Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 271: Salary King or New King

All this is so untrue.

Wushou walked on the final journey. No one accompanied him to chat during the whole journey, and no one would point and point behind him.

It's like coming to this world alone in the beginning.

Even if he had a hemiplegia, there was no way to stop Wushou's heart from moving forward. There were countless black knights in front of Wushou slowly approaching the fire, but none of them planned to stop Wushou from approaching.

"Wait for me, wait for me."

Wuxian walked step by step, only that place in his eyes.

The sky was dusty and the sky was bleak. I didn't know how long I had been walking, and how many black knights watched him slowly and deeply, and finally came to the stove.

Still, a variety of runes flashed by the stove, waiting for a worry-free call.

"Let me go, I don't want to lose anyone anymore."

Wushou ignored all the runes around him, and resolutely walked to the final destination.

In the dim scene, a lot of burnt ashes remained on the ground, and a fire that was still burning was in front, waiting for the next King King to continue burning his soul.

It's just that Ge Wen doesn't seem to be here.

"What the **** is going on?"

"Are you surprised?"

Behind the stone pillar on the side, the Onion Knight walked out with a familiar big sword, which was full of different flames.

"After all, I have been waiting for you to come to this place."

The Onion Knight took off his helmet and untied all the armor on his body. Ge Wen had been hiding in it all the time, keeping an eye on the worry-free progress.

"I waited for a long time, and even my consciousness was lost because of the long wait."

"But when I saw you appear, I knew that my waiting was not in vain."

Watching Ge Wen slowly recover his human form, lightning filled Ge Wen's body.

"Look, your arrival has allowed me to regain my body. This is a miracle that the undead can't do, and you have accomplished this impossible thing."

Ge Wen closed his eyes and remembered everything.

"From the first time you walked into this world, my consciousness didn't know why it appeared outside, and even thought of everything about myself."

"You are the last hope of this world."

Ge Wen's flames slowly spread, spreading across the stove.

"So, I have been guiding you to come here, to the world line that belongs to us, now is the last moment."

"Come on, no worries, as long as you voluntarily burn yourself and complete the cycle, then the fire will never stop, the whole world will continue to prosper, and there will be no more undead."

"So, if I burn myself, will they be resurrected?"

Ge Wen naturally knew who Wushou was talking about.

"Of course, the cycle will continue, and the fire will never stop. They can naturally also be reborn, but you will continue to walk the same path and maintain the existence of fire."

That is to say, Wushou will always repeat everything that happens in this world, keep spreading the fire, keep circulating. To reach the eternal existence of the world.

"Then what if I say no?"

Before Wushou could finish speaking, Ge Wen had already moved instantaneously, came behind Wushou, and kicked Wushou's back fiercely.

"You are unique, so I will force you to complete this mission until you become numb."

Wushou coughed a bit of blood, so strong, Wushou's current state is not the opponent's opponent at all.

"Don't struggle, just burn obediently, next time you continue to meet your woman again, wouldn't it be better? At least you have nothing at all now."


Standing up tremblingly, there was only the flame that was about to go out in his eyes.

"I, there is nothing left, only her, I want to see you again."

It's just that I haven't taken two steps yet, so I don't worry about another thing.

"So what about them, can they return to their own world?"

Ge Wen shook his head helplessly.

"Since they exist in this world as guides in this cycle, as long as the cycle continues, they will naturally not be able to return to their own world."

Wushou waited.

When the cycle goes on, the blacksmith Lori and the others can't go home, they will always be in this nightmare.

"The cycle goes on and I can see her again."

No worries, hesitated.

"Hum hum."

Ge Wen smiled, helplessly.

"I knew you wouldn't start so easily, so I have to tell you well."

Ge Wen came to Wushou and used flames to form a human figure by his side.

"Look, this man."

A Jiayika made of fire, walking around in front of Wushou, as if reborn.

"As long as you continue to cycle, you can see her again. She is your most important person. Don't you want her to be by your side all the time?"

The flame slowly disappeared, and Wushou even rushed to recover it, just in vain.

"Understand? You are not for others, but for yourself."

Maybe Wuxian figured it out, and walked slowly over to Tinder.

Wushou remembered every bit of life with Jiayika, and scene after scene passed by Wushou's eyes.

"Wait for me, wait for me, I will come to you soon."

Wushou suddenly fell down and his body was out of control.

Although Wushou has lost his feeling in the right half of his body, Wushou can still control it, but he suddenly lost his balance just now.

"What's wrong?"

Wushou still wanted to prop up his body, but the right half of his body was in chaos again, and Wushou slipped again.

"My body, on earth?"

Wushou still wants to stand up slowly, but his body can't help but stop himself and force Wushou to lie on the ground.


"who is it?"

Little after little flash, condensed in front of Wushou, and finally turned into Jiayika's appearance.

"Stop, don't listen to him."

"But, I just want to bring you back, I just want to see you again."

Wushou's left eye shed tears of regret, Wushou didn't want to lose Jiayika just like that.



"No worries, Jiayika, already, very happy."

"A liar, you died because of me. You have nothing to do with this world. It is only because of me that you will appear here. Everything is my fault."


Jiayika squatted in front of Wushou, looking at Wushou.

"Jiaika, I am very happy, because I met you."

"Kayika, no, family, no worries, it's me, the only family."

The worry-free body began to glow, and Jiayika in front of her became more and more transparent.

"Hope, no, are you still there?"

The sky broke through a layer of cloud and mist, adding a ray of light to the stove surrounded by ashes.

Standing under the light, Jiayika looked extraordinarily sacred.

"Kayika, always, with Wushou, by my side."

"Always, guarding, no worries."

Wuxian stretched out his hand and grabbed Jiayika in front of him, just grabbing a little bit of light and drifting away with the wind.

"Kayika, always here."

Facing the light without worry, make a decision inside.

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