The colorful meteor finally smashed into the Colosseum and raised a cloud of smoke. When the smoke dissipated, a girl with short white hair and dark skin stood in the middle, holding a magical long sword.

"Who are you?"

Shi Lang could feel that the power of the Holy Grail exuded from this girl, and the Holy Grail was in his hands.

"Attila, the destroyer of civilization."

The voice of the girl was like a robot, and she finished her words little by little.

"Your purpose?"


The girl had just finished speaking, the long sword in her hand flashed a lot of light, and a few rays of light shot out from the sword, rushing to the surroundings. All the buildings exposed to the light were melted away by this light, and the strong acid flowed onto the iron sheet.

"Everyone, get away quickly."

Nero watched as his people were wiped out by this attack, and angrily picked up the original fire, without saying a single sword, it was cut.

"You, enemy."

Nero's sword seemed to cut some invisible shield, the attack was bounced, and he was bounced by the attack.


Shilang resisted his weakness, jumped up, hugged Nero, and avoided Nero's second injury.

Attila looked at Shirou and felt that Shirou was very similar to himself. Instead of continuing to attack, he walked to Shirou and helped Shirou up.

"You have our breath, why do you want to help them?"

"Your breath, stop joking, I won't forgive those who hurt Nero."

Seeing that Shirou had no intention of helping her, Attila kicked Shirou away, his tone full of firmness.

"My purpose, destruction, even if it is the same kind, there is no way to stop me."

After Attila finished speaking, he took a long sword and flew into the air. The long sword in his hand flashed with light. Shi Lang could feel that Attila put his magic power into his shoulders. It seems that this sword has the power to destroy everything. .

"Like the world treasure, if this is the case, then I must stop her."

Shi Lang stubbornly stood up, but soon fell down due to the weakness of lack of magic power.

"Shirou, don't force it."

Boudicka walked to Shiro's side, helped Shiro, and looked at Attila in the sky, her eyes full of despair and regret.

"We can't win, destroyer of civilization, and Shirou. You can't use any magic power anymore. Give up."

Budika lightly touched Shirou's forehead with her lips, and said regretfully.

"Unfortunately, the winner has not yet been determined, and I haven't heard you say that."

"Hey, that woman from Britain, Shi Lang is spare."

Nero was very dissatisfied just watching Budika's behavior, and walked over to make a fuss.

Shi Lang didn't say anything, but kissed Budika's forehead lightly, which was an explanation to Budika.

Shiro stood up, looked at Nero whose eyes were full of anger, and stroked Nero's face with his hand.

"Nero, I never thought of liking you from the beginning, but your performance, everything about you, made me recognize you again, and I began to have a good impression of you."

Shi Lang took Nero's hand, kissed the back of Nero's hand, knelt down, and raised his head to look at Nero.

"Nero, do you love this world and Rome?"

Nero looked at Shirou's strange posture, and he blushed a little, not knowing why he said.

"Of course, I like it. I love Rome. I will be the fifth emperor of Rome in the future. Rome is everything I have."

After Nero finished speaking, he looked at Shirou fiercely.

"And you, you have been taken into the bag by Yu. You are something from Rome, and Yu doesn't allow things from Rome to leave Rome."

Shiro looked at Nero's confession, and smiled softly. He understood Nero's thoughts and knew what he should do.

"Nero, look at it, your world is protected by me."

Nero hadn't figured out what Shiro wanted to do. Shiro didn't know where the magic power came from. He took Nero's long sword, turned white wings, and flew into the air to confront Attila.

"Similar, why do you want to resist me, why?"

Shiro held Nero's long sword and pointed straight at Attila.

"Because of you, to destroy this beautiful world, Nero, Rome is everything to Nero, and you who want to destroy Rome are my enemy."

Shi Lang drew out a few sword qi and rushed towards Attila, but they were all blocked by the magic shield outside Attila.

"Is this your answer? My kind, then I won't be soft."

The light on the Attila sword surrounded Shirou, trapping Shirou in a cage, and light continuously extended long thorns to attack Shirou.



Nero looked at Shi Lang who was tortured in the sky, and shouted his name.

"Shirou, don't lose."

"Yes, Master Wei Gong, don't lose to this woman."

"Master Wei Gong, we must defeat this enemy of Rome."

"Master Wei Gong."

The people of Rome continued to cheer Shi Lang, and their voices reached Shi Lang's ears.

"Shirou, this is an order, I don't allow you to lose!"

Shiro heard Nero's voice.

"By the way, I am not fighting alone."

The cage surrounding Shiro was broken, and Attila couldn't believe it.

