Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 125: Boat in the mist

After floating in the sea for a while, just as everyone wondered why the rescue hadn't come yet, a boat appeared in front of everyone.

"Great, saved."

"But, it's weird how no one greeted us."

"Forget it, even if it's a stand-in messenger, we have to get on the ship."

Everyone felt reasonable and had to take refuge on the boat temporarily.

"There is really no one, why is this?"

Everyone came to the deck, and there was no one on board. The intuition at the beginning made everyone think that there must be an enemy here.

"Don't say so much, let's go to the cockpit and have a look."

As soon as he entered the cockpit, everyone saw an orangutan, which seemed to be a pet kept by the crew, but still could not see the crew.

Li knows that Master Dio has an animal stand-in, and this animal should be there, although Li has never seen it.

The orangutan looked at Li, surprised that the other party could recognize him, but saw that the other party didn't attack him, probably because he was his own person, so he didn't make a move.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

Suddenly heard a scream outside, everyone went out and found that the crew was hanged by the ship's machinery.

"It was an accident, after all, no one controlled it."

"Is it really an accident?"

Huajingin was very worried, and began to explore the entire ship using the Emperor's Green.

Everyone knew that they weren't anxious now, so they had to rest for a while.


"Hey, Jotaro, it's okay to follow me, what do you want to do?"

Li looked at Chengtaro who had been following him, feeling helpless.

"I just thought that if I was by your side for the time being, I would definitely meet a stand-in messenger, so I did this."

"All right."

The two hadn't noticed that the double attack had come long ago, but they hadn't attacked them yet.

"What's wrong, this ship!"

The three were trapped on the floor by the ship, unable to move.

"This ship is a stand-in. There is such a powerful stand-in."

Huajingyuan only noticed at this time that this ship was a stand-in, but they never expected that they would be recruited all the time.

"Mr. Chengtaro, Mr. Li, help me!"

The girl named Ann ran up to them and was chased by the orangutan behind her.

"Everyone was killed by this ship. I don't know your partner, but this orangutan is very strange."

Hearing that the crew was killed, Cheng Taro stepped forward and looked at the orangutan.

"Platinum Star!"

Although the Platinum Star is fast, the enemy's power is stronger.

The orangutan directly controlled the iron rod on the ship and grasped Cheng Taro himself, so that Cheng Taro could not concentrate on controlling the platinum star and could not breathe normally.


It took only then to notice that the ship's iron not only attacked Chengtaro, but also planned to attack himself.

"Li, what are you doing?"

The orangutan directly commanded the hard-core attack without heeding the words.

"It seems that your partner is not very happy with you."

Jotaro looked at the attack, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Li, if you attack me, you must be prepared to be attacked by me."

Without thinking about it, the orangutan continued to attack the calendar.

"Really, I was scorned."

"Jotaro, let you see for so long, my stand-in."


A black figure leaned behind Li, with long hair and a little girl's figure, it was hard to imagine that it would be Li's stand-in.

Shinobu and others in Russia.

"Feeling the master's power, on the other side of the world, let's go, Waumu."

"Yes, Lord Shinobu."

Putting Shinobu on his shoulders and standing, Waumu started to rush towards that side at his own speed.


"Li, since you plan to attack me, Master dio won't care about my attack. You have to pay for your rudeness." After Li finished speaking, he sneaked into the shadow around him with his substitute.

The orangutan hadn't figured out what was going on yet, Li had already appeared in the shadow behind it and punched it.

"That's it, the ability to move in the shadows, but why not use the ability to fight with me last time? If you use it, the opponent can't use the double."

Jotaro watched the calendar move in the shadow to attack the orangutan, and he didn't understand why he didn't restrict his opponent's double as he did last time.

"Chengtarou, I know what you are thinking. Forget it, it's okay to tell you. Another ability must be used before the other party releases the substitute."

While avoiding the attack of the orangutan, Li explained to Chengtaro.

"It doesn't matter if you know it, anyway, you are not my opponent, Li."

Sneak into the shadow again, Li still wanted to continue to attack, but the opponent's body merged into the ship's body, and there was no way to attack.

"Yes, the boat is your stand-in, and the protection is really good."

"A substitute can only be defeated by a substitute. Although there is nothing wrong with this sentence, to a certain extent, the substitute is life, mental ability, and to some extent, it should be that only the attack of the substitute can attack the substitute."

After the calendar was finished, the shadow came behind Chengtaro.

"Jotaro, the plan is like this."

A moment later, Li was also grasped by force, and the orangutan showed his prototype excitedly.

"It's now, Jotaro."

"Platinum Star!"

The distance of the Platinum Star is only 2 meters, but with the blessing of Li Ying, the distance can break through to the conventional 10 meters, just like the world.


The Platinum Star punched the orangutan in the stomach, and the orangutan seemed to want to say something, but Li and Chengtaro didn't care about that much.

"Eula Oula Oula Oula!"

Even with amazing eyesight, he couldn't see the attack speed of Jotaro's Platinum Star, as if time had stopped.


Li, was defeated by Jotaro Kazuhiro, and retired with serious injuries.

Seeing that the orangutan was defeated by the two, the boat began to return to normal and turned into a small boat.

"Is this the prototype? It's really shabby."

"However, at least I can rush over to land."

Seven people crowded in the boat. It was really crowded, but it would be nice to be able to reach it safely.

"Li, don't you want to explain to me the ability just now?"

Cheng Taro looked at the calendar, because this ability was indeed dangerous and could extend the scope of someone else's stand-in.

"It's just an extension of my ability at the beginning. My distance is different from yours. 10 meters. In the same way, your shadow is also your stand-in. It's just that I gave you control just now. If you don't want to, you can't help it. control."


Chengtaro answered his inner questions, and stopped talking, and continued to rest with peace of mind.

Looking into the distance, I did not expect that there would be people who would dare to violate the will of Master dio, which is really unforgivable.

"Then next, I have to help Master Dio deal with many traitors, it's really troublesome."

Everyone drifted with the boat and finally came to Singapore.

"It's a tourist area, the scenery is completely different."

As soon as everyone arrived in Singapore, they felt the unique atmosphere of Singapore.

"Forget it, let's rest early, we are also very tired."

But everyone remembered that the girl next to them was still following them.

"It's just a little girl, it doesn't matter, let her continue to follow us."

After the calendar was finished, he beckoned to let the girl over.

"Really, don't you know how dangerous our journey is?"

"No matter, since Li is the other party's person, then it will be more or less safer."

The crowd came to the hotel and found a problem. There were seven people in a group, usually in double rooms.

"It's okay. Just let Polunaev and I live in the same room. The little girl is alone. After all, she is not a stand-in messenger and will not be attacked."

Everyone felt reasonable, so they didn't care about that much.

As everyone knows, dio's stand-in messenger has come here, ready to ambush them.

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