Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 452: Earth Leisure Day (4)


The fire was burning very vigorously, and the small bonfire in front of him was enough to give this team of adventurers a sense of security. Naturally, the greatest sense of security was the soldier next to him, Monkey King, who could defeat the snake.

"Hee hee hee."

In Wushou's view, what a certain drunkard had already drunk was almost full of wine in his mind, but how could Wushou know that the drunkard Lori hadn't drank a lot before they came back because they were afraid of accidents.

Until they came back, the drunkard Lori was relieved.

"Ah, it's really helpful. With your help, I believe we will find our stuff soon."

However, although this group of people always talk about looking for plants, they hide what they are looking for from Wushou and Wukong. It seems that this plant is very important to them, and even needs to be concealed, and they also need to pay their lives. At any rate.

"Whatever you want, we are just here to find one thing, and it won't affect you."

Wukong doesn't have so many brains, so he can just say his purpose.

"Oh, you are already so strong, what are you looking for here?"

A man who seemed to be the leader handed Wukong a water bag, and by the way, he drew out Wukong's information.

"Hehe, we are here to find Dragon Ball, what are you here for?"

Dragon Ball? It seems that the purpose is completely different from theirs. They don't know what Dragon Ball is, so they don't care.

"I didn't care, let's travel together during this time."

"Hehe, no problem."

When everyone went to bed, they originally wanted to discuss how to deal with them. Who knows, these three people are not sleeping, one is guarding, one is practicing meditation, and the other is always drinking.

"It seems that there is no need to worry, these three are here to travel."

It’s just that the strength is so strong, so don’t you worry about this journey?

These people are not clear.

In the morning, everyone walked along the waterway while approaching their so-called destination, and so did them without worry. It seemed that their goals were the same as themselves.

"I will be there soon, along this waterway, I believe we will reach that destination today."

It's just that Wukong and Wushou can feel it, and there are many strange feelings hidden in the entire waterway.

"Everyone, be careful."

Just after speaking, a giant snake jumped out of the water and bit directly at Wukong.


One punch directly blasted the entire giant snake, but Wukong knew that there were still many enemies below.

Thump, thump

Countless giant snakes jumped out of the water and attacked other people on the boat.

Scatter Bullets

Wushou directly condensed a bunch of magic bullets in his hand, and threw them directly at these giant snakes that were going to hurt people, and solved a lot of giant snakes in an instant.


Seeing that Wukong didn't intend to sit still, he jumped directly into the water and began to madly kill the giant snake in the water.

Only a booming sound can be heard directly from the water. After waiting for a while, Wukong finally jumped out of the water, completely drenched.

"Well, everyone keep going, it's all right."

Everyone was stunned by Wushou and Wukong's actions, especially the qigong that Wushou had just released from his hands. Finally, everyone knew that these three people were really just here for a trip, or that they didn't care what they were doing here.

"Yeah, it's amazing."

Everyone looked at Wukong and Wushou, already knowing that the other party is strong, if the other party really intends to deal with them, there is no need to do anything at all.

"Naturally, you don't need to care, continue to find your things."

Slowly moving along the waterway, perhaps because of some wild travel, a certain alcoholic rarely drank constantly, sitting on the boat with Wushou at ease, and drinking with Wushou.

Finally, the group of people arrived at the entrance, and they could hear the groaning from the entire forest. It seemed that many giant snakes were approaching here.

"It may be the nest of female snakes. It seems that this time is their mating season, so a group of snakes are there."

Everyone was still very scared at first, but thinking of Wukong and Wushou's combat power, they felt relieved.

"Goku, how is it?"

"Well, yes, Dragon Ball is nearby, let's go."

A group of people slowly approached the lair, and they saw a large group of giant snakes entwining underneath, and their goal, Dragon Ball, was on the other side of the stone.

"Look, blood orchid."

On the other side, there are several obvious plants growing on the hillside, which seems to be the purpose of this group of people, strange plants.

"Goku, hurry up and take the Dragon Ball, we're leaving."

"Wait, Mr. Wukong, can you help us bring the blood orchid by the way, please."

Naturally, Wukong would not refuse such a simple thing.

However, when Wukong was holding the Dragon Ball and Blood Orchid, the giant snake in the middle suddenly stretched out his head and looked at Wukong.

"Wait, if you don't attack me, I will never hurt you. How about let us go."

Although Wukong is warlike, he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. As long as the giant snake doesn't attack him, he doesn't want to do it.

Perhaps it was because he saw that Wukong was indeed not an enemy he could provoke, and the giant snake finally let go of Wukong.

"Great, at least it's enough to take away these blood orchids."

Although everyone still saw a lot of blood orchids, they were very dangerous. They were all near the giant snake's lair. They didn't plan to get them by themselves.

"Goku, let's go."

After getting the Dragon Ball, I have no worries and do not plan to stay, ready to leave.

"Wait, Mr. Wukong, are you willing to go down and take away those blood orchids? We can give you money."

Wukong turned around to look suspiciously.

"No, they seem to need it after all. I can't ruin their lives just for you."

Before finishing talking, Wushou took Wukong and the drunkard Lori to fly away.

"flew away?"

Everyone watched the three of them just fly away, and once again confirmed that they couldn't afford to provoke the three of them.

"This is a two-star dragon ball, well, there are five left."

Although a lot of time was wasted, it was slower than taking it away at any speed, at least, without worry and Cuixiang, I enjoyed this journey very much.

"You said, can you end it quickly, isn't it okay to practice early?"

"Idiot Goku, cultivation is important, but don't forget, you are not in good health now, remember to take medicine."

What the young Trunks said was clear and clear, and he was naturally worried about Wukong.

"Anyway, go find Dragon Ball with peace of mind, don't care about so much."

Wukong couldn't say that he had no sorrow, and he didn't intend to refute it.

"Where is the other Dragon Ball?"

Wukong was holding the Dragon Ball Radar, feeling a little far away from them.

"In the south, it seems a bit far away."

"Really? Then let's go to the nearby town to supply it."

"Are we rich?"

Wuxian looked at Wukong with the eyes of a fool.

"Idiot, do you think I am you?"

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