Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 192: Battle in the forest

"Don't underestimate me!"

Wushou didn't think so much. Although it was really high from the ground, he could still use teleportation. For Wushou, it was not a problem.

The accumulation of kinetic energy is not a lot, Wuxian quickly moved to the ground in an instant and rolled twice, which is considered to alleviate the crisis.

However, Wushou wants to find a way to solve this opponent, he has been controlled by the black smoke, not defeating him will cause a lot of trouble.

"Come if there is a seed!"

Facing the red pill that was still floating in the air, Wuxian rushed into the nearby forest. Fortunately, it was in the unknown field. If it were in the city, it would cause a lot of commotion.


Hong Wan watched Wushou running into the forest in the air, without thinking too much, and rushed in with Wushou as soon as he landed.

At this time, the two people hiding in the forest.

The red pill's abilities have been strengthened, and the induction of thunder and lightning has become stronger and stronger, and it can even perceive the body's bioelectricity to a certain extent.

"Although I don't know where you are, I will rule out one by one, and I will find you soon."

Listening to Hongwan's words, Wushou didn't expect what he was talking about. The next second, the lightning ball hit the side of the forest, and a wild deer was directly exploded.

"Wrong guess, will you be the next one?"

It's tricky. Because of being strengthened by the black smoke, Wucao dare not believe that his right hand can restrain him, and most of his power is used to seal the serpent. Now Wushou has no other ability except for teleportation and right hand. use.

"Idiot, the other party came to kill me, wouldn't it be enough to use my power?"

The voice of the big snake rang in Wushou's ear again.

"No, as long as you use your power, you will surely run away. I won't believe you so simply."

"Huh, let me see, how long can you last?"

As Red Maru continued to attack the animals in the forest, of course it would also cause fires, and all the animals began to run wild.

"What's wrong, won't you come out?"

Hongmaru is moving towards another goal, but he has actually guessed where Wushou is.

"That creature hasn't walked around everywhere, and this size, that's right, really wants to clean up me in close combat? But don't be delusional, my speed won't be hit by you so easily."

Hong Wan slowly approached that location, and the thunder and lightning pulsed crazily in his body, ready to burst.

"Take a trick, Orochi!"

Thunder Fist!

The signature skill, Hong Wan went directly through the big tree and punched the creature with electric energy behind the tree.

Blood popped directly from behind the tree, and lightning followed one after another, evaporating the blood that had not been spilled.

"Successful, I won!"

At this time, Wushou jumped out of the bushes on the other side and hit Hong Wan with a violent beating.

"Big wood, big wood, big wood!"

With the final punch, the red pill was hit directly, and the red pill was hit to the side of the tree.

"What's the situation?"

Hongmaru looked behind the tree he had attacked just now.

The two wild deer were misplaced and stuck on the tree by Wushou's teleportation, so Hongmaru could see why the other party didn't move because they couldn't move.

"Unexpectedly, your teleportation is no longer a simple movement with people, it is a spatial movement, it is my carelessness."

Hong Wan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at it without worry.

"However, your attack just now didn't have much effect. Instead, it hurt yourself."

Wuxu's attacked both hands, except for his right hand, which was not very serious. Both hands were injured by the lightning on Hong Wan's body just now.

"I won't be careless next time, I will solve you quickly."

Hong Wan speeded up, and very quickly, the afterimages scurrying around Wushou, unable to see the other side's whereabouts.

"One punch."

Wushou hadn’t reacted yet. A remnant came close to him and punched him. The afterimage even carried thunder and lightning and passed directly through Wushou’s body. Wushou was like being hit head-on by a truck. trembling.

"One kick."

The afterimage came from behind, kicking Wushou behind, and the speed and power almost broke Wushou's waist.

"Oops, I can't hold it with a few more punches."

No worries about how to solve this problem, just move it instantly.

Just when Wushou was going to leave directly, he didn't expect Hong Wan to rush over and kick it directly, interrupting Wushou's movements directly.

