Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 1008: One of the truth (table)

"First of all, what do you want to know?"

"Ailei" looked at Wusang with no expression on his face, obviously the same appearance as Ai Lei, but the tone and emotion were completely different.

"Tell me first, how did you find me? Is this your place too?"

"Elei" paused for a while, then continued.

"Here is not only my world, but also hers. This is the boundary between light and darkness, and it is also the world created by you."

"my world?"

No worries do not remember, I have participated in any creation of the world, even in the previous life, I have never done such a thing.

The only thing I can say to create is the barrier of isolation.

"Could it be!"

"Ailei" nodded, affirming Wuxian's guess.

"This world is between two worlds, so she and I can interfere in this place, but."

"The most important thing is you."

"What does it have to do with me? I didn't participate in the creation, but just created a barrier."

"Ailei" flicked out of thin air, only to see an image appearing in the air.

"Light, slowly condense on your barrier, and slowly form a world, but the power of light alone is not enough. You also need your power, the power of darkness, to form this world together, and this world will be in the boundary. , Stay safe."

No worries to see that the formation of the entire world slowly split the World Cup barrier into two.

"You are now standing on the side of the light, so I can talk to you, and everyone is here."

"So, the war, has it started again?"

"Ailei" looked at Wushou and shook her head.

"The war has always started. From the day you disappeared, the war has been restarted long ago."

"It's just that war has always been a small fight."

"And now, we are heading towards failure."

The fight has been going on, is it just going to lose in the end?

Wushou doesn't know which side he should help, no matter what he does, it doesn't meet Wushou's expectations.

"So, me, how did you find me? My remaining memory tells me that I should be born again several times before awakening the memory again. Why do you want to bring me back and get in touch with the truth again?"

"I just said that we are going to lose, so we need your strength."

"I see."

Wu worry looked at "Ailei" and continued.

"But, how do you find me, my rebirth should be very concealed, you can't find me."

"Ailei" said indifferently while looking at Wushou without turning her eyes.

"She, never told you, you are special."

"My special?"

No worries, I really don’t know what is special about me.

"You misunderstood one thing. You were born in darkness, but you are not part of darkness, and at the same time you are not part of light."

What's the meaning?

Wushou did not understand that he was born in the depths of darkness, and what he originally used was the power of darkness, a resident of darkness.

"You are different, you are special, so she will touch you, not because of loneliness, and you are too hot and special."

"Otherwise you think that anyone can master the power of light without being backlashed by the darkness."

No worries, it is special.

Because of this particularity, the elder sister didn't say it, so she didn't know it.

"Because of being special, it is very simple to find you. The question is, how can you accept me and help me."

"That's why I will lie to you when you haven't recovered your memory."

"Ilei" finished speaking, and stood quietly to the side, looking worry-free.

"So, what else you want to know, I can tell you."

"the last one."

Wu worry calmly looked at "Ailei" and asked.

"Now, when you are looking for me, you must want me to do something, don't you?"

"Ailei" nodded and continued.

"I hope you, through the procedures of this world, complete the restoration of human nature, that is, defeat the last magic king."

"That's good?"

"Of course, you have to defeat the Magic King. First of all, you have to reclaim your soul."


My soul is divided?

"That's why I feel the power is scattered, that's how it is."

"So, where is my other half soul?"

"Ailei" pointed at the barrier in front of her and said.

"On the other side of this world, the other you are also working hard, hoping to pass the barrier over there and return to you."

"Then I'll go to the other side first, get my other half back and then come back."

"and many more."

Seeing Wushou preparing to leave, "Ailei" hurriedly stopped Wushou.

"The current you cannot pass there, because there is already you on the other side, so you cannot pass this identification barrier."


"Ilei" conjured a sphere out of thin air, dividing it into three parts.

"The top is light, the bottom is darkness, and the middle is the neutral zone, which does not belong to light or darkness."

"The whole world is divided into three parts. You must enter the middle part before you can go to the other side."

"So, that's the question, how to get there!"

"You have been there."


Seeing "Elei" disappear in front of her eyes, Wuxian also saw that Elei beside her could finally move.

"No worries?"

Ai Lei saw that she and Wushou seemed to be pulled further and further, and she felt as if they were about to be separated.

"what happened?"

Feeling this strange pulling force separates them, Wu worry seems to have hurriedly sent Ai Lei back to the nightmare space, but before they act, the two have been separated.



It's like falling into the deep sea, Wucao slowly loses consciousness.

"No worries?"

Seeing her surrounded by light, Ai Lei could only take out her own weapon and wait for it.

"I'm sorry, because I also need a hostage, at least I can't be defeated in this place."

Light surrounded Ai Lei, and then Ai Lei disappeared into this world.

"In this way, I have the capital to compete with that person."

~On the other side~

"Well, what is that?"

Seeing a strange object floating on the lake, the blue goblin walked over and poked the object.

"Well, are they humans, but humans that can float on the surface of the lake, are they monsters?"

"Well, turn over and take a look."

The blue goblin put the thing by the lake and looked at it carefully.

"Well, it looks like it's not a girl, it's a man, but Gensokyo has no male monsters."

The blue goblin didn't understand this, so he decided to leave it alone and flew away.

"It doesn't matter, this kind of thing is definitely a bad thing. Go go and go."

Soon after the blue goblin left, the figure hiding in the forest finally appeared.

"Discovering the target, indeed, as the master predicted, the target appeared in the lake of mist."

"No one cares about the target now, do you need to bring it back?"

"No need, rigorous observation."


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