Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 208: Evil romantic city Paris

Paris France

The city of art, the city of romance, this is the consensus of normal people.

However, about two weeks ago, a crack was torn in the sky, and a devil fell from the sky, it should be said that he was a man like a devil.

This person called himself Blue Beard, first colluded with the local magic association of this place, and then used the human body to provide powerful magic power, using the whole of France as his own magic workshop.

What's more, people in the whole city have always wanted to escape from this place, but because of the restrictions of the blue beard, the whole of Paris has become a magical domain that can only be accessed, and because of the magical blindness, ordinary people in all countries in the world do not know that this place has become In this way, except for the people in the world.

At this time in Paris, the surviving humans were hiding in the sewers and their tight homes. No one dared to go out. After all, they didn't know when they would be eaten by monsters passing by.

They were brought here without worry. The Eiffel Tower that used to be, has now become a collection station, a central tower that collects magic power.

Wushou was tied to the highest level of the tower, and Jin Shining and others were placed elsewhere.

"My holy virgin, everything is ready."

"Relying on this guy's powerful magic storage capacity, this human being will act as our central device, transmitting a steady stream of magic power for us, and finally, using the powerful inherent barriers to turn the whole of France into our base."

"Huh, yes, Jill, just act according to your plan. What else do I need to do?"

"My saint maiden, you just need to help me watch the followers and don't make trouble. Let me do the rest."

Watching Heizhen leave, Blue Beard looked at the pocket watch in his hand and counted down secretly.

"Also, twenty-four hours."

"Hey, wake up quickly."

"Want to die?"

Wu worry slowly opened his eyes and saw the projection of the snake falling in his own eyes.

"Are you awake, don't you know the seriousness of the matter now?"

Wushou discovered at this time that his limbs were all **** by some kind of magical lock, but he could feel that a steady stream of magic power was coming from the lock.

"do you understand?"

"You are a container now. Although I don't know what the other party intends to do, it must not be a good thing. You need to leave as soon as possible."

Wu worry still wants to try to get rid of it, but obviously these things can't be taken out so easily, and they are still forbidden.

"Hmph, although the other party's purpose is clear, has the other party forgotten your ability to seal?"

"Fantasy killer."

No worries were mentally prepared, and no one nearby saw him.

"I'm a pervert!"

Familiar feeling, Wushou can feel that his magic power is slowly disappearing, and the chain on his right hand has been broken.

"Well, just leave here like this."

All the chains were interrupted, Wushou began to look for his own partners, but Wushou had forgotten, but his own magic power had been connected to the whole place, Wushou's actions just now had already had a great impact.

The entire outer barrier, because Wushou's fantasy killer just now, was broken, and the original appearance of the entire Paris had appeared in front of everyone.

"Paris, it's fallen!"

Only then did the French discover that their own Paris had been controlled by others and had not been aware of it.

"Now our hope is that the local magic society will deal with this matter as soon as possible."

Paris, inside the Eiffel Tower

As soon as Wushou walked down, he saw Blue Beard appearing in front of him.

"Damn it, why can you get rid of it, where does your magic go?"

"Go down and ask yourself about this matter!"

No need to do anything, just a magician, there is no worry about solving him.


Two monsters rushed directly from the side and grabbed Wushou's feet.


Get rid of it without worry, rush up, and break the face with friendship.


The worry-free body passes directly through, which is a phantom.

"Hmph, do you think I will come directly? It's ridiculous. Wait, someone will come and catch you back soon."

No worries, no matter so much, leaving here early and retrieving everyone is my goal.

"and many more!"

Feeling the threat, Wushou jumped directly to avoid the oncoming shock wave.

"Oro, don't want to leave here."

Men's beauty, short blond hair, king.

The black smoke surrounds King, is it really controlled? Otherwise, they won't help Blue Beard.

"King, you are just being confused, you don't need to do this."

"Even so, you are a big snake and also my goal."

The king kicked and caught up with him. No worries, he didn't want to waste too much time on their fighters, especially because he didn't have much ability to use.

"Leave it to me next."

A man with sunglasses rushed out to block King's attack for Wushou.

"Hmph, Orochi, it's not the time yet. Go and save your partner first. See you in the UK."

After finishing talking, the man in sunglasses rushed to entangle King, giving Wushou time to escape.

"Sorry, thanks for your support."

Wu worry hurriedly left, leaving the man in sunglasses and king to fight.

"Clark, why stop me? You should know that the serpent is the enemy."

The man in sunglasses shook his head and looked at King.

"After all, our mercenaries are different from you, and you look at them differently. Since many people can change, why can't the big snake?"

"Shut up, you don't understand anything."

Time to return to Wushou's side

Wuxian took the time to leave the Eiffel Tower. Thanks to his right hand, all the magic defenses were of no use to him. Wuxian quickly returned to the ground.

"So, where am I going?"

"Next let me lead the way."

The man wearing a headscarf came out, ready to lead Wushou.

"You mercenaries, shouldn't you be hostile to me? After all, you should also hate the serpent, don't you?"

The man looked at Wushou, and shook his head helplessly.

"It is true that we have enemies with you, especially what you have done before, but now the times are different. We need more strength. We are different from those fighters."

Ralph took out a map to guide Wushou where he should go.

"Your partners are in these places. Of course, your saint is guarded in one of these places. My mission is here. You have to go for the rest by yourself."

Wu worry looked at Ralph, not knowing what the other party was planning to do.

"I still have things to deal with, and I still have things to find out by myself, so I won't accompany you."

"My partner must be rescued by myself."

Ralph finished speaking and left on his motorcycle.

"Really, why is it not a waste of time to switch it off?"

Wu worry looked at the map left by Ralph, a little helpless.

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