"We have known for a long time, Oro, your instant movement is stiff, just look at your hand, every time you use it, you will directly lean back. Just stare at this once, that's enough."

No worries, I don’t know that the skills I have used all the time have this problem. I just used it subconsciously. I didn't think about this situation at all. I didn't expect that the other party would be fast enough to prevent me from using it.

However, no worries think of another way.

Grab the dust on the ground at will, sprinkle it directly into the air without worry, without seeing the other person, but it is enough to be able to see the trajectory of the action.

"I saw it!"

In an instant, Wushou immediately punched, and the other party seemed to have seen his behavior. He drew away from Wushou's attack, and punched Wushou's chest with a big discharge.


Wushou was numb all over, and Wushou could no longer move. Looking at Hong Wan standing next to him, Wushou wanted to stand up, but was stepped on his back by Hong Wan's foot.

Hong Wan couldn't help laughing wildly as he watched Wushou being stepped under her feet.

"Hmm, hahaha!"

"Kyo, can you see it? As long as you use the power appropriately, it doesn't matter even the power of the devil. I have defeated the serpent."

Hong Wan looked at Wushou still trying to struggle, spit out sputum, looked at Wushou with no expression on his face.

"It would be too cheap to destroy you, Orochi."

Hong Wan kicked Wushou away, looking at Wushou, who had lost his fighting ability, what Hong Wan thought.

"By the way, the dark shadow told me why you came to this world."

Hong Wan knelt down, grabbed Wushou's head with one hand, looked at him and said.

"You are here to find someone, no, it should be said that it is a monster."

Wuxian opened his eyes wide and stared at Hong Wan.

"Yes, this expression, we have seen her."

How could Wushou believe the other party's words? He was misled just now.

"Don't believe me? Long green hair, pure white dress, am I right?"

Seeing Wushou's pupils widened, Hong Wan knew that he was right, and he was indeed that person.

"I don't need to say the answer. Think about it, what kind of monsters will be treated in the UK!"

Watching Wushou's eyes slowly turn red, it is interesting, at least Hongwan finds it interesting.

"Poor fellow, actually sad for that kind of monster, you are also a monster."

Hong Wan stood up and continued to punch and kick against Wushou. Wushou felt that it didn't matter to the body pain, but his heart was very painful.

"Huh, just for that kind of monster, you are not a good person."

Wu worry grabbed Hong Wan's foot and raised his head to look at each other.

"Saya, I don't allow you to insult her!"

"Huh, ridiculous."

Hong Wan let go of Wushou's hand, kicked Wushou away, loosened his muscles, and thundered.

"Huh, you will live soon anyway, so be it."

Thunder fist.

The black light rushed from the other side of the forest, directly interrupting Hongwan's attack.

"who is it!"

Wushou turned his head to look to the other side with difficulty, the invisible weapon, the black armor, the crimson magic pattern.

"Following my lord's wishes, I'll stop you, Nikaidou Hongmaru."


Wuxian slowly closed his eyes and passed out into a coma.

"Saber, you should understand that he is a scourge, you can't keep him."

Hong Wan looked at the comatose Wushou, and said to Saber.

"The order must be executed."

Saber's magic slowly accumulates, and if there is a slight problem, it is the next attack.

"Are you going to get in the way of me? Nikaidou Hongmaru."

Hong Wan had to grunt disdainfully and let him go for the time being. After all, the current master of Saber can't afford to offend him, and he will still trouble Beijing, even in a different world.

"Hmph, forget it, the snake is so weak anyway, I will kill him later."

Whoever played with Red Maru turned around and left.

Saber watched Hong Wan leave, put away his long sword, looked at Wushou who was unconscious, took out a bottle of unknown liquid from his body, and poured it on Wushou's body.

"I can only do so much, and the rest is up to you."

After speaking, Saber also left, leaving Wushou alone in the same place.

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