Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 130: The wheel of fate

On the other side, Huajingyuan Heli.

"Mr. Li, is that car a stand-in for the enemy?"

"Probably, this is not a stand-in for my management, so I am not very clear, I just know that this is a stand-in for the wheel of fortune."

The wheel of fortune hadn't started attacking, and suddenly left directly, leaving Huajingyuan and Li in a mess.

"The enemy, escaped?"


Looking around, there are buildings, and the other side's double can't give full play to it.

"He just left temporarily, and when we leave here by car, he will attack again."

Li probably knows the ability to guess the opponent's stand-in, so that's why he said that.

"Let's go to meet Mr. Josta and them first, I don't know how they are."

After the crowd met, Polunaev and Abdel were surprised to see the undamaged calendar.

"Mr. Li, what are you?"

"Don't mind, Polunaev, you just assume that I don't die that easily."

Popo and Abdel had to put away their inner shock, and went back to their hotel to take a break. After all, they were really tired today.

At night, Shinobu finally stopped his lunch break and slowly walked out of the shadow.

"My master, do you have any troubles?"

Shinobu sat in Li's arms and looked up at this strange and familiar man.

"After all, his current fighting quality is really completely different from before. It's too weak. He just relies on the flexibility of his ability to defeat the enemy and is no longer my Vamwu opponent."

The cat sat on the head of the calendar, preaching.

"No, I'm not worrying about this."

Li hugged the girl next to her tightly, looked at the full moon outside, and said.

"I'm just very confused. Before I met you, Master dio is everything to me. For Master dio, I can do anything. However, knowing Master dio is not the last answer, I am very confused now, and what happened today everything."

"I am not the same as Master dio. I am not a pure evil person, nor a pure good person."


Forbearance interrupted the words of the calendar.

"My master, you are a purely good person, don't forget about this."

Although Li didn't know what Shinobi was talking about, Shinobu should be saying that she was a good person before.

"Well, Shinobu, thank you."

Dreams, hazy dreams.

"Lijun, Lijun, wake up."

"do not want."

"What are you doing, no worries!"

Wushou opened his eyes again and saw that he was sitting on a green grassland with no one around, only a voice echoing in his ears.

"What are you doing, wake up quickly, don't forget, your mission."

"What are you talking about, who are you, I am not Wushou, I am Li."

"Really, I said that rebirth is really troublesome, and I always forget my memory."

A man in a hoodie appeared in front of Wushou, his whole body turned black, his hands turned into a pair of sharp claws.

"It always troubles us, and we are also troubled."

The man had just finished speaking, and when he caught him, he would have been prepared if he hadn't had any worries, and he would almost be hurt by him.

"Who are you?"

"Look clearly, what you look like now."

The man did not know where he threw a mirror to Wushou. Wushou saw his appearance completely different from now.

"this is me?"

As soon as he got here, Li woke up and looked at Shinobu who was still lying beside him and Wamwu at his feet. Li knew that it was a dream just now.

"Dream? But it's real."

After this dream, Li couldn't sleep anymore, waiting for Joseph and the others to get up and get ready to go.

Tomorrow morning

Li and the others were sitting in an off-road vehicle together. They decided to start from Pakistan and go straight to Egypt.

"Mr. Li, that car has been following us."

Huajingyuan noticed that the car behind them had been following them, and it was also very fast.


"I don't know, but I met us yesterday and suddenly ran away. It may be the enemy. Be careful."

Everyone kept driving, and suddenly the vehicles behind started to crash.

"That guy is the enemy."

"Leave it to me next, take care of it."

Li dived into the shadow of the enemy's car and kicked the owner out of the car.

"Did you kill it?"

Everyone stopped the car and looked at this passerby, obviously not a stand-in messenger.

"It looks like it's just a fool, forget it, it's not him."

As soon as everyone got back into the car, the passerby's car was directly knocked off and fell off the hillside.

"Bad people are not allowed to go on the road at will."

Jotaro took back the Platinum Star, looked at the destroyed car behind him, smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Everyone drove to a small shop on the road and saw the same car again.

"What to do, Chengtaro, there are still many people here."

At least five people are resting here, and everyone looks suspicious.

"Jotaro, do you know how to do it?"

"Well, old man."

"Yo Xi, let me take part in it too."

Seeing Joseph, Jotaro and Polunaev were full of enthusiasm, Huajingin and Abdel looked at a loss, only Li kept shaking their heads.

"Just beat them all!" ×3

As soon as Joseph and the others finished speaking, they grabbed a suspicious man next to him and punched him.

"You are suspicious!"

Polunaev grabbed a man by the collar and punched him directly.

Huajingyuan and Abdel are still helping to stop them, Li reminded everyone.

"Look at that car."

At this time, everyone turned their heads and found that the car had started. The people in the car stretched out their hands and pointed at them with an international gesture.


After everyone knew that they had been tricked, they hurriedly got into the car to chase the suspicious car, leaving only the person who had been beaten in a mess.

Everyone speeded up to catch up with the car just now. They had always wanted to jump on it directly, but they felt that there was a wave of heat on the other side of the shadow, and they would suffer a loss if they rushed up.

"It seems I have to go straight up and lead him out, Chengtaro, get ready."

"Well, calendar."

"Platinum Star."

"Blade down to the heart."

Through the extended distance of the blade, Jotaro's Platinum Star has an attack range of 10 meters long and can attack the opposite car.

"Eula Oula Oula Oula!"

The Platinum Star just hit a few punches when the car on the opposite side suddenly dug a hole in the ground and got in. Avoided Chengtaro's attack.

"Damn it, it's pretty cunning."

The crowd continued to advance to prevent the enemy from appearing again.

"Listen, what sound."

"Under the ground, everyone quickly jumped off the car."

"Blade down to the heart."

Li left the car with everyone in the car. Just after leaving the car, the stand-in vehicle flew out of the ground, directly destroying their car.

"Be careful, it seems that something is coming out!" Everyone only saw that something strange seemed to fly out of the car and hit everyone, violently hurting everyone.

"This smell is gasoline."

Chengtaro looked at the opposite side carefully, and now the enemy, except for his platinum star, was not good at dealing with him.

"Calendar, please."

I saw the car drove a certain distance away from the release distance of the Platinum Star.

Seeing the car continuously sending out gasoline to attack them, Cheng Taro just stood behind the rock, the huge shadow giving the calendar the ability to use it.

"You guy seems confident in power, so let's try it."

"Blade down to the heart."

"Platinum Star."

Connecting the shadow under the car with the shadow in front of Jotaro, Jotaro doesn't need to do anything, he just needs to keep punching.

"Eula Oula Oula Oula!"

The fists of the Platinum Star kept falling on the bottom of the car, knocking out the stand-in messenger in the car.

"It seems that you without a car are not worth a fight."

Everyone drove away in the broken car of the wheel of fortune, only tied the stand-in messenger to the stone, the test of the sun after the holiday.

The wheel of fortune was defeated by Chengtaro and Li.

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