Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 187: Jealous green hair

Wushou once considered that the girl she met might have a fiancée, an ex, and so on. After all, the first person she confessed was like this, there was a fiance who was a spy from another country.

Wushou has thought that these people without exception have one characteristic, hardship and weakness, so Wushou has not cared about these people.

But today, Wushou felt the full resentment from his predecessor for the first time.

"Hey, bad priest, don't you want to think of a solution?"

The two kept avoiding in the stairwell, and the round ball of light followed them all the time. They had no worries and wanted to smash them all with their right hand, but they heard the bad priest say that this was the soul of those who were controlled and gave up resistance.

"What should I do!"

"It's fine to find the caster. Just knock down the guy in this building. Hurry up and continue climbing."

I don't know if it was intentional, but Wushou always felt that the ball of light was mostly against him, just like they had an enemy with Wushou.


A certain green hair on the tall building happily said to the girl beside him, looking at Wushou who was constantly avoiding attacks.

"Did you see it? This is the end of the fight against me."

The witch girl looked at the monitor, evasive without sorrow, and recognized that this was the boy who was chatting with him today.

"Why, do these things?"

"They are intruders, of course they need these little punishments."

It's just that the witch girl clearly saw that Lu Mao looked at her worry-free now, her hands clenched all the time.

"Wait for me, Inticus."

Wucao didn't know how long it took to run, only to find that the bad priest who had just followed him had already slipped away and didn't intend to care about him.

"That guy."

After being sold, I have no choice but to continue to run away and go straight up. The other party must be upstairs.

I don't know how long he ran, Wushou finally came to Lumao's room. As soon as he opened the door, he saw the bad priest who had abandoned him lying on the ground, as if he was under some pressure.

"Oh, you guy, it's not enough for the opponent to fight, I know."

Wushou can't wait to kick him, but now the target is still the tragic man, Wushou should let the tragic man number two first.

"Finally, the current administrator of Inticus has arrived."

"Sorry, I'm not the administrator, I'm just the owner."

Wushou looked at the green hair that seemed to be tugged in front of him, and couldn't imagine what expression he would show after he would tell this man the truth.

"Hmph, you don't know anything. Humans have limits, but vampires don't. If you are acquainted, you should hand Intiqs to me, and I will save that girl."

Seeing that Lv Mao was not ashamed of talking there, Wushou ignored it, and instead chatted with the maiden girl next to him.

"Oh, I didn't expect to meet you here. Sure enough, this guy is a pervert. He actually caught you."

"No, we are a cooperative relationship."

The witch explained her situation and looked at ease.

"That's right, then I feel relieved."

Lu Mao looked at Wushou but didn't care about him at all, was very angry and yelled.

"Hey, did you hear me? You ant."


Wuxian looked at the tragic male Lu Mao, but had no choice but to tell him the truth.

"Hey, do you know what the situation is now? Indix doesn't need you to save it anymore."

"Don't be kidding, have you solved this problem, it's impossible."

Lu Mao would not simply believe in Wushou, but instead looked at the bad priest lying on the ground.

"If you don't believe me, ask, the bad priest can tell you the answer."

Although very reluctant, the bad priest nodded his head, bringing Lu Mao's infinite despair.

"Yes, the Inticus you want to save doesn't need you to save anymore. You are just a tragic man who was forgotten by her now. Accept the reality."

Wushou said, slowly approaching Lumao, intending to give him a bit directly to liberate him.

"Impossible, you are lying to me, I don't believe it!"

Lu Mao took out a silver needle. Wushou hadn't figured out what he was going to do. Suddenly he pierced his neck with the silver needle and shouted at Wushou.

"Kneel me down."

A strong pressure was immediately attached to Wushou. That's how it is, is this the reason that bad priests made it like that?

No worries remembered what happened just now, just because Lu Mao said this.

"Is it the power of language? But it is also a mysterious category."

Wushou raised his right hand and touched his god's body, and the pressure disappeared in an instant.

"How can it be!"

Lu Mao looked at Wushou so simple to release his ability, and was speechless in surprise.

"What's the matter, is it only this level?"

Lu Mao got angry and inserted the silver needle into his neck again.

"go to hell!"

A strange force struck Wushou, but Wushou quickly patted himself with his right hand, once again to relieve the crisis.

"So that's it, your right hand? Then I'll cut him off."

Seeing clearly the ability to have no sorrow, Lv Mao seemed to be fearless, happy to see no sorrow.

"The invisible blade, cut off his arm for me."

Although I can't see it, Wushou can feel that there is something close to me.


Wushou simply avoided the opponent's attack, looked at the a little panicked Green Mao, and wanted to see what the other side wanted to use.

"Huh, what about avoiding, this time it is faster, you can't avoid it."

An invisible blade quickly flew over, although it was invisible, but the intuition could not be destroyed so easily.

Once again, he dodged in a thrilling manner.

"Continuously firing submachine gun."

With a lot of bullets, Wushou seems to be unable to avoid it, but sometimes there is no need to avoid it.

"If you can't avoid it, just block it."

Thanks to the fact that the Orochi has been temporarily stabilized, and he can use a little bit of power without worry, anyway, the power of the Orochi is even more abnormal, I believe the chairman is not surprised.

The shield stood directly in front of him, no matter how many bullets, he couldn't penetrate the worry-free defense.

"What's the matter, is there no recruitment?"

Wushou stood in front of Lumao like this, frightened Lumao shook his hand, all the silver needles fell to the ground, Lumao panicked, and wanted to pick up the silver needles on the ground, but Wushou grabbed the collar and pulled it up.

"It's really embarrassing, where did the scenery look like just now?"

Wushou sighed silently looking at Lu Mao who was already panicked.

"That's enough. I'm still very busy today. Don't do this useless work, okay, what do you think?"

Loosen Lv Mao's collar, Wuxian loosened the spine menstrual bone, and looked at Lv Mao blankly.

"Big wood, big wood, big wood!" ×N

Relying on Wu's power, Wushou can finally feel what it was like to fight back then.

"It's not so cool."

Green Mao was directly beaten into the air, smashed the glass and flew out of the window, and fell directly downstairs. As for whether he was alive or dead, Wushou didn't care about it anymore. Anyone who wanted to do something with Indicus would never let it go. he.

Seeing that the bad priest has stood up, Wu worry feels that he still has a task to complete.

"Bad priest, what about your stuff? We still have to help this girl."

The vampire slayer, a powerful rough stone.

The bad priest gave the girl a necklace, which sealed the girl's vampire killer ability, at least no vampire would come to her in the future.

"Well, everyone is happy."

No worries, this matter should be over as simple as that. Unexpectedly, the witch girl suddenly grabbed Wushou and looked at him.

"Since you saved me, then you are responsible to me."

Wucai suddenly felt that doing this on his own was not a good choice.

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