Wu worry originally didn't want to bother about that person.

However, the next thing should be related to him, so no worries still have to meet this guy.

Wu worry really saw her here according to the position he expected.

A tattered black robe completely concealed her appearance. Seeing Wushou actually see herself, the woman smiled.

"Oh, did you see me?"

"Also, this force, that's how it is, has it defeated my sister?"

The woman nodded and greeted Wushou to come to her.

"I saw you come down very early. It doesn't seem that you are going to defeat my mother now."

"Take it, you need this."

The witch gave Wushou a ring.

"You need it to help you walk through the flames of chaos. The scorpion has no way to protect the ruins, only the last step is left."

The witch thought for a while, but told Wushou.

"I hope you can avoid the guardian. After all, she is just protecting my sister's body. Let's go directly to the fast lane and let the guardian go."

Wushou naturally knew who the witch was talking about, and nodded.

"Thank you, go, I hope you end this soon."

No worries left on her own, just walked to the tower, and saw Gabriel waiting for him here.

"come yet?"

Gabriel looked at her without sorrow, but she didn't know what Gabriel was thinking.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die like this."

"It sounds good, but Raphael is still dead, isn't it?"

No worries did not speak, after all, this is a fact.

"Forget it, it's useless to say anything now, after all, I don't know what you are facing."

Gabriel couldn't think of why Wuxian really did it, whether it was a task, or something else.

Wushou walked ahead without sorrow, and Gabriel followed Wushou like this.

"If you want to save Gabriel, this is also a must."

Wuxian walked to the side of the fire and knocked on the stone wall next door.

The stone wall slowly disappeared, vacating the entire space.

The whole room was covered with spider webs, and a white spider witch was sitting in the middle of the room, with scars all around her.

It is a witch, but also a fire-resistant girl, two kinds of torture.

"elder sister?"

Sister White Spider was talking, but only Wushou could hear it.

"Please, help me open that door, I need it."

"Sister, no problem."

Sister White Spider speaks very well, and Wushou has the power of a witch in her body.

"It's easier than expected, you fellow."

Gabriel knew that it was very simple to survive, as long as the sun worm was eliminated.

"Then, defeat that big tree monster with you, at least I will be liberated."

Wushou was about to leave, and the white spider girl stopped Wushou.

"Wait, sister."

Wushou looked at the white spider girl, trying to understand what the other party was thinking.

"Sister, come here."

Sister White Spider put her hand on Wushou's right hand, and a scorching energy slowly entered Wushou's body.

"Take care, sister, at least, the pain, a lot less."

Perhaps, this time the chaotic bed does not have another need for itself, this time it should be simply eliminated.

Wushou bid farewell to the white spider sister, and took Gabriel to the elevator.

Because Wushou did not attack the guardian according to the instructions of the witch, Wushou got on the concealed elevator opening method and went directly to the lower level of the ruins.

"It can be like this. Reality is completely different from the game."

At the other end of the ruins, in front is the demon who can use flames, and on the other side is the fast passage to the depths of the ruins.

"Wait for a while, I'll go there first."

Gabriel nodded.

Wuxian walked into the secret passage that Sister White Spider helped to open, and didn't see any creatures like insects walking around on the ground.

"After all, is it my order?"

I didn't dare to care about it, so I had to go back to discuss with Gabriel why.

"Perhaps, because the normal sequence did not start, the sun worm did not come out."

"But we can't take risks."

However, we cannot just wait here.

"It's okay, I will follow you closely and won't let the sun bug invade."

Gabriel smiled.

Wushou had to take Gabriel to move on. Although there was a magic puppet blocking the way, it was not a problem for Wushou now, and there were more people around him.

Simply clean up the magic puppet, and Wu worry continued to carefully take Gabriel forward. There were many stone sculptures blocking the way along the way, but it didn't work.

The entire witch's ruins were surrounded by chaotic flames, as if the flames ran away.

There was no trouble along the way, and Wushou did not see the Onion Knight trapped in the trap. Instead, he saw the Onion Knight solve the irrational witch by himself, standing in front of the fog gate, waiting for Wushou and Gabriel.

"Oh, no worries, finally you have come here."

Wu-Chou originally wanted to ask why he was here, but Wu-Chou began to worry a little bit whether there was any problem with this guy.

After all, he is the only one who has always had a relationship with him and has been leading the way.

"The front is your final goal. Because the witch is obsessed with the flames of the soul and is backlashed by the chaos, that's why the current scene is created. Every witch will not end well."

"However, flames are not supposed to bring warmth and life to others. No one will know why the witch did this."

After the Onion Knight finished speaking, he patted Wuxian's shoulder and said earnestly.

"In the end, what are you going to do, I am looking forward to how you will change the world."

After the Onion Knight finished speaking, he left directly.

"Mr. Wushou, has he always been like this?"

Gabriel did not expect that the Onion Knight, who had always been acting as Tie Hanhan in the game, would be completely different here.

"Yeah, it's really amazing."

After Wushou finished speaking, he walked into the Wumen with Gabriel.

There is also a **** in front, Wushou does not want Gabriel to go down and follow the boss in front of her, but hope she stays here and waits for Wushou to end it all.

"Don't think about it, I still want to go and see."

Then there's no way.

Wushou took Gabriel down the **** and finally came to the last room.

The whole room was very empty, surrounded by some strange trees. In the center of the room, a monster made up of trees stood in the center, with red flames burning inside.

"who is it?"

The sound came from inside the tree, shocking the two of them.

"There is no need for anyone to bother here, get out of here."

"I'm here for the king's soul."


The laughter reverberated continuously, and Wushou could hear the other party's ridicule.

"The clown who wants to pass on fire, you can't get out of here alive."

Turning to look around, flames surrounded the entire entrance, and the floor began to shake.

"Stay here forever, humble undead."

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