"Everyone, are you okay."

Joseph saw that everyone was pushed by this group of people and asked.

"It's okay, Mr. Josta, I didn't expect the people of Egypt to be so enthusiastic, my wallet."

Polunaev looked at himself "the empty wallet, and cried sadly."

"Well, the performance is still good."

Li looked at the performance of the two and nodded.

"So, what will be the next fate?"

Oying and Poing continued to follow them secretly to a cafe.

"Brother, the picture appears."

Performance in the painting.

Joseph and the others entered the cafe and sat down to drink coffee. Jotaro and Polunaev had a fight. Finally, Polunaev was beaten with a nosebleed.

"How about it, brother."

"Well, it's not easy. How could Polunaev suddenly fight with Chengtaro? It's not logical."

The two are still here waiting for an opportunity, when suddenly Polunaev intends to go to the toilet.

"Good opportunity, brother, as long as you become Chengtaro, and if you accidentally interrupt Polunaev, then Polunaev will be annoyed to beat Chengtarou."

"Okay, let me do this."

Polunaev had just come to the toilet and just took off his pants when he saw Chengtaro opening the door and walking in.

"What's wrong, Jotaro, are you going to the toilet too?"

"Well, you continue."

Polunaev didn't care too much, but how did he know that this Jotaro would be made by Oying.

Oyinge secretly tied Polunaev's pants with a belt, and quickly left the scene.

"You guy, Jotaro, still play this kind of pediatrics."

Polunaev kept reaching out to untie the rope on his trousers.

On the other side, Oying, who had just changed back to the prototype, saw that Cheng Taro was about to go up to the second floor and didn't know what to do. There was a carpet on the stairs.

"Good opportunity, now I'm also pranking Chengtaro."

Oying directly turned into Polunaev's appearance, and tore off the blanket from the ground. If Chengtaro hadn't reacted quickly, he would fall off.

"Porunalev, what are you doing?"

Oying made a face at Cheng Taro and made fun of Cheng Taro.

"Idiot, Idiot, have the ability to catch up with me."

Oyingo ran directly and turned back to the original at a corner.

Jotaro and Polunaev walked back angrily, saw each other, angrily took out their substitutes, and prepared to teach the other side.

"Hello, what are you doing?"

Joseph and Huajingyuan were about to persuade them to fight, but the two of them were not so good-tempered, and they fought directly.

After all, Chengtaro's platinum star was very fast, and he took an opportunity to punch Polunaev, which was a sigh of relief.

"You guy, Jotaro, fooling me like this in the toilet, there is still a reason to beat me now."

"This sentence is what I said. I was going to tease me on the stairs. I haven't said it yet."

Only then did the two realize that the other party had been caught, but neither did it themselves.

"Master, is this?"

"Substitute, it seems that the enemy is a substitute who can transform, so you haven't noticed it."

Oying and Poing continued to hide in the corner, watching the dispute between the two, and then stopped, seeming to know the ability of their substitutes.

"What to do, brother, the other party knows your abilities."

"It doesn't matter, just in case, I have completed the goal that Master Li gave me."

"Have you finally succeeded? Brother, that thing."

"Well, let me perform next."

After everyone knows that the other party can pretend to be themselves, they are very careful to avoid hurting their own people.

Everyone finished their coffee and continued to find news about the house. At this time, the God of Poingo's Toto changed again.

"Brother, come out."

In the painting, Oying put a bomb in the oranges on the street, and Chengtaro and Joseph picked up the oranges.

Chengtaro and Joseph were injured by the bombing.

"Brother, it's easier this time, just go to that booth."

"Ok, let's go first."

Go to the booth designated by the comics to stun the stall owner, put a few bombs in the oranges, and everything is waiting for a good show.

"Just in case, it's better to become the owner of the shop."

As Oying said, he became a fat businessman.

"Mr. Josta, let's go back first. It seems that we can't find it for the time being. Buy something and go back."

Polunaev saw a fruit stand in front of him and thought it would be nice to buy something and go back.

"Wait, Polunaev, how do you know when the enemy is near us when the enemy will attack us?"

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Josda, even if the enemy attacks us, how can we know that we are going to this stall, and how can we guess what we are buying, you are too cautious."

Polunaev went to the fruit stand, took a look, and was about to buy some oranges.

"Owner, can I choose some of my own?"

"Well, please."

Chengtaro and Joseph had nothing to say, so they came over to help Polunaev choose something.

At this time, Oying knew that he would not have a chance before leaving, so he went to get some goods and left directly.

"What, this orange, weird."

Joseph just moved and noticed that the orange in his hand started to glow.


The orange in Chengtaro's hand also suddenly glowed.

"Platinum Star!"


The Platinum Star quickly blasted the oranges in his hand, but the chain effect just now caused the remaining oranges to explode, hurting everyone.

"The enemy is actually this stall owner."

Polunaev walked into the shop with his injuries and found the stall owner fainted on the ground. It seems that the enemy has been prepared long ago.

"Unexpectedly, the enemy would actually know that we are going here. It seems that their attack is not that simple."

"Yes, the enemy is not a mere attack."

Li walked out of the shadows and looked at everyone.

"Now when you are testing you, if you can't find them, you must not be able to defeat the dio adults, come on, let me see how you are."

After finishing talking, sneak away again.

"Really, I was really undermined."

Jotaro picked up the cigarette in his pocket and lit it.

"It seems we have to find a way to find our hidden enemy."

I saw Oying found a few stronger people and told them to attack Cheng Taro and others.

"Brother, what are you doing, don't you wait for my result?"

"It's okay, brother, let them see my abilities."

I saw Chengtaro and others, and suddenly a few people who were exactly like them walked out in front of them.

"Enemies, Zou and the others have a meal."

The four rushed to the fat and beat them up, only to find that they were just ordinary people.

"Mr. Josta, a few came from behind."

I saw four people like them also came from behind.

"This is my stand-in. Not only can I change myself, but also the appearance of others."

Oying smiled as he watched Cheng Taro and others continue beating passers-by.

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