent has almost been hung. Chao Xi wanted to hang it outside. It was not impossible. As long as a bottle of the same weight was hung on both sides of the rope, the balance could be maintained.

Shen Fei is rich. Even in this state, she still bought a lot of bottles and cans, enough for her to fill the tent. Shuiyue still doesn't know what she uses for it? I only thought that Shen Fei's order helped Zhou to be abusive, and helped her to the door, "What's the matter, girl? What about the rope?"

Innocent she hadn't had time to react, Chao Xi had already tied the bottle twice, and Shui Yue only noticed the pen pot hanging on the curtain of the tent, and she was so shocked that she couldn't say completely, "This...this...this Isn’t it the son’s pen?"

Chao Xi nodded, "I brought it to grow vegetables."

"Do you use this to grow vegetables?" Shui Yue's eyes widened, her expression unbelievable.

"What's wrong?" Chao Xi seemed to realize the seriousness of the matter and paused involuntarily, "Shen Fei asked me to plant it."

"do you know……"

Jinghua, who had just walked out, took her words, "Although it's not very valuable, but the son likes it very much."

Chao Xi breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and rejoiced, "I was scared to death. I thought it was very valuable."

Isn't it very valuable.

Shuiyue rolled her eyes in her heart. Although she didn't know why Jinghua concealed the price, she was right to follow.

"The girl wants to grow vegetables, just tell us." She pointed out, "Two days from here, there is a street dedicated to buying and selling. You can have as many porcelain pots as you want, and you can't count the vases. To count."

Chao Xi shook his head, "Don't bother, Shen Fei is very easy to use."

She has already made up a base so that she can put the vase in it. "He has no holes underneath. You can water it once for two days without watering it."

Chao Xi found out very early that there is a hole under the ordinary flower pots. It can be used to run water in one day, and it will be watered the next day. Chao Xi is too troublesome, but Shen Fei is suitable for her. Just do it once.

"You want the ones without holes, let's buy the ones without holes." Shuiyue looked a little anxious.

Chao Xi was puzzled, "Why do you have to go so far to buy if there are ready-made ones? This kind of bottle is expensive, and it costs several cents apiece."

She is poor, otherwise she wouldn't be able to get Shen Fei's idea.

Shuiyue wanted to say something, Jinghua took her to the side and talked a little bit before persuading Shuiyue.

It’s a big deal to spend more time watching, just don’t be stolen.

The more I worry about what, the more I will come, and within two days a miserable cry came from outside the tent.

"Who stole my food!"

Son's vase!

Jinghua and Shuiyue slept in the tent next door. Hearing the words, they got up and looked at them. At first glance, they saw Chao Xi crying while holding the empty vase.

The two breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Fortunately, the man did not know the goods, did not steal the vase, only the vegetables.

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