"How is it possible that I can actually break my prison."

At this time, Shi Lang was surrounded by golden light, and the original fire in his hands was particularly dazzling.

"Attila, the outcome is still undecided."

"Romulus, please lend me your power to protect Rome."

The long sword in Shilang's hand turned into Romulus's spear, and as soon as he appeared, he used Romulus's treasure.

"I am Rome. With my knowledge, my gun can reach all things."

Everything in Rome, trees, buildings, weapons, and the call of the people, turned into strength, constantly impacting Attila's body.

"How is it possible, this power!"

As soon as the power of the spear disappeared, the sword in Shilang's hand had become a golden sword.

"Mr. Caesar, lend me your power."

Invisible sword body, invisible sword speed.

"I come, I see, I conquer, this is my kingly way, the death of Huang!"

Attila could only hear three clear beatings on his sword, almost making Attila let go of his weapon.

"Are you coming?"

"Of course, next one."

I saw Shi Lang wearing a pair of golden armor, and a moon appeared in the sky that could not appear now.

"Mr. Caligula, lend me your strength."

"The moon, devour my heart."


Shilang rushed to the front of Attila, punching one after another on the shield in front of Attila, and finally, Attila's shield was broken by Shilang, revealing her body that was currently unable to fight back.

"Enough, time is up, die, the sword of the **** of war."

Looking at Shi Lang who had just returned, Attila knew that this could not go on, so he would destroy Shi Lang first, and deal with the rest.


Nero watched Shiro yelling his name and looked at Shiro.

"This is the last strength my friend gave me, take it!"

Shirou's right hand turned into a magic hand, grabbing the original fire belonging to Nero, and a ghost appeared in the sky.

"Cheers, this is Nero's home stadium. Witness Nero's talents, hear thunderous cheers, appreciate the mighty power of those in power, bloom like a flower, open it, and invite to the golden theater of heart and soul!"

Magic power covers the entire land of Rome. Every inch of grass and every stone belongs to the golden theater. This is a golden theater that can only be done in Rome and can be unfolded in Rome.

"Even if you have the blessings of this Roman civilization, you can't beat me!"

Attila raised his sword at Shirou, and his whole body continued to rotate with the sword, flying over like a spirulina.

"No, I will definitely not lose in Rome."

The power of the magic hand combined with the power of the original fire, and the magic power of the burning base, gave Shirou the last hope.

"Appreciate my sword skills."

Invisible swordsmanship, weird start.

"Listen to the prayers of the people."

The people of Rome, as well as Nero and Boudicca, are constantly cheering for Shilang, and their hearts are connected.

"Let's praise it later, this immortal civilization, the cruel sword dance of the shadow swan song."

The two swords were joined together, there was no deafening noise, no gorgeous sword aura, only a burst of white light enveloped the entire sky, obscuring everyone's vision.

Shirou and Attila are talking in the center of the white light.

"Is this the power of the Roman civilization? It seems that my thinking is wrong. This is a good civilization."

Attila's body is constantly disappearing, his strength has been exhausted, this time he lost.

"My kind, I lost this time, next time, come to my side, we will fight again."

"No, I'm tired too, you should go back early, it's better not to come to earth."

"What is destined cannot be changed."

Attila smiled, turned to ashes and disappeared.

Shiro held the Holy Grail that was left in the air, and because his power was exhausted, he slowly fell down.

After the white light disappeared, everyone could see clearly that Shilang was holding the Holy Grail in his hand, and it kept falling.


Nero ran over at his fastest speed and looked at Shiro in mid-air. Nero could see that Shiro not only fell, but his body was also disappearing.

"Shirou, no, don't leave Yu!"

Nero stretched out his right hand, trying to catch Shi Lang who was still far away, but Shi Lang's base had been completely destroyed just now. When Nero rushed to the place, he only saw the Holy Grail and his own sword.

Shirou, completely disappeared.

"how so."

What made Nero more painful was not only Shilang’s disappearance, but Shilang helped Nero get the Holy Grail and the world went back on track. Everything that happened before was just fantasy. There was no Holy Roman Empire, no Attila, and no The British woman who robbed Shiro with her, of course, no one remembers that a man named Shiro Wigiya once came to this world. Apart from her own sword, she kept telling Nero that this was not a dream.

"Yu, I got everything I ever wanted, but lost the most important person."

In Rome's 54th year, Nero sat on his own throne, holding the Holy Grail and the original fire, watching his subjects pay homage to them.

"Yu, what are you looking for?"

"A world without him."

"No one remembers his world."

"Destroy it."

"Just use this country and holy grail for his life."

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