"Damn it, how could it be like this."

Toowang Town, an unknown sewer.

"No worries, what do you plan to do next?"

Shinobu looked at her whole body without sorrow, and said.

"Of course, we must teach that guy a good lesson."

–Three hours ago –

Wushou got out of bed comfortably as usual. Recently, my bed has become more and more crowded. Originally, really red only occasionally came to sleep, because Shinobu also appeared. The two would always fight in the bed of Wushou and wake up. No worries.


Waum didn't know if it took too long to become a cat, he was completely accustomed to the life of a cat, but it was a bit unaccustomed to becoming a human form.

"Morning, Waum, what's the matter today?"

The cat is very ordinary and never knows where to take out a newspaper, leave the room on his own, to enjoy his milk.

"It's a peaceful day."

Get rid of the entanglement of a ghost and a doll, walk out of the living room to prepare breakfast and listen to the radio.

"Welcome to listen to Duwangding Radio. Today is also a sunny day. Let me talk about the recent local news."

It’s not bad to enjoy a peaceful life occasionally every day.

At least Wushou feels that a peaceful life is very suitable for him.

Of course, it is only temporary.

"Morning, Luban, was it all night again yesterday?"

Lu Ban stared at a pair of dark circles, and naturally stayed up late to paint yesterday. After all, the inspiration is temporary, and these times cannot be missed.

"Probably, the last battle was really good, and the inspiration has come again."

It's just that Luhan didn't notice, she said that she was asleep, so she fell asleep in the chair.

"Really, it causes trouble."

No sorrow put Luban on the sofa and continue to prepare breakfast.

Thanks to Jousuke being here last time, otherwise the house has not been repaired so easily. After all, Jousuke's ability is really convenient.

At this time, Wushou started nagging again about when his stand-in ability would come back. After all, he hadn't been able to use a stand-in in his previous battles, which was troublesome, and it was troublesome to not see other people's stand-in.

However, at least the guys who are dealing with now are powerful enough to allow normal people to see their substitutes, so Wuxian doesn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"No worries, there is something wrong with the TV."

Zhenhong didn't know what she had gotten up, and she found it strange that she couldn't turn the channel when she saw the TV.

"Really? Let me see."

Wushou followed Zhenhong to the TV, and found that no matter how it was set up, the TV always only saw snowflakes and nothing.

Just when Wuxian wondered, suddenly another picture appeared on the TV.

"Hello, everyone in Duwang Town, can you hear me?"

The picture is at a bus stop near Duwang Town. Because it is too early, there is no one nearby.

A man in a gray cloak walked out with a mask.

"Four sages, why on earth?"

No worries to see another enemy appear, I really can't figure out what the other party intends to do.

"As for my identity, you don't have to guess, I just came here to play a game for everyone."

While speaking, the man pointed to the bus sign near the bus stop.

"In the next forty-eight hours, the entire Duwang Town will slowly sink into the ground like this bus sign, and finally disappear."

In front of everyone, the entire bus sign is like a person sinking into the mud, slowly sinking in, unable to return.

"Don't try to escape here. I prepared it early on the outskirts of Duwang Town. As long as everyone wants to leave or someone comes in, they will fall directly into the ground and there is no way to come back."

With that said, the camera turned to the gate of Duwangding. A passerby was just about to leave on a bicycle, but he did not expect that the person and the car fell directly into the ground and disappeared.

"Of course, don't worry, everyone. There are still forty-eight hours. I will give you a task."

The man took out a photo. It was a really worry-free frontal photo. He didn't know when it was taken.

"Grab this man, throw me into the sign of this bus stop, and I will let everyone go. By the way, this man is watching TV here now. Come on, everyone."

After the man put forward the Wuxian address by the way, the screen went black and returned to normal.

Just when everyone thought it was just a simple prank, everyone finally discovered that the ground was indeed sinking slowly, and indeed there was no way to leave outside the town, unless you could fly out directly, or even by boat. Because everyone can see that there is a clear dent on the sea, and you will die when you go out.

Everyone finally knew the seriousness of the matter.

Of course, Wucao knew from the beginning that the other party was not joking, but was really capable of doing it, such a powerful substitute.

"Hey, calendar, what do you do with this matter?"

Chengtaro called Wushou the first time, after all, this incident was dealt with by Wushou from the beginning.

"I don't know, but believe me, I will find out where the opponent is and beat the opponent."

"Simply speaking, such a powerful substitute can affect the entire Duwangding. It can only be said that this guy is in Duwangding, but no one knows where he is."

"I know, give me time."

After talking without worry, hung up the phone.

Wu worry hurriedly left Luban's home, because the residents who had been panicked about their position knew what would happen.

"That guy, everyone catch him!"

Wushou just left the house and saw that a group of people were ready to rush to grab him. Wushou didn't want to fight back, so he had to leave directly.

"There, that person is there, catch him."

Wucao has been running, running all the time, with people chasing after him, and he still doesn't know how to leave.

"Damn, that guy, I must beat him hard."

There is no way to worry, but to escape.

After escaping for about an hour, Wuxian found an opportunity and walked into the sewer until no one finally found himself.

It's just weird that theoretically the water and sewage will also be affected, but Wu worry discovers that there is nothing underground.

"Is the scope only limited to the surface?"

At least there is an important weakness.

"I'm going to find Jousuke, he can help me."

Wuxian walked while hiding himself, and finally came to Jousuke's house.

"Mr. Shopkeeper, why are you here?"

Jousuke hurriedly pulled Wushou in. After all, it was troublesome to be seen.

"Jousuke, I want your help."

Sure enough, with no worries, Jousuke's Crazy Diamond could indeed restore the ground near Jousuke's home to its original height, but it soon sank again.

"Jousuke, I need you to help me find the approximate location of the enemy, and leave the rest to me."

"How to find?"

"Your stand-in, as long as you find the stand-in and recover, the ground will sink again in an instant, proving that it is the place closest to the enemy's body, and leave the rest to me."

"Well, Mr. Shopkeeper, I will help you."

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